Breaking News: Bristol, the oldest daughter of Sarah Palin is pregnant

Well said and this is one of my central arguments against the death penalty. If you believe in the sanctity of human life, how can one life be more important than another? Plus, if these so-called "Evangelicals" who pretend to be so much more righteous than the rest of us cared about the child after it was born as much as they care about it before it is born, then I'd say they are doing some good. Indeed, these are the same ultra-right wingers who would deny medical coverage for this child so their respect for life ends at birth. How ironic and yes, totally hypocritical.

Taking care of a person takes more resources and money after it's born. I mean you can't expect them to think a life of a person and it's well being is more important than money or giving the rich and businesses even more tax breaks, now can you? :rolleyes:
Well said and this is one of my central arguments against the death penalty. If you believe in the sanctity of human life, how can one life be more important than another? Plus, if these so-called "Evangelicals" who pretend to be so much more righteous than the rest of us cared about the child after it was born as much as they care about it before it is born, then I'd say they are doing some good. Indeed, these are the same ultra-right wingers who would deny medical coverage for this child so their respect for life ends at birth. How ironic and yes, totally hypocritical.

Now, before you call me a hypocrite (I am pro-choice), there is a huge difference between being pro-choice and being pro-abortion. I do not have the right to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her own body and until the government starts issuing birth certificates and Social Security numbers at conception, I cannot buy the argument that the fetus is a human being. I would hope that every woman with an unwanted pregnancy would choose (damn, there's that hated word again) to have the baby and put it up for adoption. If not, it's none of my business.

NOW WAIT A MINUTE! Liberals are by and large Pro choice/Pro abortion but against the DEATH PENALTY!

So now what was that????
So many people are calling her an "evangelical". HOWEVER DID YOU KNOW that she made it VERY CLEAR that SHE believes in creationism, but does NOT think that should be taught in schools? Didn't think so.

She is standing by her daughter since she made her decision to keep the baby.

Some people are so caught up doing their best to pigeon hole anybody that is a conservative that they don't even realize how ridiculous they really sound.

Obama's policies and campaign promises are full of holes and I just don't see how anyone can actually do a good job as president with nothing but "I have a dream" speeches and his running mate, biden is a joke.

Palin got more votes for mayor than biden got when he ran for president!

I just don't see REALISTICALLY voting for obama biden simply because I do not believe as they believe and I really don't think that their "plan" will lead to better times for this country. It has been tried before, as shown by history, and it NEVER works.

There has never been a nation that taxed its way to prosperity and redistribution of wealth doesn't work.

BOTH of these are part of obama's plan and NEITHER have EVER worked.
NOW WAIT A MINUTE! Liberals are by and large Pro choice/Pro abortion but against the DEATH PENALTY!

So now what was that????

Liberals are pro-choice because they believe a woman should have the right to make a choice for herself about whether or not she wants to go through nine months of pregnancy and then raise a child.

Liberals are not "pro abortion". Liberals do not want every pregnancy to be terminated and they do not advocate abortion as a form of birth control.

Liberals are for the individuals right to choose for themselves when it comes to these types of issues. They do not believe these decisions should be made for everyone by clergy and right-wing politicians.

As for the death penalty, liberals are mostly against it because they believe that it has led to the execution of innocent people, that life imprisonment is a more effective substitute, that it discriminates against minorities and the poor, and that it violates the criminals right to life.

Statistics also show that capital punishment is not more effective at deterring crime than life imprisonment. Just look at the muder rate in the USA where capital punishment is used and the murder rate in the countries that make up the EU where capital punishment is banned.

Capital punishment also has a side effect on society called the brutalization effect. The brutalization effect sends out a message to society that it is acceptable to kill in some circumstances. An extension of this is that the brutalizing effect of the death penalty may even be responsible for increasing the number of murders in jurisdictions in which it is practiced.
NOW WAIT A MINUTE! Liberals are by and large Pro choice/Pro abortion but against the DEATH PENALTY!

So now what was that????

Death is when all of the body’s organs fail simultaneously. The fertilize egg at conception is an amorphous group of cells without organs. At this stage its demise can not be called death as defined above. Life does not begin at conception.
The media is so bias these days. Journalism likes to pick stories on celebrities like Lohan, the Spears sisters, etc. Now with this Paulin's idiot daughter who was thinking with whats between her legs, just gave the media what they wanted controversy in McCain's camp. Who seems like he can't do anything good in the medias eyest. It is obvious that Barrack can't never do anything wrong, how is it that he got the credit for Iraq's current situation when he decided to get off his ass and go over there. The more I see how media loves Obama so much and he keeps getting credit for shit he ain't have nothing to do with it, the more I really don't like that character and it makes me wonder who is behind this Obama character. Yeah McCain took a big risk when he chosed her even though he knew that she had a peggo teen which is so distractive for his campaign, he can go fuck himself too fucking hypocrites them reps!


Hiliary 2020
So I says to Mabel I says...............

Did you hear about that 17 year old girl had sex and got pregnant?
Get out of town. I'm stunned.................and shocked.
What is this world coming too?
I guess truth really is stranger than fiction.

I heard about another 17 year old girl that had sex and got pregnant also,about 47 years ago in Hawaii i think it was, and I heard that the father (whispering) happened to be black.

Here is some more equally relevant news that affects us all.
This is a non-story IMO. Who cares? What does this have to do with any of the real issues that confront this nation or the world? Let's see....we've got the war in Iraq, worldwide terrorism, the Russian incursion into Georgia, record high oil prices, a failing U.S economy, AIDS, global warming, thousands of American jobs being shipped offshore, almost 50 million Americans without health insurance, the burgeoning economies of China and India, thousands of hard-working American families losing their homes in the mortgage mess, people working 3 jobs just to keep up with bills (I could go on).....and what becomes front-page news is that McCain's VP nominee's teenage daughter is knocked up. Give me a break.

Anyone who listened to Obama's speech last week heard him say how we need to keep this campaign focused on the big issues, not the small ones. He also said yesterday that this subject is off-limits as a campaign weapon. Thank you, Senator Obama! It's about time American politics pulled itself out of the gutter....this is a private matter between Mrs. Palin and her family and it should stay that way. If this happened to any of us, it would have no bearing on our qualifications to do our jobs properly. I think we should grant Mrs. Palin the same courtesy.

You believe that Obama means what he says and isn't "merely taking the "high ground " for political reasons" like a sleazeball. I don't know. I originally agreed with you but with so many people convincing me we should ignore everything and attack Palin's daughter, I have been convinced otherwise. ;)

You want to discuss the real issues? What's wrong with you? This is our chance to drag someone through the mud to help our candidate win! We can take advantage of the situation and make him seem clean while we fight real dirty. Let take advantage of this fine moment of sleazy goodness. We can show that we can stoop even lower than those who attack our candidate. People will take us just as seriously.

Whuddya think?


Hiliary 2020
I've been complaining about the obvious,flagrant biased of the news media for about ten years.
I notice it in almost every article I read.

Yesterday for example, the powers that control the news media go apeshit on this "Palins Daughter is Pregnant" peice of irrelevent gossip.
They quickly realize that it doesn't sit well with the people.
They (the readers) either A) Don't give a shit.
Or B) see that it as a biased attack on a family issue that has no relevance to the election or the future and it actually potentially can hurt their man Obama.
They ( the news media ) realizes they fucked up.

So today the top stories are:
Lieberman calls Obama young, untested
In this they state Lieberman is " Playing his former party's spoiler".
And portraying him as a disgruntled traitor to the democratic party.
And: "Attacking Obama" - Thompson raps Obama
referring to Thompsons endorsement of McCain and skepticism of Obama as attacks.

So now Obama is the victim. Those evil republicans are attacking him again.
The Daughter thing is not important today, its the attacking of Obama.

Its clear as day to me.
^^^No MP. The "Palin Scandal" is still an unknown and growing story. There are legions of press---tabloid reporters and "real" reporters--scavenging sources for details. The scandal is "a work in progress." We haven't seen the end of it.

Especially since the redhot rumor du jour is that the young Palin child with Down's Syndrome is ACTUALLY BRISTOL PALIN'S daughter:eek:

That's the rumor the press is working on. If you go to Sarah Palin's wiki page you can click on sources from Alaska news orgs where they report the "shocking" pregnancy news for the Gov and how she took a flight from Dallas to Alaska when she was 8 months preggers and the flight attendants could not discern any signs of pregnancy:eek:

Personally, I think this pregnancy scandal is nothing more than further proof that the "christian" "Evangelical" wing of the Pub Party are complete hypocrites. This scandal tears down all the huff and puff over abstinence and no contraception and "family values" bluster they preach. Why are they so quick to silence themselves? Tubuler is absolutely correct. If this was Obama's daughter...the Evangelicals and Pubs would be TEARING INTO HIM...

I see no reason why Obama and the Dems should take a "hands off" approach to Sarah Palin. She's a public figure. You know what the saying goes..."If you can't stand the heat.."

I think Sarah Palin is unqualified to be vice president and she is an embarrassment to the Pubs. I can think of 5 better qualified women Pubs who are FAR STRONGER candidates for McCain than this trash.

There is an anti-intellectual tenor flowing through the Pub party and this mistaken selection is another gift to the Dems. WHat do the Evangelicals think about all these Hurricanes heading to the U.S. just as their convention begins? Perhaps the higher power is not pleased with how they are so eager to trash our planet with their misguided policies and warmongering :dunno:


Hiliary 2020
1) Uknown and growing?
2) redhot rumor du jour ?
3) further proof that the "christian" "Evangelical" wing of the Pub Party are complete hypocrites.?
So being Christian and/or believing in a higher power is bad to you? Thats obvious.
Not many people who are Christian are religious fanatics,not many republicans are Evangelicals, most just have faith that there is an afterlife, something more.. Many aren't even religious.
Also, teenagers fuck, teenagers get pregnant, doesn't make anyone else a hypocrite.
4) hands off appraoch?
If they got some shit on her then bring it.....but her teenage daughter getting pregnant? The little baby with Downs might really be the daughters? A flight attendant couldn't tell if she was pregnant? Thats pretty weak.
5) If this was Obama's daughter...the Evangelicals and Pubs would be TEARING INTO HIM...
You think? any similar examples in which they've done this?
Shit Obamas mother was 17 when she got pregnant with him, haven't heard a republican mention that.
Why not? because republicans usually address real issues that actually affect us, while democrats use hollywood nonsense, sensationalism, meaningless catch prases like " yes we can" and media hype to persuade those who look at this election as show business, a reality show, and have no clue whats at stake.
You probably haven't heard that's not true? Did you make that up? Obama's mother and father met in college. Grad school I think. Your age dates are wrong.

If, as you say, not many Pubs are Evangelicals, why did the Pub party give national airtime to a christian rock group? They had time to fill? They were the only band in the US willing to perform?

I do believe the majority of church-going people in this country are phonies. They just nod their heads, sing the songs, toss their dollars into the collection basket and basically ignore all the "messages" about living a moral life. So, Sarah Palin's scandal is wholly not surprising and the "rally movement" around her by the Pubs and the Evangelicals is merely laughable. If the Evangelical Power structure actually cared about anything they blather on about...Sarah Palin would be "resigning to continue to serve the people of Alaska and refocus her energies on her family".....

I wonder how many Pubs would toss aside McCain/Palin for Romney/Guiliani right now, if they were given the choice...

Did anyone find it interesting that there were a lot of noticeable empty seats in the arena tonight? THe Pubs played to a less-than-full crowd. That is somewhat surprising...perhaps that's why there's so much rallying around Sarah Palin by the Pubs...they sense their party is in collapse so they are simply spinning everything matter what the reality is?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Alright, and... ::points:: CUE REPUBLICAN BLATHER NOW!

Apology, apology, blather apology.. derail sidetrack different-issue blather ignore reality.

Spin spin spinitty spin, no dirt to be found here. Dems bad, pubs good. Who cares about 17 year old pregnancies? It has no bearing on Palin as a mother. Nor palin as a vice friggin' president, nor does it mean anything whatsoever. Just ignore that fact and give her the blessing of an angel because she admitted to it.

::the music stops, the record scratches off into oblivion::

WHAT?!? Even if you ignore all the dem's on here badmouthing palin's kid running off and fucking without condom.. you know the media will gorge themselves on this.

If you want to believe in some sort of political balance, or karma.. or secret society that controls it all behind the scenes.. (LOVEJOY! WHERE ARE YOU?!)

.. then here it is. After 8 years of republican reign, it's dem time. Simple as that.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
And scandals have a way of undermining even the most saavy political operator.

Just for one instance, here's the NY Daily News on the subject today:


He's a superhunky bad-boy ice hockey player from cold country; she's a chestnut-haired beauty and popular high school senior.

The all-American teen twosome will make GOP vice presidential pick and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin a grandma at age 44--just in time for Christmas.

Doe-eyed Bristol Palin, 17, and ruggedly handsome Levi Johnston, an 18-year-old self-described "f---in' redneck," have been dating a year, locals in Wasilla, Alaska, told the Daily News. . . .

On his MySpace page, Johnston proudly declares: "I'm a f---in' redneck."

"I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing," he says on the site.

He also warns that if anyone messes with him, "I'll kick ass."

The Web site, before it was removed, appeared not to have been accessed for a year.

On it, he admits to having a girlfriend.

On the part where it asks about children, he wrote, "I don't want kids."

Mark Okeson, the assistant principal at Wasilla High School, told the Chicago Tribune that Bristol started her junior year last fall, in the town where Sarah Palin grew up.

He said Bristol inexplicably transferred to an Anchorage high school midyear, leaving Levi behind.

"I never heard the story why," he said
.. derail sidetrack different-issue blather ignore...

Spin spin spinitty spin, no dirt to be found here. ... Who cares about 17 year old pregnancies? It has no bearing on Palin as a mother. Nor palin as a vice friggin' president, nor does it mean anything whatsoever. Just ignore that fact and give her the blessing of an angel because she admitted to it.

This is almost word for word Obama's "blather". You're right, what a dumbass. :dunno:
republicans usually address real issues that actually affect us

I'm sorry Mr P, but :rofl: at that

On the national level I have never seen a greater degree of fear/hate mongering, distortion, and character assassination than the neorepublicans use as standard campaign strategies.


Obama is merely taking the "high ground " for political reasons on this,he is showing very good judgement staying out of it .

:rofl: His messy constituency apparently hasn't taken "the high road" or have offered good judgment. The blue blogs are just rabid as of late.
The Alaska dems' "opposition research team" has actually gone as far as to research (if that wasn't enough) and release Sarah's SS#, or at least a good portion of it to "the politico". It's this over the top type of crap that will certainly cost the dems, IMO. There's no excuse for this type of "tactical intervention".

Aside - Do you get paid for your apparent first love of political analysis ?
or is it a hobby in your retirement ? just askin' :dunno:
You're really into this shit like no other !

There are days when I just can't stand it !
I'm good for pol. discussions about 2 - 3
days a week. :tongue:
Death is when all of the body’s organs fail simultaneously. The fertilize egg at conception is an amorphous group of cells without organs. At this stage its demise can not be called death as defined above. Life does not begin at conception.

So my plants can't die? Why the hell am I watering them? ;)

Are there any amorphous group of cells that you can think of which scientists would call alive?