Oy vey!...This is not about her daughter but her public policies...
Do you care that your views are so out of alignment with your candidate?
Do you even bother to listen to Obama? You still don't get his point. Play the video again. He said it multiple times for your benefit. He specifically said.. He would not even want you working for him. He would fire you. Why?
I will spell it out. ----> You can debate the candidate's issues on what you like. Doing it by attacking her daughter is not acceptable. Got it?
Obama's own mother was in the exact same situation as Bristol. She may or may not have had the same views on birth control as Obama. She is not fair game to attack about this either. You can still question Obama's views. Got it?
(Don't start saying now that you didn't attack her daughter or try to argue that her daughter was fair game - the many posts are still there)
Are you talking to me or Obama?I got you think any mention of the daughter's pregnancy is "dirty politics".
Will it be wrong for Sarah Palin to portray her daughters choice as a positive showing she has instilled a pro-life value in her?
You try to tell me what you think he would say. If you don't know, ask him.
Little hint: Does Obama talk about the values he tries to instill in his daughters? (yes) Do the children make their own decisions? (yes) Would he feel it is acceptable to attack his children on their decisions? (no) Can you address Obama's policies without attacking his children (yes)
And i'm wondering when you say "Our Liberal high ground == gone" are you refering to yourself in that or just me and others.I can only gather by your posts in which you never mention Palin's extreme views on women's reproductive rights,teaching intelligent design,wanting to ban books,Iraq is a mission from god statement that you are eithier supportive of such things or at least indifferent to them....
Ahhh..I understand why you are trying to guess my political leanings. You have made clear many times in many different threads that you believe politics is "nasty business" where the ends justify the means and everyone should pick a camp and deliberately skew and manipulate the information to their liking. Their "team," our "team". It's "just the way it is (and should be) done."
I have made very clear that in my view it is not.
Because I am not attacking each of your specific causes along with you, I automatically support them? I'm not attacking Palin enough for you, so I'm obviously not in your bias camp? In many threads, I have defended Obama or asked for firmer evidence to support claims against him. I have tried to do the same for McCain and Palin. I try to require better evidence for all claims and don't blindly support one political party.
Obama in his speeches has discussed moving away from the divisive politics of the past and supporting not a Red America or a Blue America but all Americans. By doing the exact opposite of what he preaches you 1) Show that he is not aligned with his own party 2) Indicate that he may only be taking the "high ground " for political reasons 3) Reduce his statements to simple rhetoric (just words) 4) Represent Democrats as biased and self-serving and finally 5) saddled with the weight of your inherent bias, you undermine the validity of future arguments for Obama and call their objectivity into question.
Before you go jumping on to other attack McCain/Palin subjects..as I assume you will be eager to do...look at the title of the original thread. Better to start your new attack threads (and try to provide links to supporting evidence for the fresh accusations).