Search results

  1. Smallville417

    ****** King

    They don't all look the same, just like white people don't all look the same. I've dated a lot of Asian women from different countries, and there are differences.
  2. Smallville417

    ****** King

    I would buy my girlfriend a I heart BJ shirt.
  3. Smallville417

    What would you do if you came home to this one day?

    Thank my girlfriend for the surprise gift.
  4. Smallville417

    Teen Idol Corey Haim Dies at 38

    As did I. I hoped he would pull himself together, but am not surprised at all this is how it all ended.
  5. Smallville417

    Glenn Beck Felled by Eric Massa's Performance

    Beck and Hannity jumped all over the Massa story like hungry fish. Even O'Reilly didn't seem to buy it, but he is not the fanatic Beck and Hannity are. Glad to see Beck with egg on his face as he sat there not able to get someone to support his conspiracy theories.
  6. Smallville417

    Apology to 2 daughters , whose father gave them 9 kids

    That is disgusting. How could anyone do that to their child.
  7. Smallville417

    Girls: Euro VS America

    I prefer the girls in Europorn.
  8. Smallville417

    Why do people want kids?

    I have 3 kids, 2 sons and a daughter, and love them to death. They have completely enriched my life.
  9. Smallville417

    Porn Sluts with most cocks so far

    I used to be judgmental, but now I really appreciate sluts.
  10. Smallville417

    200+ Nigerians Slaughtered With Machedes...

    As usual they won't.
  11. Smallville417

    So I met Aletta Ocean (Thanks to and....

    One of my favorites, she is hot.
  12. Smallville417

    What she wants, she gets. (GRAPHIC CONTENT)

    Never did anything like that, but I enjoy watching it in porn.
  13. Smallville417

    MLB 10: The Show

    I've always loved the series, and this year's edition is a must have for me.
  14. Smallville417

    I just want people opinions on anal sex.Do you think its overrated

    Mine said the same thing in the beginning. Tried it, left me with the impression that we wouldn't be doing it again, and now she demands it from me. Now she thanks me for turning her on to it. She made the effort, because she said she knew how interested I was in doing it, and she said she...
  15. Smallville417

    I just want people opinions on anal sex.Do you think its overrated

    My girlfriend told me that she is enjoying sex so much more now that she is freeing her mind and body to new experiences. The naughtier it is, the more turned on she gets. Often I feel like I'm with a porn star. She is such a sexual woman, and I love it.
  16. Smallville417

    Conan O'Brien chooses 1st person to follow on Twitter

    I hope so also. I've been a fan of his for a long time.
  17. Smallville417

    Say you went grocery shopping and you saw this...

    I'm sure both me and my girlfriend would just stop and stare, and be thinking of what we would like to do with her together.
  18. Smallville417


    That's how I feel about it. Cheating is one of the most painful things one can experience emotionally. I have no sympathy for a cheater.
  19. Smallville417

    I just want people opinions on anal sex.Do you think its overrated

    That would be my girl. She gets so into it, and that drives me crazy.
  20. Smallville417

    Popular Science Scans Entire 137 Year Archive, Puts It Online & Available for Free

    Re: Popular Science Scans Entire 137 Year Archive, Puts It Online & Available for Fre I'm not really into the magazine, or at least I haven't paid much attention to it, but that is cool.
  21. Smallville417

    Sexual attraction that brings on anger

    I've never had a feeling even remotely close to that.
  22. Smallville417

    When`s the best time to jack off?

    Whenever you have a free moment.
  23. Smallville417

    Wish weren't a pornstar

    No, it's always the opposite. I wish more of the woman I was into did porn.
  24. Smallville417

    40 virgins or one woman?

    1 woman.
  25. Smallville417

    Woman only want sex?

    I appreciate honesty. I've been fooled by a couple of woman in the past that I thought were into me for more than sex.
  26. Smallville417

    **Official 2010 weightlifting/bodybuilding tthread*

    I've watched the Arnold Classic a couple of times on ESPN (or was it ESPN2) in the past.
  27. Smallville417

    Ask me (mrtrebus) any question ya want

    What brand of adult diapers would you recommend?
  28. Smallville417

    **Official 2010 weightlifting/bodybuilding tthread*

    I've been a weightlifter/bodybuilder for just over 18 years, keeps me feeling youthful. I'm not as hardcore about it as I was in my 20's, but I'm trying to get my intensity back.
  29. Smallville417

    girl on girl or solo masturbation

    One day you will get your wish.
  30. Smallville417

    I love my slutty girl!!!

    I love my slutty girl!!!
  31. Smallville417

    Would You Fuck An 80-Year-Old CILF?

    60 is my limit, unless I was 80 myself.
  32. Smallville417

    Is your signifiicant other ok with porn or do you check it out on the sneak?

    I didn't think she would be, but she is really starting to love porn. And she is a member here also, though she only has posted a few times.
  33. Smallville417

    The Porn Star You Miss The Most...

    It will always be Michelle Wild.
  34. Smallville417

    I'm getting old.

    I just started feeling old over the last year or so.
  35. Smallville417

    im going into the military

    Good luck to you. Almost joined the Army out of high school, but backed out at the last minute.
  36. Smallville417

    anyone here into rimming? (played a joke on a fuck buddy last night)

    That's a pretty cruel thing to do.
  37. Smallville417

    Hey Everyone. It's Anita Blue.

  38. Smallville417

    Porn Sluts with most cocks so far

    I love sluts!
  39. Smallville417

    Starting to have a crush on someone at my gym

    I'm guessing you are a man? Odds are you are going to find yourself the victim of a physical assault unless you know for a fact he leans that way also. Personally I'm not going to make fun of you, you are attracted to who you are attracted to, and it's not for me to judge. Go with your feelings.
  40. Smallville417

    Guys...Time for Disclosure

    Bikini briefs. I've never liked boxer shorts for whatever reason.
  41. Smallville417

    You are welcome. Agreed completely with your view on non-nude sites.

    You are welcome. Agreed completely with your view on non-nude sites.
  42. Smallville417

    Spring Training

    I love MLB, but pay very little attention to Spring Training. I only get excited about Spring Training because I know the regular season is right around the corner.
  43. Smallville417

    Seriously, what's the deal with non nude sites?

    I agree completely, but tease and suspense usually leads to something. Again, I'm not downing the people really into these sites, everybody has different interests.
  44. Smallville417

    Wesley Snipes New Film

    I'm a Snipes fan, and wish him well. Movie looks interesting to me, but I'll wait for it to come out on Blu-ray.
  45. Smallville417

    Seriously, what's the deal with non nude sites?

    I guess some people prefer not having everything thrown out at you, and love the mystery. I had a friend who was 10 times more turned on by watching girls gone wild than ANY porn movie.
  46. Smallville417

    Seriously, what's the deal with non nude sites?

    I don't understand it much either, and would never pay for such a site. But whatever turns people on.