I agree. Not sexy this video. Like chicken shit.
and crap and blood on video is totally not a turn-on.
I mean, yeah shit happens - but editing happens too.
Unfortunately not enough editing of this type of thing goes on. IMHO
Maybe it's more mainstream than I thought. Who knows.
Even the...
Straight Line:
Inaccuracy of muskets (a whole row had a better chance of hitting something)
Red Coat:
Red dye was cheaper
Tradition/pride/solidarity/recognize friendly troops
High visibility not a big deal due to inaccuracy of muskets
I agree with you. Christopher Hitchens is a "prick" in the sense that he has a sharp tongue and does not suffer fools easily. But being a "prick" doesn't necessarily make someone wrong. Likewise being "mild mannered" doesn't make someone right. More to the point, being "mild mannered"...
That's sweet!:thumbsup: I didn't know that.
One of the things I am most hoping for is to be able to filter down My Favorites (hair color, age, height, ethnicity or country) to what I am in the mood to watch. Like say - Spanish, black hair, <30, <5' 5'' and then sort them. That would be...
This idea to make it a selectable option is the way to go. It seems many people would like it but I would not. It would be annoying to have so many pop-ups on mouseover. Besides it's very easy (two clicks) to just jump into myfreeones and get the same options already.
If it were done as...
Man Susana Spears is hot - Good job
Tasty Tara - showing you nice and slow on video
Naughty Belle
Brooke Skye...
It depends on mood, situation, and the girl.
Overall have to say police/military.