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Late Term Abortion "Doctor" Murdered

@ Will E and Bloodshot Scott:

The two of you should be forced to work in a shelter for raped women, then you'll understand how devistatingly traumatic rape is.

My gf was molested by some guy when she was passed out (when we were still together), and it messed her up for a very long time. It also hurt our relationship in many ways. I know how traumatic that experience can be, I'm sure.
Well, that's an interesting take on things.

Of course, abortion doctors wouldn't have any abortions to perform if it weren't for the women who seek abortions and sign on the dotted line for the procedure/murder (pick your term of choice) - and don't forget the boyfriends and husbands who go along with it, agree to it or - in some cases - encourage it.

If you consider abortion to be murder, surely you can't let the women and men involved in the pregnancy off the hook.
So, if you don't buy the argument that this is a private matter, a private decision to be made between a woman (and possibly her boyfriend/hubby) and her doctor, then do you think that churches should screen out women and men who have been involved in abortions?

Something tells me church attendance would be going down, down, down!!
(unless, like some, you're thinking only non-believers are having abortions, to which I'd have to respond with a big :1orglaugh:rofl::1orglaugh - thanks!

He was a practicing abortion doctor. That's a big difference between someone who gets raped once or has an abortion once in their life.
fitting end to the story. a baby murderer is murdered. fuckin wah.

He performed a perfectly legal service to the mother with her consent. The U.S. supreme court with Roe Vs Wade gives the right.

You are entitled to your views, but they should never justify murder in anyway in my book and the laws..

We dont get to pick and choose set laws that we abide by in this nation.
Adopt it. Everybody's looking for children nowadays. That is a FACT (there is a waiting list).

What a crock.
The waiting list is for WHITE INFANTS ONLY.
All other categories of potential adoptees are wanting, particularly that of non white children (as opposed to infants).

The Religious Right and its followers care so much about "the unborn" but lose interest when the "unborn" become the "born."

Sad and infuriating but completely true.

Get this through your thick skull Will E

Give it up, BB. Nothing short of a low flying airplane is capable of penetrating that skull :)
Didn't God tell Abraham to kill his child as a test of his faith?

Some pro-life doctrine there. :rolleyes:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Because if a woman is raped and becomes pregnant she doesn't want to be reminded every single day she was raped.

Women who are raped will never forget that they were raped, no matter what. If they are impregnated by that rape, they are going to remember it for the rest of their life, whether they terminate the pregnancy or not.

My mom was raped twice as a teenager and was impregnated both times. She chose to have the children, but ended up putting them up for adoption, as she knew she was too young to take care of them. I'm willing to bet that if she had gone through with having abortions, my mom would still be reminded of her rapes on a day-to-day basis. That's just something that a woman is never going to forget, as long as she lives.

:2 cents:

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
If he'd been killed 67 and 1/3 years ago it would have been a partial birth abortion. His life expectancy is what 72 or 75? Look at it like a partial murder retro abortion.

Seriously, I don't believe either side is in the right in the debate over this issue. Extremists of any ilk tend to make the other side that much more attractive to me.

I was a volunteer youth minister for several years but one incident really turned me off to the ultra pro-life stance. We had an evening set up to discuss the matter and the guy who headed up the ministry showed the kids a video about the aftermath of an abortion. It was very graphic and it allegedly depicted the discarded fetuses in the dumpster behind the clinic. We pre-screened it in the office and I told him I wouldn't watch it again and that it was irresponsible to show this to teenagers who had no forewarning. When it came time to show it to the kids I went out into the garden with a few kids who didn't want to be subjected to the propaganda and we prayed and talked frankly about the topic. Afterward several parents called with righteous outrage that their kids would be exposed to this without having been told beforehand. It got ugly and I gave it up.

I believe in the sanctity of life and that every human should be afforded dignity and the opportunity to know a loving God and that we can all attain a state of grace. But I also know that there are those who don't look at the issue the same way and I can appreciate their point.

Will E Worm

The waiting list is for WHITE INFANTS ONLY.

Sure. :tongue:

Give it up, BB. Nothing short of a low flying airplane is capable of penetrating that skull :)

Flattery...? :D

Didn't God tell Abraham to kill his child as a test of his faith?

Some pro-life doctrine there. :rolleyes:

Wrong...again. :hatsoff:

Women who are raped will never forget that they were raped, no matter what. If they are impregnated by that rape, they are going to remember it for the rest of their life, whether they terminate the pregnancy or not.

My mom was raped twice as a teenager and was impregnated both times. She chose to have the children, but ended up putting them up for adoption, as she knew she was too young to take care of them. I'm willing to bet that if she had gone through with having abortions, my mom would still be reminded of her rapes on a day-to-day basis. That's just something that a woman is never going to forget, as long as she lives.

:2 cents:

Yep. :hatsoff:
OK it is murder if you want to use that emotive word. Humans murder each other everyday. Why don't we try to sort out the problems of those walking around first before we deal with dead unborn 'babies'?!?

Here some overall reason why abortions can be good,

1. stops unwanted pregnancies
2. allows women to have a choice on what to do
3. stops births of babies with malformations
4. population control
5. stops babies from being born to unfit parents
6. stops babies from being born who have drug addictions
7. lowers adoption rate(adopted children develop many problems)
8. could save a mother who could die giving birth
9. removes stillborn fetus early without waiting 9 months
10. stops births of babies with STDs

overall this topic is going to be back and fourth, the bottom line is, wrap it up before, My mom always told me every girl I sleep with I should be able to look at her and say you could possible be the mother of my child, ya if that isn't scary. We need more education for safe sex and be less lazy with it
What a crock.
The waiting list is for WHITE INFANTS ONLY.
All other categories of potential adoptees are wanting, particularly that of non white children (as opposed to infants).

Sad and infuriating but completely true.

Give it up, BB. Nothing short of a low flying airplane is capable of penetrating that skull :)

Well, was it white? :dunno: Do you blame black folks for ONLY wanting to adopt black children, or do you selectively label the white folks RACIST!!!! because they want a white kid? :thefinger
Wrong...again. :hatsoff:

why don't you actually try reading the bible?

I don't think that you have, and I don't believe that you are a Christian. I don't believe any of the things that you say and don't offer any evidence to support.

You are just a troll whose only purpose on this board is to say the opposite of what everyone else thinks just to try and be disruptive of intelligent conversation.
I think she was saying that someone who has it on their mind to commit such an act will find any justification for doing so.

but yeah, it sort of comes off as all women want to be *****.

adding "not" before "asking" would make it more obvious, but a slightly different point.
I believe all abortion, except to save the life of the mother, is the ultimate selfish act and murder. That is MY belief.
No one has the right to kill any abortion doctor.
Yet, this guy was killing live, viable BABIES from women for 5 thousand dollars.
I have no remorse over his death, yet taking the law into one's own hands is wrong.
Well, was it white? :dunno: Do you blame black folks for ONLY wanting to adopt black children, or do you selectively label the white folks RACIST!!!! because they want a white kid? :thefinger

I'm not making that kind of value judgement at all.

I'm simply pointing out that the "waiting list" pro lifers injudiciously crow about is for white infants only.

Therefore your contention that "everybody's looking for children nowadays" is bogus. Promoting the addition of more unwanted children to an already overloaded system based on a bogus contention is irresponsible.


so it's ok to kill a guy because he "kills" fetuses?
I never said it's OK to kill him, I said good riddance, you know ? whatever his fate may be. Aren't there people in this world that, in your opinion, do detestable things that end up in an unpleasant state and you sorta shrug, only to think - "they had it coming to 'em'' or ''bad karma'' ?
I think that we all have at one time or another. It's a fairly normal human reaction.

god religious people are stupid...
Are you implying that "I" am a god religious person, the gunman, the "good doctor" himself or all of the above ?

I regret not making time to research the career of the deceased but, again -
If the Doc was a true to form medical doc. who was uniquely specialized in the field of saving the lives (for whatever the medical reason may be) of pregnant women, I retract my sentiment in the opening post. Now, if the "doc" is a radical pro advanced term abortionist ghoul, it stands.
Surprising! Humans kill each other.

I'm suspicious of the justifications for the late-term abortions, but I'm biased because I'm anti-abortion. And I don't know anything about him beyond "Tiller the Baby Killer". As far as the killing of the man... well, I don't support ambushing other allegedly bad or bad people when they are at church and gunning them down... so...

But I'm not surprised that an individual can be so convinced to the extremes that they decide to handle it themselves. Can even understand it, actually. But I'm not interested in being thrown in a cage or killed when the difference would basically be nothing in comparison. Just me, I guess.