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Late Term Abortion "Doctor" Murdered

Well, that's an interesting take on things.

Of course, abortion doctors wouldn't have any abortions to perform if it weren't for the women who seek abortions and sign on the dotted line for the procedure/murder (pick your term of choice) - and don't forget the boyfriends and husbands who go along with it, agree to it or - in some cases - encourage it.

If you consider abortion to be murder, surely you can't let the women and men involved in the pregnancy off the hook.
So, if you don't buy the argument that this is a private matter, a private decision to be made between a woman (and possibly her boyfriend/hubby) and her doctor, then do you think that churches should screen out women and men who have been involved in abortions?

Something tells me church attendance would be going down, down, down!!
(unless, like some, you're thinking only non-believers are having abortions, to which I'd have to respond with a big :1orglaugh:rofl::1orglaugh - thanks!

He was a practicing abortion doctor. That's a big difference between someone who gets raped once or has an abortion once in their life.

Oh, come on, Bloodshot, that's not a valid argument!

Please, can't ya give me something better than that??

You said:
"So this "doctor" was a church going "believer" yet he was doing this stuff? The church that allowed this man to be invloved in their affairs is shameless."

You were clearly questioning the church for allowing this man...well, look at your own words!

If abortion is murder, then clearly women who seek and pay to get abortions are active participants in the murder and thus you should be questioning churches for allowing those women "to be involved in their affairs" as well. Why won't you follow the logic where it should go? Are you going with some bizarre inverse of Stalin's notorious statement that "1 death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic."??? - for you, it's thousands of murders are a tragedy, but any one of them is not worthy of concern??? Also, why do you cite the rape example? Plenty of women HAVE procured abortions for reasons entirely of their own, their pregnancies not the result of any crime at all. Also, there are plenty of women who have had multiple abortions.

What an absurd argument. So can we apply this to what is not contested to be murder, too? (Adults planning and executing killings of other adults, in advance?) Just doing it one time is okay, then??? So, only serial killers have really committed crimes? If it's actually okay for the woman "who gets raped once or has an abortion once in their life" then why wouldn't it be okay for the doctor who helps all of those individual women by providing the abortions for their once-in-a-lifetime post-rape abortions???

Try again, Bloodshot - please.


Anyway, here's a worthwhile article about one woman's late-term abortion:


Anyone else want to address the fact that this murder was an act of terrorism??
Thanks BB..

According to Scott Roeder's ex-wife, he at one time chose to buy a firearm over buying her heart medicine.

How is someone sick enough to buy a firearm over his wife's medicine well enough to buy a firearm?? That's a huge loophole that is likely a direct link to Tiller's murder.

Will E Worm

why don't you actually try reading the bible?

I don't think that you have, and I don't believe that you are a Christian. I don't believe any of the things that you say and don't offer any evidence to support.

You are just a troll whose only purpose on this board is to say the opposite of what everyone else thinks just to try and be disruptive of intelligent conversation.

You're not a Christian and you don't believe in God, so your comments mean nothing.
You are a troll. I've been thinking that for a long time.

Just look how long you have been here and how many posts you have.

Hmmm, suspicious.

Will E Worm

Genesis Chapter 22 1-24


Matthew 10:32-37 (KJV)

32: Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.
33: But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
34: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
35: For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
36: And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
37: He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.


Anybody ever hear of Margaret Sanger, the puritanical eugenicist - anti "black" birth baby lady ? The shameful, early 20th century progressive Margaret Sanger, founder of what is today "planned parenthood" ?
Anybody ever hear of Margaret Sanger, the puritanical eugenicist - anti "black" birth baby lady ? The shameful, early 20th century progressive Margaret Sanger, founder of what is today "planned parenthood" ?

Yep, I've not only heard of her, I've read plenty about her. And I - along with every progressive person I know - strongly disagree with her on those aspects you cited (and others, as well). In fact, I find them repulsive. So, in my experience, your "fruit doesn't fall far from the tree" inferences are way, way off base.
hahah good comeback! Just read the bible and you will know right away its bullshit!!


Closed Account
Its too bad that someone whose only offense was performing medical treatments should be the target of such extremists.Hope they catch the culprit and he never see's the light of day again as well as having all his assets seized.A fitting use for those assets would be a fund in the murdered doctors name that provides funds for low income people to have abortions.

I'm sure Tookie Williams is a Hero of yours.

I am glad the world still has people like this brave man who are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. I saw people on television saying how "they didn't agree, but it's wrong to kill someone" :D he wasn't stopping what he did because you "dont agree" he was getting rich from it. He's stopped now though :tongue:
I'm sure Tookie Williams is a Hero of yours.

I am glad the world still has people like this brave man who are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. I saw people on television saying how "they didn't agree, but it's wrong to kill someone" :D he wasn't stopping what he did because you "dont agree" he was getting rich from it. He's stopped now though :tongue:
Yeh, great.:rolleyes:
Thank god there are plenty of other right minded Drs ready to continue giving women the choice.


Closed Account
Yeh, great.:rolleyes:
Thank god there are plenty of other right minded Drs ready to continue giving women the choice.

And hopefully once people see how easy it is, there will be some more people to take a stand like this guy did :) Not just with abortion though. There are SO many things wrong with the world, that will only be fixed by violence.
The good thing is Roeder is eligible for the death penalty in Kansas.:thefinger
I'm sure Tookie Williams is a Hero of yours.

I am glad the world still has people like this brave man who are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. I saw people on television saying how "they didn't agree, but it's wrong to kill someone" :D he wasn't stopping what he did because you "dont agree" he was getting rich from it. He's stopped now though :tongue:

+1 and welcome to the show.
And hopefully once people see how easy it is, there will be some more people to take a stand like this guy did :) Not just with abortion though. There are SO many things wrong with the world, that will only be fixed by violence.
Murder is taking a stand?!?
If abortion is SO wrong in gods eyes why don't he turn abortionists into pillars of salt or get them swallowed up by whales or some such?!?
Leave it to the man in charge to judge if you believe in him!