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  1. bodie54

    TRUMP- My 2 cents worth

    Yeah actually we could arrange something. A simple contract. The money placed in a trust account that divests to the winner (or their estate, or designated beneficiary) on a specific future date. Are you interested?
  2. bodie54

    Majority of Americans don’t see Trump tax cuts in paychecks

    You're a liberal with a job???? :eek: That just can't be! Must be a government job, right? ;)
  3. bodie54

    Hannity's Fat Head

    Yipes his head has noticably expanded since then. Kinda reminds one of Barry Bonds' head while on the juice :eek: The Cohen situation is at the very least embarrassing. Maybe he should try diverting attention by exhuming Seth Rich again?
  4. bodie54

    Former First Lady Bárbara Bush has passed away

    She was a good person and a good first lady. Condolences to her family and may she RIP.
  5. bodie54

    TRUMP- My 2 cents worth

    I wish I was going to be around long enough to make a future bet on this with you, but it appears that's unlikely. I'd be willing to go six figures and even give you odds.
  6. bodie54

    Sandy Hook Parents Sue Alex Jones for Defamation

    His own lawyer outed him as an actor/entertainer a couple of years ago. But regardless he still has a HUGE following of conspiracy nuts. A Jones has flipped flopped on it many times and he even says he believes the people died. So why they are going after him makes no sense. No actually he...
  7. bodie54

    TRUMP- My 2 cents worth

    No I don't know any such thing. I've seen him way more than enough to know that in reality he's not that obese. Appreciate you telling me what I think again, though. It's becoming a frequent occurrence. I find it ironic that he’s the fat tub of shit when the candidate that the left are...
  8. bodie54

    Watergate 2.0 in Progress

    Opinion, or can you document that?
  9. bodie54

    Watergate 2.0 in Progress

    Chuck, maybe you're not aware of how broad the directive Mueller was given actually was? It wasn't by any means limitless the way you seem to be portraying it, but it was broad, and he has not strayed beyond the parameters of that original directive.
  10. bodie54

    TRUMP- My 2 cents worth

    As I recall that's because you presented it as real. I made no such pronouncement here. I just found it a funny meme. Even in his "natural" state he's no matinee idol, but it seems he thinks he still is.
  11. bodie54

    Sandy Hook Parents Sue Alex Jones for Defamation

    Look how suddenly Jones stops crying! Crisis actor!!!!!!!
  12. bodie54

    Sandy Hook Parents Sue Alex Jones for Defamation

    Good for them. They probably have little or no shot of winning, but merely drawing more attention to what an ignorant, divisive, irresponsible piece of trash Jones is will be a good thing. Well there you go. The clinching piece of evidence that proves it was all fake. :rolleyes: :rolleyes...
  13. bodie54

    TRUMP- My 2 cents worth

  14. bodie54

    Parkland pro-gun Teacher loses his gun in public bathrooms

    Are you not aware that the victims of these shootings usually aren't identified to the public at the time of the shootings? As I recall the confirmed IDs of victims in the Vegas shootings didn't start becoming public until the following day. Three days after the shooting there were still three...
  15. bodie54

    Post what weird ass dreams you've had here before you forget them

    Had a dream last night that Donald Trump was trying to smear me and the only way I could clear my name was to sneak into Trump Tower and pilfer a document from his office that proved he was lying. So I donned all the MAGA attire I could find (t shirt and cap) and headed off on my mission. I...
  16. bodie54

    Making Scooter Libby Great Again

    Bolton, Libby...all we need now are Rumsfeld, Cheney and Wolfowitz and we're looking at MPGA : make PNAC great again.
  17. bodie54

    Here We Go Again

    Yep. Well said. Ok I'll wait to see just exactly what we took out. But based on Putin being handled with kid gloves again I don't expect it to be a game changer.
  18. bodie54

    Here We Go Again

    Of course not. But I'm with BC on this one in being against doing it at all. Yeah sure that's the alleged intent but realistically who's going to be cowed by this? Assad and Putin (and Kim) both know full well what we're capable of without us performing this impotent (for all practical...
  19. bodie54

    Putin doubts the claim that Trump used Russian prostitutes

    I can't argue with that :bowdown: My all time favorite is a Russkie.
  20. bodie54

    Here We Go Again

    This from the guy who constantly trashed Obama about tipping his hand regarding military operations :1orglaugh Bravo, DT!
  21. bodie54

    The Stupidity of California thread

    How much is earmarked for this pilot program? Did I read it right that it's 550K? lol Dino only lives about three miles from the ocean. My brother about a mile and a half. Me about 500 yards. So what we need is a fault line to give way somewhere in the 2 mile range. Except that would also sink...
  22. bodie54

    Here We Go Again

    Yeah sure they have. That's why I was able to find the same clip there almost immediately. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVyUNxxInoY
  23. bodie54

    NRA board member about liberals : "Every time you see one, shoot one"

    As a gun owner do I want this loudmouth idiot lending fuel to anti-gunners? Fuck no. At the very least kick this pos off of the NRA's board of directors. He's one of the organization's own worst enemies.
  24. bodie54

    It’s on! Mueller referral leads FBI to raid Cohen’s office.

    Interesting that the warrant was served by a U.S. attorney Trump appointed after firing one he didn't feel was loyal enough. karma much? lol
  25. bodie54

    John Bolton as National Security Advisor - Obama people better start packing their shit

    Baloney. Powell presented the case for war to the UN with much of Bushco being fully aware how shaky the case actually was. And as noted above she responded in a polar opposite way to updated WMD intel than Bush did. The Iraq resolution was passed in October 2002. That intel didn't start to...
  26. bodie54

    John Bolton as National Security Advisor - Obama people better start packing their shit

    The Bush admin was rife with PNAC asswipes pushing the same agenda PNAC asswipe Bolton embraced. Clinton didn't play any part in conjuring the bush admin's grand deception that led to invasion. Yeah she voted for it, but not long thereafter, when in possession of updated intel, her position...
  27. bodie54

    John Bolton as National Security Advisor - Obama people better start packing their shit

    LOL A founding member of PNAC, which brought us the most disastrous foreign policy manuever in our nation's history. But Trump only hires the best :1orglaugh While Trump might object to Bolton's mustache (the president has a distaste for men with facial hair) You really can't help but admire...
  28. bodie54

    Governor of Oregon will defy Trump if he asks her to activate the national guard

    No. DACA applicants have to follow protocol. They can't just claim they're eligible and be accepted. Even if there weren't other qualifying factors a great segment of those illegals would be ineligible simply because they're too old to be eligible. Of course I could. You make some amazingly...
  29. bodie54

    Governor of Oregon will defy Trump if he asks her to activate the national guard

    If the orange douche would just be honest for a change it might help. I mean, he goes off on a rant about how that caravan of refugees was coming here to take advantage of DACA when in fact that wasn't even possible. Similar to his rant about how the diversity lottery empowers other countries to...
  30. bodie54

    Breaking News: Youtube HQ Shooting

  31. bodie54

    Breaking News: Youtube HQ Shooting

    I was SO hopeful that was the beginning of a trend, but as we can see by Will's most recent post the sweater puppies are back on full display again :facepalm:
  32. bodie54

    Trump to order U.S. troops to U.S./Mexican border.

    Yes sure it could happen then as well. And when it does, which it seems likely it will, it's going to create one hell of a firestorm. Crowd control in a hostile setting (Iraq) is a part of military training That's a fact. But based on the hysteria I've been seeing from much of the right this...
  33. bodie54

    Trump to order U.S. troops to U.S./Mexican border.

    I don't understand why this is such big news. It's big news because Trump used the whole thing to whip up his base, 99% of which has no idea this same org has held caravans the last few years. Furthermore organizers planned in advance to have the march wrap at a conference in central Mexico...
  34. bodie54

    President Trump is a fascist dictator

    Thanks Bob! :banger: This is so exciting! But before I open my practice I have to ask...do all bullet penetrations result in death? Because I think I read that somewhere. Ah yes very good based on the aesthetic limitations of most of the women he bangs he has a lot of crisis experience. If...
  35. bodie54

    Trump to order U.S. troops to U.S./Mexican border.

    Drop the bullshit labeling. I as an individual have no problem with enforcing our immigration laws as they exist. You've never once and you never will see me referring to as illegals "undocumented" or "unauthorized"...they're illegals, they broke the law. Granted only a misdemeanor, but still...
  36. bodie54

    Shooting in Florida School

    Thamina Stoll's father resides in Munich, where he works as a journalist, so actually I'd say the chances of him covering the Munich shooting were extremely high. Thamina Stoll - One of hundreds of thousands of people who spoke with Hillary and/or had their pictures taken with her while she...
  37. bodie54

    Trump to order U.S. troops to U.S./Mexican border.

    Does that mean we won't get to see any woman and children being shot? :( Damn. I was so looking forward to that :( Was thinking maybe I might even bag me a couple myself :(
  38. bodie54

    Shooting in Florida School

    The Parkland shooting inspired demonstrations by gun control advocates in several places worldwide, including Israel. I remember you going off on a bender about how fake the scenario was when some other Jewish kid was visiting family overseas on spring break - I think it was the girl who was...
  39. bodie54

    Shooting in Florida School

    Eden sings pretty well, actually. Yeah right like a couple of Jewish kids would ever visit family in Israel during their spring break. :wtf: That defies any and all logic!
  40. bodie54

    President Trump is a fascist dictator

    Thanks and understood. Until we get Hebrew financing we have to be frugal. I think I can hold out until the singles arrive. Will liquidate my lincoln penny collection if necessary. Strippers love getting tipped with coin rolls. Anything for the Illuminati :hatsoff: Zeroing in on mall choice...
  41. bodie54

    President Trump is a fascist dictator

    Nobody's claiming there is zero outside influence :dunno:
  42. bodie54

    President Trump is a fascist dictator

    Yeah really. Where the hell is a Rothchild when you really need one? Sneaky bastards! I'm afraid we can't count on Rey. He spends almost all of his time tied up (literally) in a fleabag motel in Minnesota having his orifices probed by Michelle Bachman and her not gay husband. I'll keep...
  43. bodie54

    President Trump is a fascist dictator

    I like it, Bob! But...I don't think it works that way - just jumping in like that. I think we have to wait until we're contacted by some Jewish bankers.
  44. bodie54

    President Trump is a fascist dictator

    Which stream, Bob? PS: Some of the workers at my polling place were people who've lived in my neighborhood for 20 or 30 years. Who knew they were all crisis actors??!!
  45. bodie54

    President Trump is a fascist dictator

    What are you asking? His madrassa was supposedly multi denominational but suffice it to say it was in no way steeped in Christianity. Supposedly? Yeah, his public school was multi denominational and the curriculum included only a small portion of mainstream Islam. At that same "age most...
  46. bodie54

    ****BREAKING NEWS *****Rod Rosenstein fires Robert Mueller!

    Ha! That he did. I'm still sitting here listening to news radio. DOH! LOL A good year to pull this off too since most people are focused on this being Easter.
  47. bodie54

    ****BREAKING NEWS *****Rod Rosenstein fires Robert Mueller!

    For real? I'm listening to news radio and they haven't mentioned anything yet, not even in top of the hour headlines.
  48. bodie54

    President Trump is a fascist dictator

    So what was the curriculum at Obama's school? Why not? In that address he pointed out various ideologies, both past and present, that have been used that way.
  49. bodie54

    President Trump is a fascist dictator

    What I meant to ask was what does the word "madrassa" mean to you? What goes on in a madrassa? I'm not trying to play cute here. I just don't want to presume anything in terms of your thoughts. Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t recall GWB ever making a moral equivalency of jihad and the...
  50. bodie54

    Orange County votes against California's sanctuary city laws and joins Trump Administration lawsuit

    Mmm prime rib. But cooked fully please; not swimming in blood. Don't like yorkshire pudding. I liked the waitresses outfits :) If I recall right that placed closed down around '88 or '89. I'll have to ask my brother. He's the L.A. lifer in the family, although I still spend a lot of time there.