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  1. bodie54

    Saudi soccer team refuses to observe minute of silence for the London terror victims

    Hardly. Just cutting through some of the hype and bullshit surrounding his trip there. Nope. But he and his team sure sold his visit there as if it was a HUGE difference maker. Totally groundbreaking! Historical even! :facepalm:
  2. bodie54

    Saudi soccer team refuses to observe minute of silence for the London terror victims

    Trump's "historic" trip to The Kingdom was obviously tremendously transformative lol
  3. bodie54

    Watergate 2.0 in Progress

    Makes complete sense and would likely have the outcome you envision. Not going to happen, though. And not baffling at all (imo) based on who we're talking about here. His ego won't allow him to admit any possibility that he won on anything other than strictly his own merits.
  4. bodie54

    Well lookie here! President Trump's approval rating higher than Clinton's in 1993

    ? So...we can ignore Trump's notably higher DR because both had high DRs (a negative) But we can trumpet Trump's slightly higher AR despite both having low ARs (a negative) How does that make sense? Seems highly illogical (and inconsistent) to me :shrug:
  5. bodie54

    Well lookie here! President Trump's approval rating higher than Clinton's in 1993

    No need to mention his disapproval rating is considerably higher than Clinton's was at this point in time. Nah :-)
  6. bodie54

    Muslims appalled by the truth of ‘perfect man’ billboard in Indianapolis

    If it was up to me I'd leave those memorials up. Actually, slavery had been abolished in France in 1848, England in 1833, Spain in 1811 - so we were a bit behind the curve. Plus those three countries didn't have to engage in horrific civil wars to see its end.
  7. bodie54

    Muslims appalled by the truth of ‘perfect man’ billboard in Indianapolis

    Yeah sure, there's that too. Polygamy has also long outlasted Muhammed, and was not uncommon in his time. It can also be found in the Bible. Jacob. Abraham.
  8. bodie54

    Muslims appalled by the truth of ‘perfect man’ billboard in Indianapolis

    You mean for instance that slavery was still legal in the united states 1230 years after his death? Or that 1250 years after his death the age of consent in the United States was 10 or 12 in most states, and 7 in Delaware?
  9. bodie54

    Trump Lectures Everyone After London Attack, Then Goes Golfing

    WTF does that have to do with what went on in New Jersey? :1orglaugh Are you saying Trump may have confused the two? That that's his excuse for being an ignorant, intransigent fuck who has never corrected or retracted his outrageously false statement? Please tell me that's not what you're...
  10. bodie54

    Trump Lectures Everyone After London Attack, Then Goes Golfing

    Yeah actually he did, many a time. Trump spent the morning tweeting about the attack, calling for an end to political correctness when talking about terrorism and slamming London Mayor Sadiq Khan's comments to Londoners that there's no reason to be afraid and the city should go about its...
  11. bodie54

    Van runs over people at London Bridge *Breaking*

    No we have not. And even in attempting to argue that we have you'd have to go back a whole lot further than 8 years. He did say "radical" or "extremist" and made it clear that it was rooted in their religion. Oh did he now? "This is not a battle between different faiths, different sects, or...
  12. bodie54

    Van runs over people at London Bridge *Breaking*

    Yeah what about that? Wasn't that always THE key to breaking their backs? They're not saying it in Europe. :1orglaugh Trump didn't say it during his "I love myself" world tour either... As if it makes any fucking difference whatsoever. Jesus :facepalm: :facepalm:
  13. bodie54

    Transgender male competes against teenage girls in track meet and the result is surprising

    :rofl: 0.2 percent of the population. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
  14. bodie54

    U.S. to pull out of climate change Paris Accord

    Trump and Assad, standing together against the world. Such a beautiful romance :heart: So proud to be in such esteemed company. So pleased to let China and Russia assume a global leadership role in exerting soft power. God I love our president. Next up: getting rid of eurofag low flow toilets
  15. bodie54

    BREAKING:WAPO: Kushner Proposed Secret Communication Channel With Kremlin

    C'mon people. A certain degree of attacking each other is probably to be expected in this sandbox, but attacking family is just plain wrong.
  16. bodie54

    Danish woman attacked by group of muslims while walking her dog

    Damn. Hard to believe something like this could possibly happen. Women are never assaulted in the USA.
  17. bodie54

    Welcome home President Trump

    Well this turned out to be a pretty embarrassing thread. And I don't mean for France. Trump as a cartoon action figure :facepalm: (guy couldn't lift a minigun if his life depended on it) Macron a closeted gay (yeah we heard that stupid shit about Obama too) Trump was prettier than Macron in his...
  18. bodie54

    Why the US does not have universal health care

    That's not going to get us very far. Turmp has claimed that we spend “billions and billions” on NATO annually, but the Defense Department documents our annual direct contribution at under $500 million. Under 500 million, out of a total defense budget of over 600 billion. What can be labeled...
  19. bodie54

    BREAKING:Deaths Confirmed after Manchester Arena Blast

    This one really fucked up the script...he's still wearing shoes
  20. bodie54

    Liberals should be happy this morning. More dead Christians in Cairo

    Liberals should be happy this morning. More dead Christians in Cairo LOL I hope this is only trolling. Because if it's serious, well...never mind...there's no point in even addressing it.
  21. bodie54

    Predict Next Week's Trump related "Breaking News"

    Disappointing for sure. Not once did he use the phrase "radical islamic terrorism" :brick: My prediction - and I admit it's a real longshot - is that before he returns home he'll forcibly push the NATO representative of a small country out of his way en route to a photo op.
  22. bodie54

    I can't fake it anymore Trump is a disaster and needs to be impeached

    "An overly sensitive person, incapable of dealing with any opinions that differ from their own. These people can often be seen lashing out on Twitter when anyone challenges their opinion." omg :1orglaugh Did they include a picture of Trump next to this definition? :1orglaugh
  23. bodie54

    Tom Cruise says he is going to reprise his role of Top Gun

    Bring it on. It's long past time Maverick and Ice consummated their homo erotic desire for each other.
  24. bodie54

    World-Class Nudes: Playoffs!

  25. bodie54

    BREAKING:Deaths Confirmed after Manchester Arena Blast

    This incident could have been avoided had Trump only used the phrase "radical islamic terrorism" while visiting Riyadh. Instead he wussed out. He even made it very clear, like our last 2 presidents, that the war on terror is not a war on Islam. What a disappointment. What a feckless cuck...
  26. bodie54

    Based Adelphi University Lacrosse plays Trump speech during pre-game entrance

    It's true it really is a beautiful thing. The cockroach in chief never inspired us that way.
  27. bodie54

    FBI Director Comey fired

    So your brother has had the means to shell out several hundreds of thousands of dollars over time, but you want others including those of lesser means to pay higher premiums to offset that? No. I brought him up to show how fucked up the system has been, and to highlight how impossible his...
  28. bodie54

    FBI Director Comey fired

    He speaks in Trumpisms and it drives the leftwits nuts. lol Oh is that what we're calling his frequently rambling, semi-coherent, fact-impaired diatribes now? Trumpism? And it's actually an admirable thing? lol I think what leftwits find hardest to believe is that people of intelligence aren't...
  29. bodie54

    Watergate 2.0 in Progress

    Watergate 2.0 in Progress Very unlikely, imo Granted the so-called "optics" of this firing are not good, but unless Comey's replacement is someone who's obviously in Trump's pocket I imagine all will go forward as it would have with Comey, including the collusion-with-Russia investigation.
  30. bodie54

    FBI Director Comey fired

    Nobody said anything was "settled". It isn't. But a lot of it rings logical. And...I see the WSJ sourced twice there. Isn't it generally one of your more acceptable sources?
  31. bodie54

    Steven Seagal BANNED from Ukraine

    LOL He has NO interest in trying to "diffuse" anything. He's a Putin toady from way back. A useful idiot. Putin floated the idea of Seagal becoming*an honorary Russian envoy to the United States. And in*November, Putin*granted Seagal Russian citizenship, personally handing*him a Russian...
  32. bodie54

    FBI Director Comey fired

    a follow up to the original link from that thread: http://theweek.com/speedreads/658238/fbi-reopens-investigation-into-clintons-private-email-server Trump had been planning to oust Comey for at least a week, The New York Times and CNN report, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions had been charged...
  33. bodie54

    FBI Director Comey fired

    Not clear to me being as the linked article heralded him as spearheading the reup. But no problem I'll take your word for it. That still leaves us with the collective "you" on the right reacting very much this way... Oh how you loved him when, with less than 2 weeks left before the election...
  34. bodie54

    FBI Director Comey fired

    double post
  35. bodie54

    FBI Director Comey fired

    Lot's of very pleased, upbeat, enthusiastic root tootin' goin' on in this thread you started about the subject. No doubt included him among the "patriots" you mentioned in your op. Also asserted: "She's [Clinton] pissed Comey off now. He has probably obtained preservation of evidence orders for...
  36. bodie54

    FBI Director Comey fired

    lol Oh how you loved him when, with less than 2 weeks left before the election, he re-opened the Clinton email probe. THEN he was a courageous patriot, flaunting convention to get to THE TRUTH (which turned out to be nothing). Now he's a bum - nothing more than a "Obama fuckup" So predictable lol
  37. bodie54

    Macron won the election.

    Ah so Macron must have also promised to build a big beautiful wall another country will pay for. I did not know that, but I see the parallel here. Good point! :thumbsup:
  38. bodie54

    Macron won the election.

    Vive la libertie. Glad to see the French aren't as vulnerable to fear mongering as we are. They also have considerably higher percentage turnouts for their presidential elections than we do. 40% of newborn babies in France are already of ...(muslim) descent citation please? So far the only...
  39. bodie54

    Steven Seagal BANNED from Ukraine

    Being a shitty actor and a closeted homo wasn't enough, eh?
  40. bodie54

    More Trump winning!! Obamacare repeal passes house vote

    So apparently is inhumanity. At least when it comes to GOP legislators. Unimaginable that in the year 2017 we're the only modern industrial nation that let's its people suffer that way. And yet there are many who somehow consider that "winning" :facepalm:
  41. bodie54

    World-Class Nudes: Playoffs!

    I like how the 'artistically superb' photo that knocked Zemanova out of semi finals has gotten a whopping 1 vote (out of 13 now) for the silver medal. Too funny *lol* Here's a vote for Alyssa Arce to tie things up again.
  42. bodie54

    More Trump winning!! Obamacare repeal passes house vote

    That number comes from the CDC https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/overview/
  43. bodie54

    Jeff Sessions: A thin-skinned snowflake

    Why? Because they didn't stand and clap like trained seals after every utterance he made? That's pretty much standard operating procedure for the minority party. Surely you're not referencing the debunked story that dems didn't stand for the navy seal's widow? At least I hope not.
  44. bodie54

    Jeff Sessions: A thin-skinned snowflake

    So you certainly didn't condone this, correct?
  45. bodie54

    Obama: "I am surprised at the level of partisanship in Washington"

    Are you going to correct him on this, BC? Or just let it stand as an acceptable opinion from a foreigner?
  46. bodie54

    [SOLVED] Super cute slim busty cam girl

    Thanks very much dogoodvillian. I've had my eye on her too.
  47. bodie54

    Barack Obama: Cotdam hypocrite

    More highlights from Trump's last two days: Invites lunatic president of the Phillipines to visit Washington after having "a very friendly conversation" with him. Expressed how "honored" he'd be to meet with Kim Jong Un if it would be appropriate to do so. "People don't ask that question...