Sex With Ex


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I am probadly sure this topic has been used before. Anyway I was with my ex GF for almost four years. We mutually parted well over a year ago, yet we continued to have sex on a regular basis, even though we kept dating other people. Here is the weird thing I can't stand being in or even contemplating starting a relationship with her again. But the sex after we broke up was great. It actually got better. Anyone ever been in a similar situation or this or have anything on this topic to share.
It's better because you know you don't have to stick around before or after. I was in this situation a couple years ago. It was awesome. Nothing builds your ego up like a girl calling you for a fuck when she is dating some other guy.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Also when we first started dating she had a tight hot lil body, then we lived together we both got fat. She opted for gastric bypass surgery, while I lost weight the hard way. We broke up like I mentioned, then she got hotter, and skinner again.


Never done it. Chances came up, but I said no. Why? Because sleeping with your ex is one of the dumbest things you can do after a break up.
I've done it a few times but we were both single. Never have done it while both or one of us is in a relationship. As a matter of fact, maybe I should give my ex a call. LOL!


It's good to be the king...
Always thought "don't shit on your own doorstep" to be pretty good advice - so I usually try to avoid my ex-GFs


I am pretty sure that if I would fuck my ex again that my wife would take the house and the dog and most likely make me pay out the ass for chgild support for the next 18 years. So I am going to have to pass on this.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Watch out for it. Dont get into your old patterns with the ex; you dont want to get pulled back in.
I wouldn't know. All my EXs were mysteriously murdered soon after the relationship end.
Done it with a few ex's.
One was a regular thing even when she had a new man,the sex was amazing and if truth be told it was the only thing we had in the relationship that was any good in the first place.
Worked out well for us both.
As long as there are no emotions or expectations it can be a good thing.
Just don't be fooled into thinking "It can work this time, for sure!"

Whatever made her and you an "ex" is not likely to be something either of you has changed.

Enjoy the humping...
Sex after breaking up is amongst the best sex you will ever have. The only better, is sex immediately after starting a relationship.
I've been seriously considering this lately. My last ex is still a pretty good friend, and, ever since my best friend rejected me when I proposed to her a few weeks ago, I've been considering calling up my ex to see if she wants to do the bunny thing.
I am probadly sure this topic has been used before. Anyway I was with my ex GF for almost four years. We mutually parted well over a year ago, yet we continued to have sex on a regular basis, even though we kept dating other people. Here is the weird thing I can't stand being in or even contemplating starting a relationship with her again. But the sex after we broke up was great. It actually got better. Anyone ever been in a similar situation or this or have anything on this topic to share.

Been there, done that, got the scars to prove it. I wasn't with her for that long, no way I'd do that, she'd think I really wanted to get back with her and not just a bootie call. After breaking up back in the early 2000's, she called me for no strings sex, and we would meet every once in a while for several months. She was already with someone else and she pregnant, but it's not mine, I always used protection, but her fiancee didn't. So now she's gone and I'm fine with it.