Re: What's your racism tolerance level? level?
Nope; keep your crusades at home. People aren't gonna change on the spot 'cause you are such an eloquent speaker...all you'd be doing is causing some shit and sticking your nose into someone else's space... Get politically active, march around with signs at clinics; just keep outa my space with your judgemental attitude... Just sayin'.
I think the actual thing at hand is, I asked a simple related question.
I mean
racism +
tolerance, equates to discussions and reason, but it seems like discussions and reason are not to be had or for that matter simple questions like I inquired about. Whats is the big deal? Seems like a logical inquisitive question based upon what was described in the original post?
But now the forum buddy system is in full effect chiming in with your nonsense. Amazing that people don't mind stepping up and bashing others here who pose a simple related question but would probably just stand and watch/listen if they heard/saw something in real life. Amusing comments. Interesting how a simple internet connection can grow a spine for someone.
I asked a simple question "So did you step up and voice your disgust at the time?", I am not in anyway being judgmental to anyone, how is that not related to the topic? But its obvious reason and discussion wont occur here with all the forum buddies saving face amongst each other and executing your faceless digital courage.
Bravo, no wonder racism, prejudice, discrimination, oppression, exist.