So, I was thinking.

What do you think?

Commence discussion!
Will there ever be a boy born who can swim faster than a shark?
I was thinking about porn. After all, this is FreeOnes! :thumbsup:
I was thinking about thinking and how when you think the volume never changes. It's like your thinking is on 5 and you can't think at 2 or 10. always on five that thinking stuff is. Just thinking out loud.


I was thinking that I wish there were some hot male porn stars.

Damn...sorry, Jane, but I'm just too busy to change jobs right now.
Don't give up hope, could come to pass at any time!:D


...that that makes so much sense, I have nothing to add.
Great post once again, ~~whimsy~~! :thumbsup:

(No rep, though...:D)


I was thinking about thinking and how when you think the volume never changes. It's like your thinking is on 5 and you can't think at 2 or 10. always on five that thinking stuff is. Just thinking out loud.

So, what volume level is "thinking out loud" set on?:confused: