I think College Football is the best form of American Football. There is more pure play, especially between 2 equally matched teams. The presence of the Option play makes for a more interesting game.
Pro Football has several large problems that are affecting play quality. My basic issue with Pro Football is that the running game is being "over-defensed" and the passing game is being under-defensed.
I don't like the trend of teams signing "specialists" on Defense. You have Run Stuffers who are fat, obese DL'ers who do nothing but clog the middle. You have speedy, short CBs that do nothing but run around and play Zone on obvious passing downs. The NFL Rules also penalyze the defense too much.
I agree about the rules switching too much to favor the offense over time. I would like to see it go back to how it was in the 60's.
The only reason the QBs run it more in college is because the school has no lasting interest in their health and it's simpler than learning to throw it extremely well. Most of them only play a year or two and their not going to make it in the pros anyhow. A QB that relies on their running game usually doesn’t do well in the pros, usually because the pros are a lot faster, and it's easier to contain one person. Example: Michael Vick. That is why I have my doubts with somebody like Tim Tebow ever doing well there. It just doesn't work, plus sooner or later it's going to get them killed.
Those fat defensive linemen are a lot faster than most people realize. (Ok, so some of them are really out of shape) They only look slow when they are compared to other people on the team that run at speed just under what Olympic sprinters do.
Nothing is usually ever under or over defensed in the NFL for long. Teams are always changing it up to allow them the best chances to win. Sometimes that's in the middle of the same game. It isn't like soccer, baseball, or basketball where teams have been using the same couple of strategies for the last 50, 75, or 100+ years. Defenses focus more on passing than ever before. Playing defense in the NFL is probably twice as complicated as it was 15 years ago because of all the shifting and coverage disguises they use in protecting against the pass. Unlike years ago defenses are just as if not more complicated than the offenses now. If Peyton Manning and the Colts are playing them they are not focusing on the run first at all (which is also why they can usually run it so well because they only have 6 people near the line of scrimmage a lot of the time and the linebackers are thinking pass first at the snap.) Teams are just doing what they think will win. If anything it's the liberalization of passing rules over the years that have had the biggest impact but it is also the fact everybody finally caught on that it's easier to score a lot points by passing and some of the old mindset of just handing it off and running up the middle most of the time was hurting them outside of them having a big lead late in the game.