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  1. Ceska

    Hot or not?

    Hot The Big Bang
  2. Ceska

    Word Association

  3. Ceska

    Word Association

  4. Ceska

    Word Association

  5. Ceska

    Alphabet Location

    Intercourse, Pennsylvania
  6. Ceska

    Word Association

  7. Ceska

    game: who would you fuck?

    Giselle Bundchen Batgirl or Catwoman
  8. Ceska

    Alphabet Location

    Earth, Texas
  9. Ceska

    Word Association

  10. Ceska

    Breaking News: Bristol, the oldest daughter of Sarah Palin is pregnant

    :dunno: Not sure what higher authority would convince you ... After all, Obama's the one you are trying to elect to support your "positions" and "issues". He's the one who you are trying to convince other people to listen to. If you can't be bothered enough to listen to him and follow his...
  11. Ceska

    Breaking News: Bristol, the oldest daughter of Sarah Palin is pregnant

    Oy vey! Do you care that your views are so out of alignment with your candidate? Do you even bother to listen to Obama? You still don't get his point. Play the video again. He said it multiple times for your benefit. He specifically said.. He would not even want you working for him. He...
  12. Ceska

    Breaking News: Bristol, the oldest daughter of Sarah Palin is pregnant

    What? Nobody wants to attack Obama's mama? :( It's fair game right? :rolleyes: A pregnant teenager? Getting married only after she discovered she was pregnant? How irresponsible! Grab fistful of mud... let's have at her! I'm sure being...
  13. Ceska

    Could the world end in nine days?

    They were right. That's what global warming really is. It's just a slower process than they originally predicted. ;)
  14. Ceska

    Could the world end in nine days?

    If that happens, can I borrow your BFG?
  15. Ceska

    Breaking News: Bristol, the oldest daughter of Sarah Palin is pregnant

    So my plants can't die? Why the hell am I watering them? ;) Are there any amorphous group of cells that you can think of which scientists would call alive?
  16. Ceska

    Tallest pornstar?

    Angela Giovani's Freeones profile says she's "264 cm - 8 feet and 8 inches". I'd say that's pretty tall. ;) Per Freeones the Tallest is.... Goddess Severa -------- 196 cm - 6 feet and 5 inches Others 6'1" and up: Bunny Glamazon -------...
  17. Ceska

    which pornstar has fucked the most guys ? or perhaps
  18. Ceska

    Breaking News: Bristol, the oldest daughter of Sarah Palin is pregnant

  19. Ceska

    Could the world end in nine days?

    Exactly. To make what happen? Sorry, I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Of course they are not required to knock on your door and ask you individually what you think of it...That is not what we are talking about. Yes, in the real sense. It happens all the time. If an agency intends...
  20. Ceska

    Word Association

  21. Ceska

    Breaking News: Bristol, the oldest daughter of Sarah Palin is pregnant

    This is almost word for word Obama's "blather". You're right, what a dumbass. :dunno:
  22. Ceska

    Word Association

    Arthur Herbert Fonzarelli
  23. Ceska

    game: who would you fuck?

    Allie Sin (she's more of a freak) Jade Marcela or Jade Martin Hsu
  24. Ceska

    How do you masturbate?

    Real thing = better see you at the Camelback
  25. Ceska

    Nikita Lynn

    Re: Nikita Lynn--- Ouch. She's really Hot!! Uh Guh ...... Uh Guh ....... Uh Guh ...... Sooooo hot ... Soooo hot..... :nannerf1: bump
  26. Ceska

    Breaking News: Bristol, the oldest daughter of Sarah Palin is pregnant

    You believe that Obama means what he says and isn't "merely taking the "high ground " for political reasons" like a sleazeball. I don't know. I originally agreed with you but with so many people convincing me we should ignore everything and attack Palin's daughter, I have been convinced...
  27. Ceska

    How do you masturbate?

    I just use the picture in the original post. :D :thumbsup:
  28. Ceska

    Could the world end in nine days?

    Yes, endangerment of the public happens but not on this scale. Furthermore, what is at issue is the degree to which the people affected by the process have input to the process. Not enough objective review and consensus was sought in this case. Not without proper guidelines. Not without...
  29. Ceska

    Could the world end in nine days?

    We won't know anything at the end of 9 days anyway. September 10 is the scheduled day to begin commissioning the beams and shoot protons around the full circumference. Then initial collisions will be at 450 GeV which is lower energies than existing colliders such as Fermilab. It will be...
  30. Ceska

    Hypthetical question: Choose your own Sexual Disaster

    That's the most impassioned defense of genital herpes I have ever read. :thumbsup: Brings tears to me eye... C'mon people ... "give it a try" ... "what the heck" You should title it "Genital Herpes - your annoying little friend." As for me, I like my hypothetical rugrat. And my hypothetical...
  31. Ceska

    Could the world end in nine days?

    From what I have seen, the media does "pick-up" on the case for decay by Hawking radiation. The article posted by the OP states "(CERN), says that these mini black holes will vanish as quickly as they are created." The article's main claim isn't pure nonsense. They state "the black holes it...
  32. Ceska

    Word Association

  33. Ceska

    game: who would you fuck?

    Brooke Banner Alicia Keyes or Alicia Silverstone
  34. Ceska

    game: who would you fuck?

    Thainee I guess Natalie Portman or Jessica Alba
  35. Ceska

    Word Association

  36. Ceska

    Word Association

  37. Ceska

    "Bottomless" Women / Clothed Above, Nude Below

    Samantha Gauge: Pamela Spice: http://tools.***************/hosted/revealing_myself/1/index.php?ccbill=1033448 Trisha Uptown: Naughty Allie...
  38. Ceska

    Redheads / Hot Red-Heads (no hardcore)

    Re: Redhead Lovers Unite! Jamie:
  39. Ceska

    Could the world end in nine days?

    But what if he's not around in ten days to a........ohhhhhhhh I get it. oh... oh... You a tricky dude. ;)
  40. Ceska

    lanny barbie - internal

    Lanny Barbie: Internal: Target Practice...
  41. Ceska

    Could the world end in nine days?

    I'm afraid you may be right. We may better understand the origin of the universe and the nature of matter (or as Brian Cox puts it in his charming accent "What makes stoof stoof") (What makes stuff, stuff) :1orglaugh
  42. Ceska

    Could the world end in nine days?

    Actually it's in both. see map on page five here: Location of site entrances here: This device is awesome and it can potentially answer many important questions (or discover new ones). However, I think...
  43. Ceska

    Breaking News: Bristol, the oldest daughter of Sarah Palin is pregnant

    Bill Clinton had a public stand against crime. Clinton's brother Roger (who he later pardoned) was sentenced for cocaine charges and tax fraud. Can Clinton still be opposed to crime? Or is that now a contradiction? Can Palin still be pro-abstinence even though her daughter made her own...
  44. Ceska

    Breaking News: Bristol, the oldest daughter of Sarah Palin is pregnant

    I know how much glee this gives you so I am a little hesitant to inform you... They already knew about it. She is more than five months pregnant after all. I am also hesitant to inform you that some people feel that this is a non-issue. Those same people who disagree with you believe this...
  45. Ceska

    At the Petting Farm...

    ...the hand goes on the back of the head. Sesame Street isn't just for kids anymore...
  46. Ceska

    Careful, Robin. Both hands on the Bat-rope

    Careful, Robin. Both hands on the Bat-rope. - Batman
  47. Ceska

    Political Strategy 101 Did McCain Blew it?

    The fact that I don't agree with your position on this issue does not mean that I have forgotten what you said. Again, many politicians "play politics" and every voter understands "it's called politics". Where we disagree is that you believe it is acceptable. Where we disagree is that you...
  48. Ceska

    No real offense (and plenty of temporary offense) taken. ;)

    No real offense (and plenty of temporary offense) taken. ;)
  49. Ceska

    Political Strategy 101 Did McCain Blew it?

    Politicians and social workers know an awful lot of people. I would say it depends on how close that relationship is. Until there is something more substantial, we have to give Obama the benefit of the doubt on this issue IMO. To quote Dick Morris when he was interviewed by Sean Hanity (7:00)...
  50. Ceska

    Political Strategy 101 Did McCain Blew it?

    It's hard to make the case that Obama's judgment, preparedness and decision making is sound in this first test when the very product of that decision testifies explicitly to Obama's lack of judgment and preparedness. If we agree that his choice of Biden is sound then we are compelled to agree...