Late Term Abortion "Doctor" Murdered

The reason why religious nuts like him are against abortion because they were aborted themselves..
Is he? Well he'll probably get it, unless the defense gets a bunch of bible thumpers.

Premeditated murder. Definitely eligible.

If he get's a jury of zealots...he might get acquitted.

Too many extremist fucks who think laws don't apply to them.
Anybody seen the weather in Kansas now. There is severe weather with alot of tornados.. I wonder why?? Its God answering!! Fuck you religious nuts!! lol

I wish abortion had been a viable option for a carpenter & his adulterous wife in Nazareth a couple thousand years ago. Then we wouldn't be in the mess we are now!! :thumbsup:

haha.. great point..


I thought that you libs were soft on murderers (?) :dunno:
*just certain ones eh ? ha ha :spin:

As You Might have read, I'm not a bible person, I don't get invested in hating those who peacefully worship their faith, nor do I rant off about those who do not have faith unless vigorously provoked; I am pro choice up to a given point in the preggo but I'm not nearly as emotionally invested in the matter as you guys seem to be.

Tell me, is the pro abortion movement some kind of political bandwagon that you guys are ridin' ? What fuckin difference does it make to you guys what pregnant women do with their pregnancies ? I mean, you guys would be talking about abortion rights every damned day if ya could. Is abortion one of the main tenants of the democratic party ?
No, Abortion is the democratic party. :D

Go ahead, chide the repub party, don't hurt me none
I thought that you libs were soft on murderers (?) :dunno:
*just certain ones eh ? ha ha :spin:

As You Might have read, I'm not a bible person and I'm pro choice up to a given point in the preggo but I'm not nearly as emotionally invested in the matter as you guys seem to be.
Tell me, is the pro abortion movement some kind of political bandwagon that you guys are ridin' ? What fuckin difference does it make to you guys what pregnant women do with their pregnancies ? I mean, you guys would be talking about abortion rights every damned day if ya could. Is abortion one of the main tenants of the democratic party ?
No, Abortion is the democratic party. :D

Go ahead, chide the repub party, don't me none lol !
I have no interest in demokrats or rebublikans. I am english & just see it as a woman's right to have an abortion or not. So I'm not pro abortion just pro the individual's right to choose.
& if by saying soft on murderers you mean not believing in the death penalty than yes, I is soft on murderers.
I thought that you libs were soft on murderers (?)
*just certain ones eh ? ha ha

As you might have read, I'm not a bible person, I don't get invested in hating those who peacefully worship their faith, nor do I rant off about those who do not have faith unless vigorously provoked; I am pro choice up to a given point in the preggo but I'm not nearly as emotionally invested in the matter as you guys seem to be.

Tell me, is the pro abortion movement some kind of political bandwagon that you guys are ridin' ? What fuckin difference does it make to you guys what pregnant women do with their pregnancies ? I mean, you guys would be talking about abortion rights every damned day if ya could. Is abortion one of the main tenants of the democratic party ?
No, Abortion is the democratic party. :D

Go ahead, chide the repub party, don't hurt me none

Certain crimes deserve the ultimate sanction..period. I don't care whether or not the death penalty deters murder. I know that if the death penalty is applied to the appropriate murderers, their asses won't kill again.

No one that I've read here is invested emotionally but it does piss me off whenever I see zealots of any kind trying to make law where it doesn't exist or take the law into their own hands.

"Pro-abortion"?? I guess you misunderstand the position. Frankly, I think it is a little unreasonable for people to hold that a woman is murderer because for example, she wants to terminate the results of a rape. If you hold that it's not murder in that case or another such can you consistently hold that it's murder in any case?? These people also hold for legal purposes, life begins at conception. Which is interesting since not one of these people can tell you the exact minute, hour, day, month and year they were conceived..(but why should they be held to that minor detail of their point??:rolleyes:). For legal purposes life begins when you are born and you don't see any of these people petitioning to have their birth certs. amended to their conception dates.

There needs to be more done IMO to interdict terrorists who are seeking to effect policy by means of violence and intimidation. I imagine the personal "decision" (as stated by so called pro lifer Palin after her daughter became prego..the implication being that she now views it as a choice) some of these people come to re: abortion is hard enough without being castigated and harassed by zealots.

If these people cared so much about limiting abortion they should dedicate more of their resources and energy to helping people choose not to by supporting alternatives. But I suspect it's they who are too politically and emotionally invested.
^ See, all of you nasties ? That is how it's done ! Object with some class !

:hatsoff: Mr. tre.

I'll object with some God damn class here.. Go fuck yourself!! and STFU! You fucking Neo-con! Last time I checked this doctor was murdered and your talking bullshit! This guy deserve the hero of the year for what he did for woman who were raped.
Bill O'reilly referred to him doing "Nazi stuff". WTF
An atheist's comments regards God mean the opposite of nothing!
God IS nothing!!

That's your opinion....not a fact.

Yeh, great.:rolleyes:
Thank god there are plenty of other right minded Drs ready to continue giving women the choice.

I thought you just said you don't believe in God...why are you thanking Him again? :confused:
You must be one of those people that denounce God, but the second you're going down in an airplane you're screaming "Oh God, please Jesus save me!!!"
There's no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole :1orglaugh

Now as for the topic of this thread, I don't agree with somebody murdering the doctor for what he was doing. Its not for us to judge, that's God's job.

However, abortion is murder. Just because its legal doesn't make it morally right. The fetus is a growing organism, how does that not qualify as living? The ONLY time it should be done is if it is going to endanger the mother's life, which are very rare cases. But, lets face it, most abortions happen because the child would be an inconvenience.

How many of you would have liked it if your mother aborted you simply because she didn't want to go to the trouble of putting you up for adoption? Sure, you might have lived a poorer life, but you still got a chance to live.

And that's something that everyone on this board has failed to mention. Going through with an abortion can also be very traumatic. Not at first, but after a certain amount of time....I personally know of 2 situations that people have had abortions and they both regretted it. One of my best friends and his wife decided to have an abortion a while back. He told me not a day goes by that he doesn't regret it.

I believe someone made the comment that its ok to have an abortion if the woman was raped. So.... by having an abortion you become unraped? :confused:
I don't see how going through with one traumatic event is going to help cover up an equally traumatic event. Especially if the woman isn't thinking rationally due to the rape.

Basically most abortions are caused because of people's own irresponsibility. Lets to avoid abortions....there's birth control, adoption, oh yeah....and the big one, abstinence! GASP!!! Don't have sex!?!? Yep, its really simple, if you don't want a baby don't have sex. I would really like to see statistics of abortions due to rape/health issues vs own personal choices. I bet personal choices would be like....hmmm...90%
Yes it can be traumatic to have an abortion but it can be both ways traumatic for having the baby & or giving it away. People say that o its murder, ok than tell me is it not selfish to have the baby if you know there something going to be wrong with it such as disabilities, aids baby or other std? You here all these people saying well I can't get ride of my child, ok so wouldn't you want your child you have a life a good one, what life does it have if it just sits in a wheelchair all day long. And for the rape thing I thought the point of having children was because two people loved each other and wanted to bring a child in to the world. why bring something in to the world that isn't wanted? You can't possible tell me a person that is raped wants to have that baby


Closed Account
Yes it can be traumatic to have an abortion but it can be both ways traumatic for having the baby & or giving it away. People say that o its murder, ok than tell me is it not selfish to have the baby if you know there something going to be wrong with it such as disabilities, aids baby or other std? You here all these people saying well I can't get ride of my child, ok so wouldn't you want your child you have a life a good one, what life does it have if it just sits in a wheelchair all day long. And for the rape thing I thought the point of having children was because two people loved each other and wanted to bring a child in to the world. why bring something in to the world that isn't wanted? You can't possible tell me a person that is raped wants to have that baby

I'll be honest. I'm only against abortion when it's a healthy white baby. Other than that, I don't care. In ancient Europe, they fed unhealthy babies to wolves, and I don't see anything wrong with that. It's nature. Not that that is anymore cruel than sucking them out, and drilling a hole in their head. There is always adoption.


I'll object with some God damn class here.. Go fuck yourself!! and STFU! You fucking Neo-con! Last time I checked this doctor was murdered and your talking bullshit! This guy deserve the hero of the year for what he did for woman who were raped.

:ban: :flame: :ban:​

Take your meds and calm down kid !
Bring some civility with you next time you post.
You don't have the slightest idea how I vote, so go blow it out your shorts !
Bill O'reilly referred to him doing "Nazi stuff". WTF

He was gladly accepting to destroy babies past (well past, I hear) the twenty one week mark. Do the math: that's more than five months a baby is alive on their own at that point. And sucking their brains out...that's a class act there. I don't endorse it, but he desesrved what he got. :ban:
He was gladly accepting to destroy babies past (well past, I hear) the twenty one week mark. Do the math: that's more than five months a baby is alive on their own at that point. And sucking their brains out...that's a class act there. I don't endorse it, but he desesrved what he got. :ban:

Roeder is just another fucking terrorist! No different from Islamists who seek to effect their view by violence.