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  1. Smallville417

    Best Current MLB Player

    I hate him, but I'm going with A-Rod.
  2. Smallville417

    My heart is breaking :(

    The comment about letting her slip away is very troubling to me, and I would be concerned. If my girlfriend knew I said that to another girl, she would leave me in an instant. I'm not saying to do that, I'm just saying you really need to have him be open and completely honest to you about his...
  3. Smallville417

    Would you Fuck a Hot 50 year old milf?

    Yes I would.
  4. Smallville417

    The tone of porn is becoming uglier

    Agreed. I know a guy that is highly offended by watching g/g scenes, and said it shouldn't be allowed in porn. I watch what I like, avoid what I don't.
  5. Smallville417

    The Crazies

    Haven't seen it, but would like to.
  6. Smallville417

    Smokers have lower IQs than non-smokers

    Smoking may kill you, but I don't believe it means you are dumber. Though my personal opinion is that you are pretty dumb to take up something that is nothing but harmful to you. No offense to those who smoke, I just do not understand it at all.
  7. Smallville417

    Do you smoke cigarettes?

    No, never have. And in general I avoid dating woman who smoke. I've only made one exception in my life, and kissing her was no fun.
  8. Smallville417

    will you guys pray for me?

    I was homeless for a bit when I was 18. It was rough, but just stay positive.
  9. Smallville417

    porn girls owe me one

    Now I know. So much for all day porn jack off sessions.
  10. Smallville417

    Teacher tackles gunman supected in school shooting

    These are the type of individuals we need more of.
  11. Smallville417

    porn girls owe me one

    I figured the more jacking off you do, the healthier your prostrate was. I guess it's like exercising can be bad for you if you do it to the extreme.
  12. Smallville417

    If You Were On Death Row, What Would Be Your Last Meal?

    I wouldn't even care about eating my last day to be honest.
  13. Smallville417

    Better Natural Body: Amy Reid or Shay Laren

    I like them both a lot, but Shay by far.
  14. Smallville417

    sexual fantasy

    I wonder what my girlfriends reaction would be if I tried to get her into a tub of pudding. She doesn't like messy. She won't even let me use baby oil on her.
  15. Smallville417

    what game are you playing right now?

    Final Fantasy XII, in preparation for XIII. I started it before, but stopped and never went back to it until a few weeks ago.
  16. Smallville417

    sexual fantasy

    I've never had a fantasy like that.
  17. Smallville417


    I've never been with an escort, but my friends who have said they were great experiences.
  18. Smallville417

    Shamu Gets His Revenge

    Not surprised when I hear stories like this.
  19. Smallville417

    Can you marry someone you met on internet? Does online dating work?

    Yes, I know people who have, and are still happily married.
  20. Smallville417

    Working out

    I've been a weightlifter for 18+ years. I workout 4 days a week.
  21. Smallville417

    Who Likes Sloppy Seconds?

    As do I.
  22. Smallville417

    Health and Nutrition Thread

    One of the simplest things to do, yet I struggle to do. And it's not like I'm drinking other things, I just don't drink enough fluid period.
  23. Smallville417

    BUT...Are You Happy???

    I'm not, my life is kind of upside down right now. But I do see myself being happy and fulfilled very soon. Everything is right there close, it's just a matter of everything coming together, and it will.
  24. Smallville417

    Dirty Harry remake

    No one should ever remake Dirty Harry.
  25. Smallville417

    Facials - who's over it...

    I always look forward to the facial at the end of a scene.
  26. Smallville417

    Which type of Athletic female body is hottest?

    Cheerleader, followed by fitness instructor.
  27. Smallville417

    Ask me (Bree Olson) any question ya want

    This is a great thread, still reading through it.
  28. Smallville417

    How many porn DVD/VHS do you own?

    I used to have a collection of over 150 dvds, but lost it due to some unfortunate circumstances. I currently have 0. I'm not quite sure what my girlfriends opinion is on porn, so I may never have another collection.
  29. Smallville417

    Have you jerked off to animated porn?

    I have once or twice when I was much younger.
  30. Smallville417

    Starting Over

    Similar reason I'll be moving to another state entirely soon.
  31. Smallville417

    Any plans for Valentines Day???

    I'll be away from my girlfriend, so no unfortunately.
  32. Smallville417

    Meeting a girl on craigslist...

    I would never do it, even if single.
  33. Smallville417

    Reinstating Leno on the Tonight Show

    I only got interested in the Tonight Show again because of Conan. I loved him on Late Night and followed him over.
  34. Smallville417

    Does you dick bend and what way?

    Perfectly straight.
  35. Smallville417

    For the Comic readers out there

    I read the titles you listed monthly except Detective Comics. At one point I was reading over a 100 titles a month.
  36. Smallville417

    MTV Jersey Shore:Exposed!

    As much as I find them all to be complete morons, that was funny.
  37. Smallville417

    So, I was thinking.

    I'm always thinking.
  38. Smallville417

    priya rai or diamond foxx???

  39. Smallville417

    What's your racism tolerance level?

    I can laugh at a joke, as long as there is no hate behind it. I despise racists though. I have a few in my extended family.
  40. Smallville417

    Sex With Ex

    Never had sex with an ex.
  41. Smallville417

    Who would you fuck around the clock?

    Michelle Wild or Penelope Cruz.
  42. Smallville417

    Who Hates the Other More: Democrats or Republicans?

    I believe Republicans hate Democrats a lot more.
  43. Smallville417

    This user spams me everyday.

    Good one.
  44. Smallville417

    midget porn

    I watched a scene years ago with a midget and another guy doing some hot girl, don't remember the name of the movie though. It was interesting. Wouldn't go out of my way for it though.
  45. Smallville417

    Cameron's 3D could change cinema forever

    I look forward to seeing it.
  46. Smallville417

    Kevin Smith Flicks

    I've only seen Chasing Amy.