should restrict your comments to the economy/oil "theories"/music/world sound a little "pollyannish" with respect to American Football.
And (b) I also stood by Romo and said he kicked ass long ago. And for the future (c) you can remember when Brady goes down in history as better than Manning, that I was saying that even before Brady had his perfect season.
This might be one of the grandest pieces of bandwagoning I've ever read. We should hold you to your positive opinion on Romo but as for claiming "glory" on Tom Brady...this just in for you: Everyone but Colts fans thinks Brady was/is better then Peyton before this season...something about 3 Super Bowls to 1 seems to be the important stat. The only "debate" by people was which one is a better "fantasy QB"...or maybe which team would get the next Super Bowl...those have been the only debates.
Oh come ON. Firstly Brady has dated more than Moynahan. Actresses, models, the hottest of the hott Playmates (Shannon Stewart), Brady is a fucking god when it comes to women. It's a shame he had a baby with one of them, but that's his and Bridget's prerogative. I love the guy.
What are you saying here? I discounted Brady's studly factor? Huh?
Secondly, seriously - Brady does NOT sound like a dork. He sounds like a great fucking guy. What do you want, him to sound like some Schwarzeneger or Van Damme clone? He's a really good guy. Sensitive. Passionate. Talented. I like the things he says. I love the kid. I don't ever get "nerd" from him, and if nerd describes Brady then I wish more men were nerds instead of jerks.
Let's put it this way...if Brady decided to try out for the Opera...even the Alley Cat Union would object. Brady would make cat ears bleed...the tonal aspects and his "ah shucks! Gee Whiz!" are completely grating on the ears. He also speaks in cliche with the best of pro athletes. I liked this line by Brady:"We're not put out there to punt.." No shit! Really, Tom? I never considered that! Though this example is not a cliche...only a NERD would actually say that!
Oh great. Yeah. You talk about respect and sportsmanship and then you say this? You know what? There is NOTHING more unsportsmanlike and there is NOTHING more disrespectful than what you are suggesting. And not only that, but ask how many professional athletes have a problem with "running up the score" and then ask how many professional athletes have a problem with one of their colleagues getting injured just cause he's TOO FUCKING GOOD AND WANTS TO SCORE AS MANY POINTS AS HE CAN like any true competitor. When I play soccer if I score 1 goal I want a 2nd, if I score 5 goals I want a 6th. I don't care if it's 1-0 or 2-2 or 10-0 to us. So does that mean I deserve to get kicked out of the game by an injury? If so then you and anyone who thinks so should not be playing sports. It's about winning. And enjoying the game. Not hurting people. And there is NO better way to DISRESPECT a team than to "take it easy on them" cause you're beating them by too much.
Based on your soccer kind of sound like "the Jerk-rec guy" (aka THE DOMINATOR)...I've played in adult soccer leagues, too, where anyone who scored 5 or more in a lopsided game gets sent "hard" to the ground and a fight usually ensues. You are clearly making my point for me! There IS a LINE Of SPORTMANSHIP and some people view anyone running up the score--be it on the Rec field or the Pro crossing the line.
There are COUNTLESS EXAMPLES of players "taking exception" to an opponent "crossing the line" terms of showboating..or running up the score. I'll give you a little example...your Precious Terrell Owens scored 2 TDs against the Cowboys in a game once and ran to stand on the Cowboy Star..after the second time he did that..a Cowboy Defender/DB--George Teague--ran over and Cheapshotted TO...he cost his team a penalty and got tossed from the game. I'm sure he walked to the showers to a thunderous applause from the Home Fans.
Fox, are you really naive to think that professional athletes don't take conduct seriously? Have you ever watched a baseball game? Do you know the term "Chin Music"? I assume you have problems with that and the Baseball Code too? Baseball has a whole list of "unwritten" rules--NEVER BUNT to break up a No-Hitter, for example, never steal a base with a 10 run lead..and other things...I guess you'd ignore these rules and try to steal your base no matter what, eh?
I do want to clarify something...I am NOT ADVOCATING INTENTIONAL SERIOUS taking Brady's knee out. I am, of course, opposed to that. If I confused people above, I apologize for that.
It would NOT surprise me of one of New England's remaining opponents, most likely the Miami Dolphins, will "circulate" the rumor that there's a bounty out on Tom Brady....and when the story "breaks" or when the event actually happens, I WILL TAKE ALL THE CREDIT FOR "SEEING THIS" before everyone else!!!:1orglaugh