Breaking News: Bristol, the oldest daughter of Sarah Palin is pregnant


I want to fight gandhi vampire. I wanna fight William Shatner vampire. I dont wanna fight my dad as a vampire, though. I wanna actually talk to him before I stake him thru the heart.

...Ah, Fight Club quote time is it?...

I wanna fight every panda that wont fuck to save its species.
As opposed to the soft, pacifist vampires?

I want to fight gandhi vampire. I wanna fight William Shatner vampire. I dont wanna fight my dad as a vampire, though. I wanna actually talk to him before I stake him thru the heart.

You dont think there are any vampires that just cant bring themselves to kill people, belive me there are many, they are usualy vampires who when turned were rich so they can afford people to go out and get fresh blood for them. The nasty violent vampires are the ones who have had to work before they changed, so once again we get a rich and poor devide even in death. I think the vampire society might work well under communism.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
You dont think there are any vampires that just cant bring themselves to kill people, belive me there are many, they are usualy vampires who when turned were rich so they can afford people to go out and get fresh blood for them. The nasty violent vampires are the ones who have had to work before they changed, so once again we get a rich and poor devide even in death. I think the vampire society might work well under communism.

So where does Sarah Michelle Buffy fit into all this? Can we bring back spike? I really liked him, he was a funny fucker with insightful and witty commentary on practically every situation that arose.

... plus I wanna have Drusilla..

...Ah, Fight Club quote time is it?...

I wanna fight every panda that wont fuck to save its species.

Marla: My G_d, I havent been fucked like that since grade school!

Yes, it is time for the quote battle to BEGIN!!

The real issue is should Sarah Palin resign from her nomination as the VP ? History has shown several VP nominees had forced to resign after being nominated.

Also New York Times linked Sarah Palin to the conflict in Georgia. The New York Times reporter would like to ask Sarah Palin the name of the capital of S. Ossetia?

Does Sarah Palin know the name of the capital of South Ossetia which is currently occupied by the Russian forces and declared indepenence by the "Russian" ?

The answer to be followed:

The answer is skin valley! YAYZ!
The real issue is should Sarah Palin resign from her nomination as the VP ? History has shown several VP nominees had forced to resign after being nominated.

Also New York Times linked Sarah Palin to the conflict in Georgia. The New York Times reporter would like to ask Sarah Palin the name of the capital of S. Ossetia?

Does Sarah Palin know the name of the capital of South Ossetia which is currently occupied by the Russian forces and declared indepenence by the "Russian" ?

The answer to be followed:
Palin's daugther getting pregnant has nothing to do with her mother's ability to govern, imo.
There have been decent politicians with kids that made mistakes. Look at the mess that was/is George W. Bush. And his father was a more or less okay President.

And I don't think she will resign.
So where does Sarah Michelle Buffy fit into all this? Can we bring back spike? I really liked him, he was a funny fucker with insightful and witty commentary on practically every situation that arose.

... plus I wanna have Drusilla..

They fit in somewhere :dunno: we might need to vamp up Marx so he can show us the way, and im sure in a communist vampire society female vampires will be as much up for grabs as anything else but she will have to be shared with everyone else.
In post # 23 Torre82min displayed God like physic ability by quoting a post six minutes before it happen. I'm impressed. :hatsoff:
McCain is going to do everything in his power to keep Bristol and her boyfriend together, he'll probably be pissed if they end up on the Maury Show or something before November.....[/QUO

It sure sucks to be that dick that got her pregnant, thik if he tries to break up with her...Sopranos anyone?

Teenage kids these days are the wildcard for any political family. You think you have everything figure out, let me see 1. no to prematiral sex...check, 2. no to pregnancy out of marriage...check, 3. no sneaking around with boyfriend by yourselves..check...3. no to spreading legs and let him stick the dick and don't pull out on time...oops!

Conservatives need to realize that their principals are set to high that even their most vehement of conservatives can't keep their family in order, so how will this reflect at the White House?


To Fomm - :D

McCane has been working for the dems all along ! Are you kidding me !

About 3 months before the caucas, if you recall, his campaign was dead broke, in last place (according to polls at the time) and he'd lost a campaign mgr.

Now, how in the hell does this guy go from last place to first place ? Easy . . . Money bags georges soreohhs reinvigorated his campaign as a strategy to help usher the least likely pub candidate (in john McCane) to compete with either hilary or the "O-men" for honors of the presidency - > "honkey house" '08 !!! :sleep:
McCane has been working for the dems all along ! Are you kidding me !

About 3 months before the caucas, if you recall, his campaign was dead broke, in last place (according to polls at the time) and he'd lost a campaign mgr.

Now how in the hell does this guy go from last place to first place ? Easy . . . Money bags georges soreohhs reinvigorated his campaign as a strategy to help usher either hilary or the "O-men" into the "honkey house" '08 !!! :sleep:

I have to ask if McCain was not the best choice and chance for them to win who should have the pubs chosen?
He,he, oh boy those far rightwingers are sure going to pissed off...November surprise McCain picks Ronmey as Palin drops...and the elections are won by Barrack..this race is starting to look like something out of the WWE and the McMahons.


FOMM said:
I have to ask if McCain was not the best choice and chance for them to win who should have the pubs chosen?

Good question :D

I was / am of the Paul persuasion. :THINKS: . .

Ummmmmm . . . Huck ? I dunno . . Not Mc"Cane" though.
TV distorts everything. I could give a hoot about a candidates hair or how tall he is. Ditto for all of the distracting tabloid / soap op. stuff they expose.

:IDEA: Satellite tracking anklet (house arrest monitor) required for exec. leg. and judicial politicians startinggggggggg . . . .NOW !

Every politician must be tracked . . . for their safety and ours. :tongue:
I, Lovejoy, was accused by another poster about Sarah Palin.

I have stated clearly with solid proof that I, Lovejoy, provide pictures of Bristol Palin she is indeed pregnant.
I , Lovejoy, state, Bristol Palin, is 5-6 months pregnant. Someone accused me Bristol Palin was eating too much hamburgers at Burger King !

GOD is on my side ! I do not bullshit and never bullshit in this Forum.

I stated clearly on 08/08/08 Russia will attack American interests in the darkest moments of Olympics and everyone laughed at me. Once again, Lovejoy proved on 08/08/08, Russia resurrected its military might to challenge America !!!!

Don't pull something out of socket patting yourself on the back. You're not a prophet.
...Did she withhold this info while being vetted? She must have,I can't beleive they would have chosen her if they knew this. I can just imagine how angry McCain is to have this come out.His convention ruined by the hurricaine,his VP pick turning out to be a disaster,it just ain't your week John.:1orglaugh

I know how much glee this gives you so I am a little hesitant to inform you... They already knew about it. She is more than five months pregnant after all.

I am also hesitant to inform you that some people feel that this is a non-issue.
Those same people who disagree with you believe this has "no relevance to Governor Palin's performance as a governor, or her potential performance as a vice-president."

Do they have bad judgment? Or do you perhaps have bad judgment on this issue?

Palin's daugther getting pregnant has nothing to do with her mother's ability to govern, imo.
There have been decent politicians with kids that made mistakes. ...

Maybe you're wrong LBP? After all so many people in this thread seem think it's important and an indication of her ability to govern. A "disaster." Shouldn't this reflect poorly on her and McCain? Shouldn't this affect their chances... hope hope hope.

Oh look... guess who also agrees with you? Barack Obama.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, asked for his response to the news while campaigning in Michigan, said people should "back off" from such stories.

"I think people's families are off-limits, and people's children are especially off-limits," he told reporters.

"This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Governor Palin's performance as a governor, or her potential performance as a vice-president."

Thankfully Obama is trying to rise above this nonsense. In his speech he was trying to lead people to unite and rise above petty politics. Just words? Apparently so. If this thread is any indication, how successful is he as a leader? Can he lead well enough to get his own party to listen enough to follow his message? I hope so. Are LBP and Obama the only people who understood and believe the unity message Obama is trying to spread?
The sad part is, I bet a lot of people who were originally McCain supporters won't vote for him now. They'll sit there and think to themselves, "How can Palin assist in running our country when she can't even run her own household?" When, in all reality, having a pregnant 17 year old daughter isn't all that uncommon these days. You could be the best parent in the world and know where your children are 24-7...and they'll still find a way to do inappropriate things.

The bottom line is that the whole thing is getting WAY overblown. SOME parts of the media are taking this like someone in the Republican party was a serial killer.

To most McCain Supporters this will just be one of those things, McCain had nothing to do with it and The Governor couldn't do anything about it. She isn't the first teenager to get pregnant and I'll bet a month's pay that she won't be the last. There are a LOT of them out there.

This should make the liberals very happy, they are the ones who scream for sex education when kids are in middle school.

The true conservatives, as in people who understand big government is bad, liberal social programs are bad, higher taxes are bad and doing everything you can to stop economic growth of the country is heading in the wrong direction. Just won't support a ticket as liberal as obama-biden. They just won't because they understand what these two really stand for and don't agree with it.

Obama talks "Change" and "Hope" yet he selects a VP nominee that couldn't get 1% of the vote when he tried to run for President, and has been in Washington for 5 years longer than McCain.

McCain selects Palin because she is a FIRECRACKER, she got rid of the state funded chefs, limousine and PRIVATE PLANE when she became Governor because she "didn't need them". The first thing she did was look for ways to stop waste and needless spending in Alaska. If you look at Palin's record, she has put a stop to several problems that had been lingering there for years.
She was not afraid to blow the whistle when dishonesty was exposed.

The dems whine about her having NO EXPERIENCE. (Obama really said that?? Hello Pot, I'm the kettle!!!) McCain-Palin really DOES signify Change and seems to usher in a new sense of RESPONSIBILITY for what you do that has long been missing in Washington. WAAAYYYY to long!!!

I am not that much of a McCain supporter. Never really was, but Sara Palin ha shown a TREMENDOUS amount of backbone in what she has done since she became Governor. McCain has made the statement that he really doesn't want to serve more than one term. Palin would then be in position to become the first female president.

I can certainly see which party is really the party of CHANGE.
I know how much glee this gives you so I am a little hesitant to inform you... They already knew about it. She is more than five months pregnant after all.

I am also hesitant to inform you that some people feel that this is a non-issue.
Those same people who disagree with you believe this has "no relevance to Governor Palin's performance as a governor, or her potential performance as a vice-president."

Do they have bad judgment? Or do you perhaps have bad judgment on this issue?

Maybe you're wrong LBP? After all so many people in this thread seem think it's important and an indication of her ability to govern. A "disaster." Shouldn't this reflect poorly on her and McCain? Shouldn't this affect their chances... hope hope hope.

Oh look... guess who also agrees with you? Barack Obama.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, asked for his response to the news while campaigning in Michigan, said people should "back off" from such stories.

"I think people's families are off-limits, and people's children are especially off-limits," he told reporters.

"This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Governor Palin's performance as a governor, or her potential performance as a vice-president."

Thankfully Obama is trying to rise above this nonsense. In his speech he was trying to lead people to unite and rise above petty politics. Just words? Apparently so. If this thread is any indication, how successful is he as a leader? Can he lead well enough to get his own party to listen enough to follow his message? I hope so. Are LBP and Obama the only people who understood and believe the unity message Obama is trying to spread?

Yeah right, a right wing evangelical who publically advocates abstinence only programs and is against the use of any form of birth control has an unmarried 17 year old daughter who is pregnant and thats eithier irrelevant or a positive.Thats a good attempt at spin but thats all it is.Because of her public stands it is a fair issue to be spoken of IMO and whether Obama and his people wish to is irrelevant to me.
I have heard now the reports that McCain knew this before selecting her.I don't know which would be worse ,his vetting process didn't reveal this or he knew and picked her anyway.She has already now become a major distraction for their campaign.She has other baggage as well that the news is reporting one of which is she being investigated for an alleged inappropriate effort to get the head of the state police to dismiss her sisters husband from the force who she was divorcing and when he wouldn't she dismissed the chief is the allegation which is now being investigated.

These kinds of distractions are not helpfull to the campaign at all.It really is a very big indicator of a very disfuntional campaign and McCain and all the spin doctors in the world can't change that.I can't beleive that they could not find someone else to be VP who would not be all over the news for all kinds that are not helpfull to his campaign and message.
The bottom line is that the whole thing is getting WAY overblown. SOME parts of the media are taking this like someone in the Republican party was a serial killer.

Yeah yeah yeah. The whole thing is getting blown out of proportion. That's the "spin" the republicans are putting on this. We get it.

Although, I have to say, if the situation was reversed and it was a democratic nominee whos teenage daughter was knocked up then the republicans would implement an entire political attack campaign using the issue as a political football. They'd all be saying things like "If he can't control his daughter, how can he run the country?" or "Teenage pregnancy. Is that the kind of morals and values the democrats are teaching their children?"

Did Obama use the same tactic? No. He declared the subject off limits and refuses to comment on it. He showed class.

Besides. The Obama campaign doesn't even need to come after Palin. The media is doing it for them. And it's working.
...Thats a good attempt at spin but thats all it is.Because of her public stands it is a fair issue to be spoken of IMO and whether Obama and his people wish to is irrelevant to me.

Bill Clinton had a public stand against crime. Clinton's brother Roger (who he later pardoned) was sentenced for cocaine charges and tax fraud. Can Clinton still be opposed to crime? Or is that now a contradiction? Can Palin still be pro-abstinence even though her daughter made her own decision and got pregnant?

So you feel Obama has poor judgment on this issue and is wrong about whether it can and should be used to assess Palin's ability to govern.
You feel Obama is wrong that people should not attack another politician's children.
You feel Obama is wrong about the need for unity and the problem with partisan politics.
.... ok.

If it is simply an attempt at spin, then why is Obama the one doing the "spin"?
Why is it your chosen style of partisan attacks that he condemns?
Democrats should be proud that they have a moral disconnect with their nominee?
Would it be a mistake to vote for Obama if he doesn't see things as clearly as you?

Have you written to Obama to convince him to stop his "spin" and to do the right thing and begin a vicious attack on Palin's daughter? To put a girl in a difficult situation in the public spotlight?
If you are right, can you explain why Obama isn't smart enough to "get it" while you do?

I have heard now the reports that McCain knew this before selecting her.I don't know which would be worse ,his vetting process didn't reveal this or he knew and picked her anyway.She has already now become a major distraction for their campaign.

McCain chose her because he knows (and even Obama admits) it "has no relevance to Governor Palin's performance as a governor, or her potential performance as a vice-president." In fact, how she handles the attacks and defends her daughter show a positive side of her character.

McCain and Obama both understand that this is not a fertile or fair line of attack. You are one of the people who don't understand this. If anything, it can hurt Obama's chances by continuing to do so. Obama is trying to get you to stop and you can't see it.

These kinds of distractions are not helpfull to the campaign at all.It really is a very big indicator of a very disfuntional campaign and McCain and all the spin doctors in the world can't change that...

The "distraction" and "spin" is being created as a deliberate effort by some in the Democratic party to attack Palin through her daughter. This underhanded tactic is more likely to backfire and Obama knows it. The only dysfunction is that Obama is trying to get some people to stop but can't. Yet you persist.