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  1. Spleen

    So, I was thinking.

    Yeah, I agree.
  2. Spleen

    Goodbye old friend...

    I remember! I loved that game. I really can't believe teletext lasted as long as it did. It's been useless for over a decade.
  3. Spleen

    Tory Lanes pubic hair.

    It's porn, what has a "real" woman got to do with it?
  4. Spleen

    trying to get my cute friend set up as a non nude model

    ^ What would he come back for, more abuse?
  5. Spleen

    What's your racism tolerance level?

    Wake up.
  6. Spleen

    Didn't see that one coming, a Christmas I'll never forget.

    I got so drunk I don't remember anything. None of my family members would look me in the eye the next day. My christmas > Yours.
  7. Spleen

    What's your racism tolerance level?

    No, I agree. The truth is, people always get pissed off with shit and just keep their mouths closed. It's the way a lot of people function. And true, they should review their beliefs.
  8. Spleen

    What's your racism tolerance level?

    No one likes a drama queen.
  9. Spleen

    What's your racism tolerance level?

    I make jokes, I enjoy others jokes. I also have friends of many different races, and we often make jokes at each other. Get over it.
  10. Spleen

    What's your choice for downloading music?

    No. But that is the rule. If you can't find it to buy(either on itunes, or in a shop), then illegal downloading is fine.
  11. Spleen

    What religion are you?

    You are not allowed to choose religions for other people.
  12. Spleen

    Best Horror flick of the decade?

    Seems like the kind of thing that would actually happen, in that situation. If I had a gun full of bullets, I'd much rather kill my family than let them be torn to shreds.
  13. Spleen

    Wich country has the best beers ?

    I wish this was a public vote, I'd love to see which 9 people know FUCK ALL about beer.
  14. Spleen

    Shot Down :(

    Think of a cat with a piece of string. It chases it around, all very excited (touching, laughing, whatnot...) but as soon as it catches it, it suddenly gets bored. YOU NEED TO BE THAT PIECE OF STRING. Play the game. Pretend you don't care.
  15. Spleen

    What religion are you?

    Technically I'm CofE, but only because I was baptised. Now I am nothing. I'm not even athiest.
  16. Spleen

    Best Horror flick of the decade?

    It's one of my favourite ever endings. It is VERY mean, but I don't see why it didn't make sense?
  17. Spleen

    Shot Down :(

    Erm. Me? Edit: Ok, so it depends on the location. If I meet a girl at a supermarket/social gathering/any other "quiet" place then no. But usually I go sarging at nightclubs ( I know, the skankiest of girls are at nightclubs, but thats what I want right now) then I am DEFINATELY getting a...
  18. Spleen

    Shot Down :(

    Did you even get three IOIs (indicators of interest) before you asked for her number? Shit, did you even kiss her first? It's true. This guy is one of the greatest pickup artists on the planet. He may look like a twat to you and me, but he knows exactly what makes a woman tick. I used some...
  19. Spleen

    Sex With Ex

    Never done it. Chances came up, but I said no. Why? Because sleeping with your ex is one of the dumbest things you can do after a break up.
  20. Spleen

    What's your choice for downloading music?

    Spotify It's legal, there are millions of tracks, and there is no download time. You have to listen to adverts, but only one every 10 songs or so. Which is less than the radio!
  21. Spleen

    Best Horror flick of the decade?

    The Mist 28 Days Later
  22. Spleen

    Your Christmas Gift For Another Member

    My gift is I promise not to kill any of you this year.
  23. Spleen

    Hey MD, hows life treating you? Looking forward to Christmas?

    Hey MD, hows life treating you? Looking forward to Christmas?
  24. Spleen

    Police Brutality On Soldier

    Didn't have much chance to co-operate.
  25. Spleen

    Do you pay for porn? [POLL]

  26. Spleen

    What Do You Prefer? Rocks or Browns?

    Mephedrone Totally legal, and makes you feel amazing.
  27. Spleen

    Win a Trip to Budapest & Dinner with Eve Angel!

    Oh, you have to be a member. Never mind.
  28. Spleen

    Brittany Murphy dead at 32!

    Too bad, she was a hotty. I feel bad for her family, it's never a good time to lose a loved one but right before christmas has gotta be the worst.
  29. Spleen

    Rock anthem outselling X Factor winner Joe McElderry

    Man I was so fucking happy when I heard the result! This is a great day for rebellion and music.
  30. Spleen

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Did you see it 3D or standard? I wanna see it, but I'm not expecting anything much out of it. It's all about the visuals.
  31. Spleen

    There's just "something" about her?

    I know exactly what you mean Legz. Maybe not all guys think she's that hot, but I don't even care because of that "something".
  32. Spleen

    Favorite Overall Hair Color (1 vote only)

    Man that was fucking hard
  33. Spleen

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    I love that film. One of Sammy J's best roles I think. Ricci also does a fantastic job, she's never been hotter.
  34. Spleen

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    There are still some out there, but very rare. First that pops to mind is Breach, check it out if you haven't already.
  35. Spleen

    does anyone know what I'm talking about?

    Dances with Smurfs
  36. Spleen

    The Known Universe

    Is this thread "anti obama"?....
  37. Spleen

    The Known Universe

    I was high as a kite already when I clicked into this thread. And that video just fucked me up completely.
  38. Spleen

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Well, seeing as it's actually BLACKJACK (it is called "21"), I'm going to guess you don't like it, or you at least didn't quite understand it.....
  39. Spleen

    Listen to My Just Released Techno Song

    Meh, it's alright. Arrangement is pretty good, the vocals are a bit too much though.
  40. Spleen

    Monique Alexander / Monique Richards / Briana Burke

    She squirts?! Is this true, anyone else back it up?
  41. Spleen

    Tennessee Boy, 4, Found Near Home With Stolen Presents, Drinking Beer

    I do shit like that all the time and never get in the news. I love this kid! Actually, that's a lie. I have been mentioned in local papers quite a few times. They just didn't know my name ;)
  42. Spleen

    Why do nice guys finish last? (A question for the ladies)

    Read "The Game" by Neil Strauss, it will change your life.
  43. Spleen

    No Internet

    I'd probably have a busier life.
  44. Spleen

    Why is wanting sex all the time a turn off to my man

    I used to get annoyed with my ex sometimes. She'd be so fucking horny at the most inconveinient of times, and I'd just have to tell her to cool the fuck down.
  45. Spleen

    What song best describe you.

    I used to love her, but I had to kill her.
  46. Spleen

    Why do nice guys finish last? (A question for the ladies)

    Yeah, like I said.... Girls will never admit it. They want to believe they are only into nice guys, but they are blind to the truth. God forbid a woman actually realise us guys are right, the universe might collapse. Maybe that's what the Mayans predicted?...
  47. Spleen

    Why do nice guys finish last? (A question for the ladies)

    You can not ask a girl this, because they will always say they want a "nice guy". Which isn't true.