@ Will E and Bloodshot Scott:
The two of you should be forced to work in a shelter for raped women, then you'll understand how devistatingly traumatic rape is.
My gf was molested by some guy when she was passed out (when we were still together), and it messed her up for a very long time. It also hurt our relationship in many ways. I know how traumatic that experience can be, I'm sure.
Well, that's an interesting take on things.
Of course, abortion doctors wouldn't have any abortions to perform if it weren't for the women who seek abortions and sign on the dotted line for the procedure/murder (pick your term of choice) - and don't forget the boyfriends and husbands who go along with it, agree to it or - in some cases - encourage it.
If you consider abortion to be murder, surely you can't let the women and men involved in the pregnancy off the hook.
So, if you don't buy the argument that this is a private matter, a private decision to be made between a woman (and possibly her boyfriend/hubby) and her doctor, then do you think that churches should screen out women and men who have been involved in abortions?
Something tells me church attendance would be going down, down, down!!
(unless, like some, you're thinking only non-believers are having abortions, to which I'd have to respond with a big :1orglaugh:rofl::1orglaugh - thanks!
He was a practicing abortion doctor. That's a big difference between someone who gets raped once or has an abortion once in their life.