Tig Ol' Bitty Expert
With Adrian Peterson healthy and that defense anything is possibleAfter the past 3 weeks, the Vikings definitely should be on this list!!
With Adrian Peterson healthy and that defense anything is possibleAfter the past 3 weeks, the Vikings definitely should be on this list!!
Even the announcers hinted that is a was a bs call. They said you half to let the players play, and there has a been a lot of bull shit holding/interference calls this year.
To all Chicagoans...
If you don't have the NFL Network, what channel is Comcast showing the game on tonight?
WPWR 50, cable channel 8, and HD channel 184.
Oh God, I have to watch the game on MY 50 Chicago? Eeeeeeh.
LOL I guess they paid like $700,000 to get it too!! But I guess Fox owns that station, so that's probably a drop in the bucket. It's all good though, cause there's no way I'm buying that stupid ass sports tier from Comcast to watch it. Even though we gotta listen to the NFL Network crew call the game....argh...
That's why I've been drinking since 5:30. By the time the game is on and I have to listen to their stupid commentary...I WON'T CARE!!!
Griese is fuckin HORRIBLE! I am only watching in hope that Orton comes into the game!
by the way, its Vodka for me!!!
Awesome! Way to go NLF Network! Way to stick it to those cable companies! :thumbsup:
Pretty good feed too! Hopefully the Bears will make it an interesting game.