Have you jerked off to animated porn?


Everyone who says they never jerked off to toons is a liar … we all tried jerking off to Jessica Rabbit as kids. That shit was porn before we new what porn was.

No I didnt , I had real porn and girls


Btw on a totally unrelated topic but your username made me feel the need to say this......I am in love with Erica Durance!!!!!! "Stop gawking and prosper"<Vulcan hand sign>

LULZ if that isnt iconic tv I dunno what is.


Lost at Birth
i dont jerk off to animated porn, however i'm very animated when i jerk off to porn. ehhhh, whats up, cock?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement


&#9608;&#9600;&#9608;&#9600;&#9608; &#9608; &#9608
some theres just some things that real porn stars won't do.....like tentacles.
Sure, a hot girl or storyline can be represented in many forms, art, hentai, porn.
I think people deny it because they think it makes them look like a pedo or something.