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  1. 1ManRevolution

    Occupy Wall Street... mansions

    So now that tea party is FOR bailouts? Funny, I recall a few years ago how evil bailouts were and we should just let them fail. Now that liberals are talking the very same thing...It's off a suddenly a different tune for the baggies.
  2. 1ManRevolution

    Funny / Memorable Movie Lines. Post 'em!

    Pretty much ANYTHING from Army of Darkness is kickass.
  3. 1ManRevolution

    Which do you prefer?

    I perfer mine with C+ tits and a nice thick ass. I guess it would be plump/thick.
  4. 1ManRevolution

    Occupy Wall Street... mansions

    The tea party wanted to end government bailouts...Now that the OWS crowd is advocating the very same thing, well the Teabaggers just have to change their tune now.
  5. 1ManRevolution

    What is your favourite advert?

    <iframe width="420" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Kg5cdZ-Fnpc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  6. 1ManRevolution

    Thank God for Walmart

    I was born and rasied in a Catholic home, baptized Catholic, corfirmed Catholic and got married in a Catholic service...Will has not a clue what he is talking about. One of the teachings of Jesus was to love your neighbor, but here you have Will calling other Christians a "cult" just because...
  7. 1ManRevolution

    Your Hometown?

    How of the 6 time Super Bowl Champions, 5 time World Series Champions and 3 time Stanley Cup Champions...Pittsburgh, Pa!
  8. 1ManRevolution

    Thank God for Walmart

    Oh I'm not a Christian, so I don;t have to worry about the whole judge not lest ye be judged yourself thing. Just calling it as I see it...You're a hypocrite. As far as freedom, do what you want...but just remember that God's law is suppose to superside ALL man made laws...Again, you're being...
  9. 1ManRevolution

    Thank God for Walmart

    Dude, you're on a porn forum, how "Christian" is that? You being on a porn forum/site and a Christian of good standing are in direct violation of the 10th/9th, if your Catholic, commandment...Thou shall not covet your neighbors wife...Which is to desire something that you can not have. Which...
  10. 1ManRevolution

    In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job that Barack Obama is doing as pre

    Re: In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job that Barack Obama is doing as In general I think he's doing good despite the fact that the GOP is stonewalling him at every opportunity. I do wish that he'd play more hardball with them, but he rather compromise with them(which really...
  11. 1ManRevolution

    There's Hope for DWTS after all!!!

    Hope Solo=hot as fuck. Dancing with the Stars=gay as fuck.
  12. 1ManRevolution

    Further Proof Hip Hop Music is Dying

    Everlast could take Em ANY day...
  13. 1ManRevolution

    Further Proof Hip Hop Music is Dying

    WTF...Seriously? Is it just me but I wanted to curb stomp that stupid bitch in her face...She's probably more annoying that Lady Gaga. Fuck hip hop, that shit has been wack since the late 90's. There might have been an artist here and there but as a whole, it's getting played out.
  14. 1ManRevolution

    Obama's Record

    I do agreewith this...He needs to grow a set and stop capitulating to the GOP.
  15. 1ManRevolution

    Obama's Record

    The President can not make policy, Congress can. It's right there in the Constitution, something that Conservative seems to not read yet want to abide by. Giving someone a to-do list and actually writting a bill are two different things.
  16. 1ManRevolution

    Obama's Record

    He is most definalty at fault for letting the economy collaspe and getting us in two unwinable wars and all the debt that was incurred, his name is on the bills that were signed. The difference between Bush's fault and Obama's fault is that Conservatives want Obama to put for a job bills...
  17. 1ManRevolution

    This generation’s racists...

    No, He's just become the front runner for the GOP nomination for POTUS.
  18. 1ManRevolution

    This generation’s racists...

    1. I was just trying to get under people's skin, no I don't actually believe that Conservatives are racist. 2. The GOP and DNC are NOT the same parties that they were during the civil war. 3. Lighten up, you're discussing politics on a PORN forum.
  19. 1ManRevolution

    This generation’s racists...

    So people that don;t believe in climate changer are racist...well Ok, they're ALL conservatives so I guess you have a poin there Will...Conservatives are racist.:elaugh:
  20. 1ManRevolution

    Obama's Record

    Most of the US industry HAS relocated to China...years before Obama took office.
  21. 1ManRevolution

    Obama's Record

    You do know that Congress makes policy not the President...Care to provid a list of job bills that the GOP House has put forth?
  22. 1ManRevolution

    Man, Now I Know How Perverts Feel...

    What you should have done was get a suade blazer and some books and ask them if any of the girls are talking your class this semester... BTW, we post on a forum in which we discuss who has the best looking asshole, gives the best blowjobs, etc...And THIS made you feel perverted?
  23. 1ManRevolution

    Young guys got the game all wrong chasing older women

    When did 35 become old?
  24. 1ManRevolution

    AP-GfK Poll: 87% in US disapprove of Congress

    What does Obama's second term have to do with Congress have a 87% disapprovial rating?
  25. 1ManRevolution

    Med help needed

    No need for meds...just rub it off with sandpaper.
  26. 1ManRevolution

    AP-GfK Poll: 87% in US disapprove of Congress

    Shows you how fast people lost faith in the teabaggers...I though the last election was bring a Conservative swing to America?
  27. 1ManRevolution

    Why The Monetary Stimulus Didn't Work

    Of course it did not work. The Governor used that money to plug their holes in their States budget and not to creat jobs as it was inteded to do...But of course that is Obama fault.
  28. 1ManRevolution

    Is Libya a victory for Obama?

    Last that I heard is that we, the USA had sent 1 frigate. BTW, what base are we building there?
  29. 1ManRevolution

    Spending, not entitlements

    Now you're going to hear about how the Stimulus did nothing to stop unemployment from going up from the Conservatives...What they forget is that MANY a governor took that Stimulus money and instead of investing it in oh I don;t know...JOBS, they took it and plugged their holes in their State...
  30. 1ManRevolution


    That was weird. But in a cool way. Everything at work started to sway.
  31. 1ManRevolution

    Spending, not entitlements

    I have no problem with reducing spending...as long as we increase revenue. They go hand in hand.
  32. 1ManRevolution

    My Obama Problem

    I also like Huntsman, though he won't get the nod from the GOP. Either they'll put up the runner up as they have been in Romney or they're gonna go to the far right...Either way, I think Obama is gonna get a second term. Which I hope he would use to show everyone what a REAL left wing...
  33. 1ManRevolution

    Sequals that shouldve never been made

    How about horrible remakes on classic movies...
  34. 1ManRevolution

    Michele Bachmann Fears Soviet Union

    By Republicans...:facepalm:
  35. 1ManRevolution

    And may Miami Football die a slow death

    I think they've been looking for a way to punish The u since Jimmy Johnson's days...
  36. 1ManRevolution

    Michele Bachmann Fears Soviet Union

    Can it be done ALA Mad Max at Thunderdome style?
  37. 1ManRevolution

    And may Miami Football die a slow death

    Of course...but they'll NEVER take the fall especially when you factor in the fact they they as well are getting paid very well from the very same people that are paying the students.
  38. 1ManRevolution

    The Big Four

    It's already been covered why they're called the big 4...Sorry while Maiden and Motorhead are killer, they're not thrash.
  39. 1ManRevolution

    Perry's Texas Miracle built on Govt. Jobs, Debt & Public-Sector Venture Funds

    Read about it in the news, what a scum bag.
  40. 1ManRevolution

    the Confession

  41. 1ManRevolution

    Republican Hypocrisy

    Wow, waterboarding worked so well...it only took like what 8 years to get OBL...How effective. Yep, Obama upped the "war on terror" and got Bin Laden...
  42. 1ManRevolution

    What movie heroines would you like to bang?

    I don't wanna bang heroin...I want to main line it.
  43. 1ManRevolution

    Perry's Texas Miracle built on Govt. Jobs, Debt & Public-Sector Venture Funds

    Lets also not forget that Perry has the most people working minimum wage jobs as well. I think I got Perry and Pawlenty confused, hell ALL the GOPers sound the same anyways...
  44. 1ManRevolution

    Winners from the Chica Contest!

  45. 1ManRevolution

    Perry's Texas Miracle built on Govt. Jobs, Debt & Public-Sector Venture Funds

    Didn't he balance his budget with stimilus money? it's funny, they bitch about the stimilus not working, but just about all the Governors used stimumils money to fix their budgets and not what it was intended to do...create jobs. Then they bitch about unemployment being high...:brick:
  46. 1ManRevolution

    Republican Hypocrisy

    Nope and she won't. But the Conservative teabaggers will lap it up like a crack addict looking for a fix.
  47. 1ManRevolution

    U.S. War with China “Inevitable,” Author Glain Says

    Why would they invade us...Oh yeah, well owe them Trillions...
  48. 1ManRevolution

    And may Miami Football die a slow death

    I think you misunderstood my message. I mean the BCS is paying college football mucho money, which is my the NCAA will not change it. I would LOVE for them to go to a playoff system... This whole thing is jut so hypocritical. The AD's get their palms in the mix from the Conferences and...
  49. 1ManRevolution

    And may Miami Football die a slow death

    Way to much money for that to happen. They'd be better off with 4 super conferences and giving the players a living wage. It's a businees, the players are out there every saturday basicly interviewing for a job.
  50. 1ManRevolution

    And may Miami Football die a slow death

    I though he gets ass raped because he put his hands on a student...