They refer to him as such because he cannot employ that tactic without huge attacks on himself. He hasnt used the race card in the
same way he hasnt attacked his opponent outright or even sling a bit of mud here or there in comparison to the H. Clinton or J. McCain negative campaigning tactics.
Money? America is bleeding money. Even in this depression we are still the single largest contributor of aid to foreign nations/third world countries.
If we can send aid overseas, support our own unemployed masses, welfare check citizens and find millions upon millions left over... what is so hard to understand? We cut a few programs here and there, we reassign funds from this project to the other, we pull back 100,000 troops and suddenly we have 100 million dollars free to spend on whatever the hell we want.
It's this way everywhere. Why repave this highway, why build a better
sidewalk, why do this, why do that.. but on a federal government level reassigning priorities leads to BILLIONS of dollars in the short and long term. The money is always there, look at your federal tax return and multiply that by the number of people in the country if you want a number.
::does some quick math:: I got back 966$, and there are
305,009,595 people in the U.S. lol, a lot make less, and a few make TONS more. Let's say that 1000 is the median amount.
1000 x 300,000,000 = 300,000,000,000
300 billion dollars in returned taxes.. and YOU KNOW the government doesnt always return 100% of the money it took.
So as a simple math lesson, there you go. That's the operating budget it can theoretically use in a year on a whim.
The reality is plenty complicated, but you act like this money is some limited thing. No, no.. the peons like you and me work to line everyone else's pockets above us. That much goes without saying, we're all human and need to feel independent and financially secure. The trick is realizing that, and then seeing who is the least greedy, the one who has the capability to actually do some good.
The black guy? Obama.. he has everything in the world to live up to. He has to appease the masses and actually
prove himself. He's an optimistic visionary who will probably get assassinated halfway thru his 4 year stay at the oval office.
But he continues on anyway. If he believes he can do some good, by all means let him. The alternative is more-of-the-same so ... not to sound like it's truly the lesser of two evils, but.. hell, sometimes we hear so much bullshit that it all starts to blend together. There is plenty of truth out there, there are plenty of promises.
Only time will tell and you cant rely on your short term survival instincts in this day and age. I know you want gas prices down, you want the recession to end.. but there arent easy answers. EVER. Obama hasnt bullshitted anyone on that issue. lol