Hiliary 2020
Did you bother to research the reason that he performed 19 late-term abortions, F? There was a consensus with other doctors that to carry the fetus to full term was a threat to the life of the mothers. He was acquitted of charges that he violated Kansas law in March of this year. He was not regularly performing late-term abortions simply at the whim of the patient.
Now, an individual who thinks he can supersede the law took it upon himself to murder this man. That's not the way it works in this country. I hope they put the guy away for life.
No one can justify taking the law into their own hands regardless of their personal convictions. I'm disappointed that you would be in favor of this type of blatant disrespect for the legal process, F....especially since he had already been tried and acquitted.
what exactly is late term abortion?
how late?
I do know the means of how they kill the baby.
they stab it in the head and suck its brains out.
doesn't get more brutal than that.
it says that late term abortions are only done when the mothers health is at risk.
bullshit, i don't buy that.
i know this is true first hand. why? i'm not telling, but its true, its not just when the moms health is at risk.
i don't condone this murder, however.