Hypthetical question: Choose your own Sexual Disaster

I would rather

  • Knock girl up

    Votes: 19 76.0%
  • Get dirty

    Votes: 6 24.0%

  • Total voters
Assuming you are a guy, let us suppose you had sex with your girlfriend (let us suppose you have one) and let us suppose something wrong just HAD to happen. A bad condom, a slipped condom, whatever. Which disaster would you rather prefer happen: you knock the girl up into an unwanted pregnancy, or you get genital herpes? (For the pregnancy option, there is no abortion and you remain an upstanding member of society, either by sticking around or paying child support.)


Now, my answer to this hypothetical question usually surprises people. On any given day I'd much rather prefer genital herpes (not that I do).

The response of most people (that I've asked) is to choose the unwanted pregnancy, figuring that you can "grow to love the child," but such answer ignores the cardinal truth that you should never have a child for which you are not prepared financially, experientially, and psychologically. Have a child and you are forever bound to bear its responsibility for at least 18 years and sometimes into the college years. Adding up all the expenses large and small, one child costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to raise and support. "Grow to love the child," you say? Even that is a gamble.

But genital herpes is a minor nuisance. Yes, genital herpes is much the worry if you are elderly, have a weak immune system, or are a pregnant woman, but I bet you are none of the above.

Nine out of ten infected people either are asymptomatic or their symptoms are so minor that they don't even know it. For the one-tenth who have severe-enough symptoms, outbreaks are a few days out of the year, the first outbreak is the worst, and outbreaks decrease in intensity and frequency over the years. Unless you are in the aforementioned high risk groups, genital herpes doesn't cause your body any harm (except, of course, for some discomfort during an outbreak). It's the laziest freeloading parasite you'll ever meet. Medicine for genital herpes is dirt cheap compared to raising a child and is not a regularly incurred monthly expense.
I'd take the herpes. Fuck kids. No way am I giving up my hard-earned money to take care of something that whines all day.
This probably has to be the most stupidest question/poll asked on FreeOnes.

If you don't want kids, then use a fucking condom, or make sure your lady is on the pill or IUD.

If you don't want a sexually transmitted disease, then use a fucking condom or put two of them on your dick. Herpes and HIV/AIDS is no fucking joke!

Sexual disasters happen to irresponsible dickheads.

:2 cents:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Hypothetical girlfriends are the only ones I can get, sooooooo, I might as well have a kid with her so I can use it as a bargaining chip if she ever wants to leave me.
This probably has to be the most stupidest question/poll asked on FreeOnes.

If you don't want kids, then use a fucking condom, or make sure your lady is on the pill or IUD.

If you don't want a sexually transmitted disease, then use a fucking condom or put two of them on your dick. Herpes and HIV/AIDS is no fucking joke!

Sexual disasters happen to irresponsible dickheads.

:2 cents:
Pardon me? Yes, sexual diasters happen to the irresponsible, and I myself am totally clean and childless, but that was not the point. The point was sexual consequences don't have equal weights. Equating herpes with AIDS is ridiculous, it's not even the same ballpark. In all relativity, genital herpes is innocuous as a teenager with zits; a minor nuisance, but nothing much more. What big deal is there in having a disease which doesn't hurt you and you never notice? Of the thousands of varities of microscopic organisms which infest every pore, every surface, every in and out and in-between of your body, every flake of your skin, every minute of your every day, what where why ought there be concern? In fact, statistically speaking, it's almost guaranteed you have or will have oral herpes (and the two types, oral and genital, though preferring different parts of the body, are interchangably transmittable. It is theoretically possible, though very unlikely, but plausible, you can kiss your girlfriend or wife, giving her oral herpes, then at some later time she gives you a blow job, giving you genital herpes.)

HIV/AIDS, on the other hand, is a death sentence for almost all it inflicts.
This thread is incredibly boring. It had such a promising title too....

My worst sexual disaster would be a dick full of shit after doing anal. Just in case, I always wear a condom while fucking someone anally.


knows petras secret: she farted.
This thread is incredibly boring. It had such a promising title too....

My worst sexual disaster would be a dick full of shit after doing anal. Just in case, I always wear a condom while fucking someone anally.

ah, this is a risk that we take for such yumminessness. oh, for the record id knock the girl up, i have a thing for pregnant chicks. kthx.
..genital herpes is a minor nuisance ...

That's the most impassioned defense of genital herpes I have ever read. :thumbsup:
Brings tears to me eye...
C'mon people ... "give it a try" ... "what the heck"
You should title it "Genital Herpes - your annoying little friend."

As for me, I like my hypothetical rugrat. And my hypothetical wife is sooo hot and sooo cool that I think I'll have another one so that jr. has someone to play with. Yeah.... That's nice..... One happy hypothetical family..... much better than hypothetical herpes.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I'd knock mah bitch up. After that we wouldn't need to use a condom, though the baby might complain about me making a mess in its home....
So the question is really "would you rather have a child or genital herpes?" Not really worth answering.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Herpes. Oh wait, you were asking what I would choose in a situation?


Is somewhere outhere.
I'd have to take the dirty option.Although my worse scenario would be
if you were fucking and the girl had an unexpected heart attack :eek:
This probably has to be the most stupidest question/poll asked on FreeOnes.

If you don't want kids, then use a fucking condom, or make sure your lady is on the pill or IUD.

If you don't want a sexually transmitted disease, then use a fucking condom or put two of them on your dick. Herpes and HIV/AIDS is no fucking joke!

Sexual disasters happen to irresponsible dickheads.

:2 cents:

Dead on :thumbsup:
The girl I was with busts a blood vessal in her eye from hard pounding intense sex. Nothing life threating, but just where she her eye turn real red for a couple days. Like when your sick with the flu. It would come from her screaming so loudly from sex that coulnt be attained by your average man. Sex where you would have to have a 16 inch dick and the stimina of a horse to achieve. Sex that leaves her laying there DRENCHED in sweat and her face flushed bright red.
I'll take the option where I have responsible sex with partners I trust and have no fear of pregnancy or disease.

Not possible?

It is if you aren't a fuck-tard.

But that's just my $0.02.


Sexual disasters happen to irresponsible dickheads.

:2 cents:

I've always been responsible, I've also had STDs and my girlfriend had to have an abortion.

It's not always that simple. Some people are just ignorant.


Herpes is for life man cant get rid of that shit.....Kids eventually grow up. Giving a ton of chicks herpes is hardly a legacy I would like to leave behind.
No way am I giving up my hard-earned money to take care of something that whines all day.
I take it you don't have a dog?
use a fucking condom or put two of them on your dick.
Actually, doubling condoms increases the risk of rupture exponentially.
My worst sexual disaster would be a dick full of shit after doing anal.
Been there, done that. That's why I live by the rule that (_o_) = exit only.

By the way, we miss you senob.