Breaking News: Bristol, the oldest daughter of Sarah Palin is pregnant

...This is not about her daughter but her public policies...
Oy vey!

Do you care that your views are so out of alignment with your candidate?

Do you even bother to listen to Obama? You still don't get his point. Play the video again. He said it multiple times for your benefit. He specifically said.. He would not even want you working for him. He would fire you. Why?
I will spell it out. ----> You can debate the candidate's issues on what you like. Doing it by attacking her daughter is not acceptable. Got it?

Obama's own mother was in the exact same situation as Bristol. She may or may not have had the same views on birth control as Obama. She is not fair game to attack about this either. You can still question Obama's views. Got it?

(Don't start saying now that you didn't attack her daughter or try to argue that her daughter was fair game - the many posts are still there)

I got you think any mention of the daughter's pregnancy is "dirty politics".
Are you talking to me or Obama?

Will it be wrong for Sarah Palin to portray her daughters choice as a positive showing she has instilled a pro-life value in her?

You try to tell me what you think he would say. If you don't know, ask him.

Little hint: Does Obama talk about the values he tries to instill in his daughters? (yes) Do the children make their own decisions? (yes) Would he feel it is acceptable to attack his children on their decisions? (no) Can you address Obama's policies without attacking his children (yes)

And i'm wondering when you say "Our Liberal high ground == gone" are you refering to yourself in that or just me and others.I can only gather by your posts in which you never mention Palin's extreme views on women's reproductive rights,teaching intelligent design,wanting to ban books,Iraq is a mission from god statement that you are eithier supportive of such things or at least indifferent to them....

Ahhh..I understand why you are trying to guess my political leanings. You have made clear many times in many different threads that you believe politics is "nasty business" where the ends justify the means and everyone should pick a camp and deliberately skew and manipulate the information to their liking. Their "team," our "team". It's "just the way it is (and should be) done."

I have made very clear that in my view it is not.

Because I am not attacking each of your specific causes along with you, I automatically support them? I'm not attacking Palin enough for you, so I'm obviously not in your bias camp? In many threads, I have defended Obama or asked for firmer evidence to support claims against him. I have tried to do the same for McCain and Palin. I try to require better evidence for all claims and don't blindly support one political party.

Obama in his speeches has discussed moving away from the divisive politics of the past and supporting not a Red America or a Blue America but all Americans. By doing the exact opposite of what he preaches you 1) Show that he is not aligned with his own party 2) Indicate that he may only be taking the "high ground " for political reasons 3) Reduce his statements to simple rhetoric (just words) 4) Represent Democrats as biased and self-serving and finally 5) saddled with the weight of your inherent bias, you undermine the validity of future arguments for Obama and call their objectivity into question.

Before you go jumping on to other attack McCain/Palin I assume you will be eager to do...look at the title of the original thread. Better to start your new attack threads (and try to provide links to supporting evidence for the fresh accusations).
As a parent I can only say this:

I don't like Sarah Palin. I don't like John McCain.



What the fuck is wrong with you people?!! By all means, crucify the candidates all you want but what possesses you dolts to drag a pregnant 17 year old into all this? Just so you jackasses can score political brownie points?!


I disagree with Obama over 98% of his campaign but I'll give the man props for sticking by his statement that 'family members should be left out of this race'. I don't care if you're Republican/Democrat/Independent/whatever - leave the family - especially the children - out of the deal.

And as for the argument that: "Palin's support for pro-abstinence programs (as part of McCain's campaign) reveals the fault of the ideology because her own daughter is pregnant"?
How many of you brilliant rocket scientists are parents? How many of you have raised teenagers? How many of you parents out there have managed to raise teenagers who listened to anything that you preached to them?

Do I agree "abstinence only"? No, absolutely not.
But I'm also a Father. I've raised children. My wife and I stressed the fact to our children that the urge for sex was natural but that it carried consequences. That protection was all in their hands - be it against pregnancy or STDs. It didn't matter what their partner thought/wanted/felt - it was still up to them.

Did my children listen to me? I hope so; so far it seems to be that they have - my children haven't presented me with a grandchild yet.
But I can easily see it swing the other way. Despite our best efforts.

When I was a young boy, my Father once told me: "When you do good, the world praises you. When you do something bad, the world blames your parents; saying 'they didn't raise him right'". When I became a parent, I realized the full extent of his advice.

My wife and I did our very best to raise our children to be good, honest, moral individuals. Yes, our kids are our responsibility and I wouldn't have it any other way.

But somethings are just not said nor done.
This is just as bad as using Chelsea Clinton as leverage against her parents.

Leave the kids out of it.
Especially something as intimate and private as a pregnancy.

- Roughneck (a pissed off Father)


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
As a parent I can only say this:

I don't like Sarah Palin. I don't like John McCain.



What the fuck is wrong with you people?!! By all means, crucify the candidates all you want but what possesses you dolts to drag a pregnant 17 year old into all this? Just so you jackasses can score political brownie points?!

Yuuuuuuup. I don't understand how the actions of family members have anything to do with the person that actually "should" be in the news. Most people aren't smart enough to deal with the reality that just because Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant doesn't mean that Sarah Palin is an unintelligent hillbilly that is a horrible human being and mother. Reporting this on the news day in and day out is only going to further implant negative thoughts into the public's mind when it comes to Sarah Palin. Even though she herself didn't really do anything wrong, that's how it comes off to the public.

Sylvester Stallone's stepbrother tried to kill someone and by advertising that all over the TV, people are just going to associate Sylvester Stallone with ATTEMPTED MURDER, which shouldn't even be the case at all. Sylvester Stallone wasn't there. Sylvester Stallone didn't know about it. Sylvester Stallone had absolutely nothing to do with it. But, since Sylvester Stallone is famous, the news story about his stepbrother is always introduced as "SYLVESTER STALLONE'S stepbrother is accused of ATTEMPTED MURDER". The public only hears the two highlighted parts and forgets everything else. Sad, but true.
As a parent I can only say this:

I don't like Sarah Palin. I don't like John McCain.



What the fuck is wrong with you people?!! By all means, crucify the candidates all you want but what possesses you dolts to drag a pregnant 17 year old into all this? Just so you jackasses can score political brownie points?!


I disagree with Obama over 98% of his campaign but I'll give the man props for sticking by his statement that 'family members should be left out of this race'. I don't care if you're Republican/Democrat/Independent/whatever - leave the family - especially the children - out of the deal.

And as for the argument that: "Palin's support for pro-abstinence programs (as part of McCain's campaign) reveals the fault of the ideology because her own daughter is pregnant"?
How many of you brilliant rocket scientists are parents? How many of you have raised teenagers? How many of you parents out there have managed to raise teenagers who listened to anything that you preached to them?

Do I agree "abstinence only"? No, absolutely not.
But I'm also a Father. I've raised children. My wife and I stressed the fact to our children that the urge for sex was natural but that it carried consequences. That protection was all in their hands - be it against pregnancy or STDs. It didn't matter what their partner thought/wanted/felt - it was still up to them.

Did my children listen to me? I hope so; so far it seems to be that they have - my children haven't presented me with a grandchild yet.
But I can easily see it swing the other way. Despite our best efforts.

When I was a young boy, my Father once told me: "When you do good, the world praises you. When you do something bad, the world blames your parents; saying 'they didn't raise him right'". When I became a parent, I realized the full extent of his advice.

My wife and I did our very best to raise our children to be good, honest, moral individuals. Yes, our kids are our responsibility and I wouldn't have it any other way.

But somethings are just not said nor done.
This is just as bad as using Chelsea Clinton as leverage against her parents.

Leave the kids out of it.
Especially something as intimate and private as a pregnancy.

- Roughneck (a pissed off Father)

Oh boy I only got one teenager and boy is it hard to keep her away from boys and every day hoping that she does the right things. But guess what if they fuck? up,you can't be with them 24/7 and you can't just throw them out there. Forgiving, loving and supporting your kids are parents real responsibility and there's not a handbook on it. I do agree that Barry and Biden has told the media to keep the children off from this. But politics have gotten so dirty that you think that you are watching an episode of stage WWE wrestling pay per view! Is up to us to not to buy the product and show the media that they need to stop their shit and same thing with the right wing radio people who just love to strecth negative topics when the other side are the ones that got caught. Democracy is as strong as it's citizens when they chose not to buy into dirty politics.
Oy vey!

Do you care that your views are so out of alignment with your candidate?

Do you even bother to listen to Obama? You still don't get his point. Play the video again. He said it multiple times for your benefit. He specifically said.. He would not even want you working for him. He would fire you. Why?
I will spell it out. ----> You can debate the candidate's issues on what you like. Doing it by attacking her daughter is not acceptable. Got it?
I am not a democratic operative on any payroll lol.Free agent thank you very much.Obviously more in line with democrate views and positions though.You want to paint it as pointing out her 17 yr old daughter is pregnant is an attack on the daughter and I just don't see it that way.And I am not about to just accept Obama says he doesn't think it should be mentioned as the final authority and certainly not because you say so lol.

Are you talking to me or Obama?

You try to tell me what you think he would say. If you don't know, ask him.

Both questions were to you ,last I knew Obama was not posting here.

Because I am not attacking each of your specific causes along with you, I automatically support them? I'm not attacking Palin enough for you, so I'm obviously not in your bias camp? In many threads, I have defended Obama or asked for firmer evidence to support claims against him. I have tried to do the same for McCain and Palin. I try to require better evidence for all claims and don't blindly support one political party.

Again while I would clearly be more aligned with dems on positions my bias is on issues.I believe strongly in a womans right to choose and the related family planning issues(sex ed,contraception) that go along with that.On economic issues I think while dems are better,there is not nearly enough difference in the two parties position to suit me.And on energy and especially nuclear power which I favor republicans have been better on that although Obama did mention it in his speech but time will tell if he pursues it agressively over the objections of some in his party.But the republicans and the drill for oil answer are dead wrong in thinking that is any real answer to anything IMO and that also disregards the climate change of burning fossil fuels.
I have my own beliefs on what should be done and am not beholden to eithier party and for sure do not look to them for my positions.Republicans start adopting positions on the issues that make me more in line with them and I will be posting supporting them.

Before you go jumping on to other attack McCain/Palin I assume you will be eager to do...look at the title of the original thread. Better to start your new attack threads (and try to provide links to supporting evidence for the fresh accusations).
The facts about her record are easily accessible at google.I think at least the one about banning books is contained in a link from someone else is in this thread.You need proof on the others go search for yourself.
It is probably time to just drop this anyway as I do not need to participate in a discussion where I am told I might make fun of someone dying of cancer as an example along with other litle digs which I have not mentioned as they are really not that interesting or relevant.Talk about undermining validity of arguements though.

And just as a final thought I would say that anyone who thinks sex ed and contraception are not effective in reducing teen pregnancy and pregnancy and sexually tranmitted disease in general needs to do some reaserch on the rates of such things where such things are taught.Are they guarantees of preventing pregnancy and disease, of course not but they do work to reduce such things very much.That's not just in peoples heads.It's too bad Bristol Palin's parents did not think so,yes she still may be pregnant at 17 but her odds of not being would have been for sure better if they had not just stuck to abstinence teaching.But I'm not suppose to say that lol.
...I am not about to just accept Obama says he doesn't think it should be mentioned as the final authority....
... I would clearly be more aligned with dems on positions my bias is on issues......

Not sure what higher authority would convince you ...
After all, Obama's the one you are trying to elect to support your "positions" and "issues". He's the one who you are trying to convince other people to listen to.

If you can't be bothered enough to listen to him and follow his lead, even when he specifically asks you to, why should anyone else?

Sorry if I offended you on anything else.

Since there is so muc interest in politics here at Freeones (sort of surprising to me actually) I think I will start a game thread about porn chicks and whther they look Democrat or Republican


^ You go Av !!! :thumbsup:

I hate politics as much as I love thy nation, it's just a shame that thy nation clings to politics for it's very survival.

Yes, I'm sure that's accurate.:rolleyes:

Obama loves to kill babies, hates guns, wants to tax everyone into the poor house, is secretly a wahabi muslim terrorist, and loves Louis Farrakhan (whom he both rejected and denounced publicly: Yeah that sounds about right.:rolleyes:

That's why I'm going to vote for Obama. Because I fucking hate babies and want to kill them all. I also love paying high taxes and I love muslim terrorists. YAY Louis Farrakhan!:rolleyes:

Thanks for rephrasing everything I had typed.

And yes, being that the man (obama) is so vague on the issues, I am led to believe as he "suggests". It's called "protection mechanism" and unless or until he offers us some clarity on these issues and speaks free of vagaries and ambiguities and looks us in the eye, I remain suspicious of the man.
It's really just common sense.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
And here's the thread for all of you interested in politics (I am too by the way but more interested in porn)

Porn and politics are very similar. Two (or more) complete strangers, doing their best to fuck the shit out of eachother in front of a big audience while everybody watching at home is just getting a big, unrealistic tease that leaves them wanting more.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Porn and politics are very similar. Two (or more) complete strangers, doing their best to fuck the shit out of eachother in front of a big audience while everybody watching at home is just getting a big, unrealistic tease that leaves them wanting more.

LOL.....not to mention fucking the shit out the audience once they get elected!

The hypocrisy of the republications is breath taken.

Another good find :)
That will be forwarded to some folks that will appreciate it as your open mike one with the 2 pubs blasting Palin as a terrible pic was.:thumbsup:

What I am finding most amazing about the republicans convention is the talk that McCain and Palin will go to DC and shake things up and are the true party of change.My god it's like just who has been in charge for the last 8 years that things need to be shaken up and changed.The epublicans have been of course,it's an amazing thing.No wonder they didn't let GWB come to the convention,they are running against him lol.
Did anyone count the number of times "George Bush" or "Dick Cheney" were mentioned in Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Rudy Guiliani, or Sarah Palin's speeches last night? I watched them all and I counted.


I think that's pretty pathetic. I find it fascinating that the Pubs apparently want to blame the press and the "Liberals" for the mistakes and tough times of the past 8 years. Should someone remind them who ran DC from 2001-Nov 2006? Do the Pubs believe the Credit Crises, Mortgage crises and $4/gal gas all hit the nation at once on Nov 4, 2006?

I think Palin's and Guiliani's speech both have opened the door for the Dems to hit back at McCain and Palin hard. The Dems and Obama specifically should crank up the negative message and really go after both of them. Don't let the fact that the Obama/Biden ticket is starting to open a lead. Use the facts of Palin's apparent "flip flop" on "earmarks" and the "Bridge to Nowhere" when she was Mayor against her.

I'm sorry Mr P, but :rofl: at that

On the national level I have never seen a greater degree of fear/hate mongering, distortion, and character assassination than the neorepublicans use as standard campaign strategies.

Now THAT is hilarious! Actually saying that the dems don't sling mud, hate and character assassination, Have you EVER HEARD of the Clintons? Have you HEARD ANYTHING that obama has said about McCain since this campaign started?

THat is damn funny man, keep it up!
I think it's funny that you people actually think that the conservatives have the market cornered on hypocrisy, EVER heard of Al Gore? Ever heard of Michael "I hate big oil and big Corporations but I own a LOT of stock in both and make a LOT of money off both" Moore???
(has that assbag taken a bath yet?)
Now THAT is hilarious! Actually saying that the dems don't sling mud, hate and character assassination, Have you EVER HEARD of the Clintons? Have you HEARD ANYTHING that obama has said about McCain since this campaign started?

THat is damn funny man, keep it up!

Where did I say the Dems don't sling mud???
They do, but they're nowhere near as accomplished at it as Republicans, who've turned it into a low art form.

No wonder you're so proud of your party. It takes real dedication to create and proliferate lies and distortions like these:

1) Obama is a radical muslim who will not recite the plege of allegiance.
2) Obama does not place his hand over his heart when the national anthem is played.
3) The Obama's are anti-american, with ties and sympathies to terrorists.
4) The bulk of donations to the Obama campaign come from a handful of wealthy foreign financiers.
5) The book of revelations describes the anti-Christ as someone with characteristics matching those of Obama.
6) Obama removed an american flag image from his campaign jet because he's unamerican.
7) Obama is not a legally born U.S. citizen.
8) A video tape of Michele Obama exists in which she enthusiastically curses about "whitey".
9) Obama shows his lack of patriotism by not wearing a flag pin on his lapel.
10) Obama has been endorsed for president by the Ku Klux Klan.
11) Obama has influenced political events and violence in Kenya.
12) Obama is funded by Hugo Chavez.
13) Obama will reinstitue the Death Tax and will raise the capital gain tax to 28% on the sale of all homes.
14) Obama is anti-semetic and anti-Isreal.
15) Obama snubbed U.S. soldiers during an April trip to Afghanistan.
16) Obama is determined to overturn the second amendment.
17) Obama is a racist, and will "stand with the Muslims" (a deliberate out of context misquote, and just one of dozens) should a crisis develop in america.
18) Obama's alleged "50 lies"

You want to talk about funny?
That list would be funny if it weren't so despicable and deranged.
But the neocons don't care. They've gotten MAJOR mileage out of pandering to hate and fear. At this point it seems to be what they do best.