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Here We Go Again


Hiliary 2020
yootube TERMINATED it Dino.
Theyve gone full blown Commie if you haven't noticed by now.
Anything that questions what THE GOV and its controlled media says will be silenced.
And thanks to all the real mass killings since Barry's second term began they want to be able to detain you indefinitely on the grounds of mental illness if you write stuff on the internet that they don't like.
Just one of the agendas they serve.
Isn't that special?


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Dino, I didn't notice it was taken down also. bodie didn't notice it either. I found the Tucker Carlson interview that was taken down because it was originated 2 days before the event. Wake up people.



Hiliary 2020
From what I understand the incident was on April 7th.
The Carlson clip seems to be from the 8th or 9th.

I don't see how that could be confused for being made before the incident.

Ok so this is all some people need to want to bomb and kill more Syrians?
An attack that anybody could have done and blamed on Assad.
An attack that we don't even know was real.

Every year this happens. Assad gasses a small town in the middle of nowhere. White Helmets come to the rescue immediately wearing no protective equipment and the Western Media shows up to film it even though they have no news people in Syria at all. Only when one of these events happen.
Then Israel and the US politicians and its media all call for WAR and to overthrow the Syrian Government and kill their President. All based on the latest "attack".
I mean how dumb are we supposed to be?

Anybody who can still use their brain instead of using CNN to think for them should be able to see the Assad and the Syrian GOV has no reason at all to just randomly gas a town in their own country.
But Israel, The USA, and all those who profit from WAR and the destruction of Syria have all the motive in the world.

So lets not think. Lets just attack the ancient country of Syria (under the LIE of that we care so much about the Syrian people)
Lets go to war with Russia over it.
And lets all suffer the consequences of that.

This is Russian News's take on it. Seems they've actually did something US news forgot how to do a long long long time ago:


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Oh, a Russian news source. The free and independent Russian news media. "All the news (that the Kremlin allows to be) fit to print." I hear they have elections there too.

meester, you call a city of over 100,000 people 6 miles from Damascus a small town in the middle of nowhere?

While we are at it, what western news media reported from the scene? Those news agency logos in the top left corner are all middle eastern.


Hiliary 2020
you just keep believing whatever they tell you.
If they say Assad did it then he did it.
Lets bomb and kill them.
Lets go to war.
Of course Russia and Iran will get involved, against the USA.
And that will give them a good excuse to get things going in the Ukraine also.

And only, ONLY because we care so much about Syrian people and nothing to do with israel.

See bob you head is so far up your ass you can't even smell your own poop anymore.

Wanna go to war over this? Wanna kill some people?
ok, here's youre rifle and some ammo , have fun.
So Syrian and Russian forces have moved into Douma (the site of the chemical attack) and the last U.S. backed rebel group there "The Army of Islam" has surrendered.

WTF are we still supporting a group dubbing themselves "The Army of Islam?" Why are we still pushing for the overthrow of the Assad regime when we've seen what the alternative will be? We haven't learned from Iraq and Libya.
Risking a clash with Russia over this attack is just dumb. I’m truly sorry that Assad has gassed 40 of his people, but it’s not worth risking war over to retaliate. We just can’t respond to everything a shit leader in a schithole country does.


Hiliary 2020
Think of this:
Every time one these gas attacks happens in Syria (Attacks that I have no doubt are false flags and have nothing to do with the Syrian GOV) the same scumbags call for an invasion of Syria.
Netanyahoo, Grahm, Mccain, and various other bought and paid for corrupt politicians.

Is anybody actually convinced these people are sincerely concerned with the Syrian people?
Just like they were with the Iraqis, Afghans, Libyans right?

Politicians have owners, Every single one without exception.
Owners with lots of money. And the politicians don't look out for whats best for the People, they do what is best for their owners.
That is the nature of it. That is how it is. And Trump is no exception.
And these owners see Syria as just another way to make themselves richer and more powerful.

So if gassing some people, or more likely at this point just faking a gassing will get them what they want , of course theyll do it.

Just like if faking a school shooting will generate a shit ton of money for all involved plus make it more difficult for Americans to obtain firearms of course they'll do it.
Americans believe anything. Most can't even think for themselves at this point.
If they can get away with it and make a profit they surely will.


Hiliary 2020
Trump has no Syria strategy. Obama didn't either

Sure they do, or did.
Supply a bunch of mercenaries with a shit ton of money, weapons, supplies, and drugs and order them to attack Syria.
Destroy the fucking place. That was the strategy. Worked great in Libya.
Call them a catchy name like ISIS or something and call them their enemy and use that enemy as an excuse to spend billions and billions of dollars every year (money that is borrowed from the Zionist owned Federal Reserve to increase the debt to them and be used as an excuse for more taxes to pay that debt. Money that winds up in somebodys pockets). In other words- Enslavement.

So you pay,arm, feed, clothe, ect ect this mercenary army called ISIS and have them destroy country after country.
It worked great in Libya. All that wealth and resources stolen.
Because Gaddafi was raping people was it?
Yeah he was raping so we carpet bombed them for months, killed about a million out of 6 million people then handed it over to ISIS on day one.
But of course ISIS cant keep the wealth that Libya was oozing with. Thats for the rich white people.
And Libya didn't even fight back.
But Syria did.

So being an ISIS mercenary was great. Great pay, great food, women, drugs, plus you got to rape and kill as much as you could.
But once too many starting getting killed they shaved their beards and went the hell home.
So sadly, The US and its owners (israel and the banks) had to give up their hopes and dreams of destroying Syria.
But it ain't over till its over right?
Like the Terminator once said, "Fuck you asshole".
So Fox News is reporting the Administration has decided to go forward with military strikes against Syria, of course after Russia and Syria have been forewarned and moved their planes and ships from potential targets. The President will be announcing this shortly.

This is more for Kim Jong Un than anything.

France and the UK are in on these strikes as well. Thanks, I guess.
OMG! This is huge! This is historic!

Boy we really caught the Syrians by surprise with this one huh...

This is a joke. We did missile strikes last year in response to the last chemical attack. This time it's airstrikes. A week after the actual attack. This is not going to change the tide of the war. Assad won. Putin won. Obama had no strategy. Trump doesn't either.

IMO I'd rather we do nothing than do these half ass pinprick strikes that won't change the balance of power. If we're going to go in, at least go all in. With overwhelming force. I'm not saying I agree with that. but at least it's a strategy. An actual plan
So Fox News is reporting the Administration has decided to go forward with military strikes against Syria, of course after Russia and Syria have been forewarned and moved their planes and ships from potential targets. The President will be announcing this shortly.

This from the guy who constantly trashed Obama about tipping his hand regarding military operations :1orglaugh

Bravo, DT!