I know how much glee this gives you so I am a little hesitant to inform you... They already knew about it. She is more than five months pregnant after all.
I am also hesitant to inform you that some people feel that this is a non-issue.
Those same people who disagree with you believe this has "no relevance to Governor Palin's performance as a governor, or her potential performance as a vice-president."
Do they have bad judgment? Or do you perhaps have bad judgment on this issue?
Maybe you're wrong LBP? After all so many people in this thread seem think it's important and an indication of her ability to govern. A "disaster." Shouldn't this reflect poorly on her and McCain? Shouldn't this affect their chances... hope hope hope.
Oh look... guess who also agrees with you? Barack Obama.
Democratic presidential candidate
Barack Obama, asked for his response to the news while campaigning in Michigan, said
people should "back off" from such stories.
"I think people's families are off-limits, and people's children are especially off-limits," he told reporters.
"This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Governor Palin's performance as a governor, or her potential performance as a vice-president."
Thankfully Obama is trying to rise above this nonsense. In his speech he was trying to lead people to unite and rise above petty politics. Just words? Apparently so. If this thread is any indication, how successful is he as a leader? Can he lead well enough to get his own party to listen enough to follow his message? I hope so. Are LBP and Obama the only people who understood and believe the unity message Obama is trying to spread?