I can't wait the presidential debates. How many will they have??
Excuse my grammar errors in the above post, I was masterbating as I wrote it.:spump:
Just wanna say that this Debate will never end and I feel its because all who post here Love the country and want what is best for it.
Compassion for something brings out strong opinions and emotions.
Great thread.
Other than the fact that BOTH have served together on various committees and Obama actually started his presidential run in Ayers' living room, but then what does that matter?:o
A person is known by the company they keep. the people they know. What jobs are these clowns going to have if Obama gets elected?
Think we have had such a converstion before.You eithier do not know or wish to ignore the history of such things.Things said in primarys which are later all forgotten is the rule instead of the exception.Bush 41 before he became Reagans runningmate had ran against him in the primaries and called his economic policy "Voodoo economics".Its all forgotten once the race for the nomination is over.Just as Romney now has nice things to say about McCain where before he was blasting him.
It's not a vocation for the meek or thin skinned.As Casey Stengal once said it's not how you play the game it's winning that counts but I know you like many people don't approve of that.It's like how people whine about "negative ads" ,but they work so they get used.
Great movie that was made many many years ago showed exactly what presidential politics was about and how the game was played called "The Best Man".TCM shows it fairly often(it's on sept 4th) and I would highly recommend it.There is a great actor in it who plays the outgoing President who just rips Heny Fonda for not having the stomach for the rough and tumble part of running and tells him if you can't do the things neccesary to win you are unfit to be President and won't be able to do some of the rough things you will need to do as President.
If you expect him to understand you. You're expecting too much.:georges:
Obama is not a Christian contrarily to what he claims but a wahabi muslim.
You think I am that stupid, right?:1orglaugh You shouldn't :nono:because I understand everything what is said to me. You always portrait and victimize the "poor" Obama so I guess I can't expect much from you.
Once a friend of a terrorist remains always a friend of a terrorist.
Intelligent, slightly crazed, and biased for your side. But for the sake of the argument, sure we'll call ya stupid! j/k I think this topic should lighten up before the new OR old mods put a 'close' on it and we all go to bed with no closure on the topics at hand.
Obama is one complicated guy. He associates with a little of this, little of that.. experience over here, a degree from there.. he's all over the place. Some of it questionable, sure.
Many of us see this man see him as a new beginning. Hell, if it makes you feel any better those of us that vote for him just hope he can get a few things done before somebody tries to assassinate him - and succeeds.
Once a friend of a terrorist, always a friend? No offense but.. you sound like one of the commie hunters of the cold war era with that one, George. Presidents/senators/diplomats/important bastids (lol) have also met with terrorists and helped fund their activities during certain days like when Russia was bombing the hell out of Afghanistan and.. well, no need to dredge up the facts that we pretty much MADE the situation and later pleaded innocent when the situation brought down two of our buildings. The CIA openly admits to funding various regimes if it benefits them at the time.
One needs barely draw lines between Bin Ladin and American funding during years prior to 2001. But, ahem.. that's beside the point. Beside it with a dirty bomb and a detonator.Terrorists brought the republicans 2 terms in office recently, so do you really want to call out terrorists as a bad thing?
So he's part of a secret organization. So what? GWB and many others are part of secret clubs.. are they any less dubious? I hate to say it, but.. getting into politics is like realizing the American dream.. you cant do it without 'shadowy', sketchy help. Heh, that's biting us in our ass right now. The american dream was an affordable home with a white picket fence and.. oh.. shit, was that mortgage bullshit? Did the economy just topple backwards because of shadowy, sketchy lending on a nationwide scale?
The fact that one is from a radical islamic group is not really insuring and not really a sign of tolerance as wellalso let's not forget that he has refused to do the pledge to the Allegiance
Why do some conservatives continue to embarrass themselves by making these kind of assertions? I just don't get it. It seems so masochistic :dunno:
You think I am that stupid, right?:1orglaugh You shouldn't :nono:because I understand everything what is said to me. You always portrait and victimize the "poor" Obama so I guess I can't expect much from you.
Obama is not a Christian contrarily to what he claims but a wahabi muslim which is something very dangerous for the USA. Most of the people he had recruited for the foreign affairs in his side are very anti semitic and let's not forget to mention that "dear" Obama helped to finance a branch of the PLO with Mr.Khalidi. The connection with Ayers has been clearly confirmed because in one of the links of the vids I posted Obama said: "I think we didn't do enough" and that was concerning the attacks of the Weathermen terrorists. Once a friend of a terrorist remains always a friend of a terrorist.
You think I am that stupid, right?:1orglaugh You shouldn't :nono:because I understand everything what is said to me. You always portrait and victimize the "poor" Obama so I guess I can't expect much from you.
Obama is not a Christian contrarily to what he claims but a wahabi muslim which is something very dangerous for the USA. Most of the people he had recruited for the foreign affairs in his side are very anti semitic and let's not forget to mention that "dear" Obama helped to finance a branch of the PLO with Mr.Khalidi. The connection with Ayers has been clearly confirmed because in one of the links of the vids I posted Obama said: "I think we didn't do enough" and that was concerning the attacks of the Weathermen terrorists. Once a friend of a terrorist remains always a friend of a terrorist.
some parts of the Western world where georges come from, Mississippi
Did you know Governor Sarah Palin passed a bill to "give" $500,000 to TransCanada to build a pipleline to the 48 states for natural gas and possible gas.
Alaska is the only state between Russia and Canada and plays a major role in natural resources, international politics.
Sarah Palin has more power than the President of United States to build pipelines and supply 20% of energy to the 48 states.
What I want to hear is the issue of drilling in the northeast area of Alaska. Sarah Palin argued the area is less than LAX airport and can supply hundreds to thousands of barrels of oil to lower 48 states.
georges, I am not interested in your argument that Obama is a Muslim. I am more interested at the cost of gas at the pump. I drive 2 hours a day and cost me a lot of money. I am glad Wall Street predicts the price of crude oil will go down when McCain chose Palin.
I am looking out for my own pocket because I drive long distance to work, seven days a week ! Energy policy is the main issue for me not Obama is a Muslim or not !
The Cold War mentality, ideological biases, political prejudice, and sense of racial superiority these things are deeply rooted in those racists like georges.
I want to repeat this, georges represents the racist KKK "The Cold War mentality, ideological biases, political prejudice, and sense of racial superiority these things are deeply rooted in some parts of the Western world where georges come from, Mississippi"
America is faced with resurgence of military might of Russia, economic challenge from China India, Japan, South Korea and Brazil while we are sitting here to jerk off ourselves and continue to spread racial hatrad against anyone but white (like georges).
Georges represents the KKK, racist in your face and the real biogot he represents in Mississippi. Georges is the one who will lynch a black man but hides himself behind the internet and wears a KKK hood.
georges continues to spread racial hatrad is a testimony that America is self-destructive when China will override and over run United States in less than 25 years.
The oil boom in Russia gives Russia another chance to show their military power and challenge America in their backyard.
China's economic rise certainly is tied to United States but 2 of the largest computer comnpanies Levono, and Acer are made in China and Taiwan and owned and operated by them.
Brazil is the rising star despite so much domestic problems but will rise to the occasion. Even Canada and Mexico rise because of the oil boom.
It is time to dissect the issues between Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin. It is not the time to racially charge against Obama.
Do you live in America, georges ?
georges, Do you ever work for an Afro-American who is your manager?
Blacks are part of American daily lives and georges attack on Obama clearly indicate georges is the KKK Grand Dragon of Jackson, Mississippi.
God did not destroy Mississippi coast three years ago for no purposes.
God return back today to punish those KKK Grand Dragon of Mississippi and will unleash the thunder tomorrow in the Gulf Coast in Mississippi to punish people like georges.
Did you know Governor Sarah Palin passed a bill to "give" $500,000 to TransCanada to build a pipleline to the 48 states for natural gas and possible gas.
Alaska is the only state between Russia and Canada and plays a major role in natural resources, international politics.
Sarah Palin has more power than the President of United States to build pipelines and supply 20% of energy to the 48 states.
What I want to hear is the issue of drilling in the northeast area of Alaska. Sarah Palin argued the area is less than LAX airport and can supply hundreds to thousands of barrels of oil to lower 48 states.
georges, I am not interested in your argument that Obama is a Muslim. I am more interested at the cost of gas at the pump. I drive 2 hours a day and cost me a lot of money. I am glad Wall Street predicts the price of crude oil will go down when McCain chose Palin.
I am looking out for my own pocket because I drive long distance to work, seven days a week ! Energy policy is the main issue for me not Obama is a Muslim or not !