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Late Term Abortion "Doctor" Murdered

Abortion due to rape is so rare and is an excuse for anyone to claim abortion is NOT murder.

maybe, but I'd claim that the definition of murder is the destruction of an individual human being, which a fetus is not. It's an organ just like a kidney that cannot function or sustain itself without being attached to the body of a person.

When you cut your hair, is that murder? you are destroying living tissue.

claiming that abortion is murder is just an excuse for people to ignore biology and substitute it with unsubstantiated philosophy, usually based on superstitious nonsense.

Also, for the record, I don't think that meat is murder either. :tongue:
For the people that say if a woman doesn't want the baby (especially in cases of rape and/or incest) she should just give it up for adoption...don't you realize the physical and psychological effects that it has on a woman to carry a baby inside her for nine months and give birth to it?

It's kind of like saying why don't you let me fuck you in the ass and then afterwards if you decide that your not gay, then no big deal. it's all good.

no, it is a big deal. It's not just something that has no effect on her and she'd feel the same either way. forcing her to have a baby that she doesn't want to is the same thing as raping her because it's someone else controlling her body and not her.
That's why you practice safe sex. Why would you impregnate a woman when you know she's not ready. Sure there's the psychological effects, but that doesn't mean every woman who gets pregnant should just go out and abort to their heart's content. If she's not even ready to take the risk of getting pregnant, she shouldn't be having sex anyway. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the "purity ring, save yourself for marriage" type, but people think of sex as something as habitual as sleep. I think people really underestimate sex.

The thing is, I don't like abortion mainly because it's a crutch. "Oops, the 'pull and pray' didn't work as well as I thought. Grab me that coat hanger."


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Abortion due to rape is so rare and is an excuse for anyone to claim abortion is NOT murder.

This comment proves that you know absolutely nothing about the harsh reality of rape statistics in the United States.

You honestly think it's rare for a woman to be impregnated by a man who has raped her? Look, if someone is sick enough, thoughtless enough, loveless enough and unsympathetic enough to rape a woman, chances are...he's not going to worry about putting on a condom or asking his victim if she's on the pill, because he's not going to give a shit if he impregnates her or not.

RESULT: Impregnated rape victims

:2 cents:
I think people really underestimate sex.

Duh...ya think. Forget abortions for a second. If people were utterly responsible with sex the spread of STDs wouldn't be what it is today.

To think the majority of people will be utterly responsible with something like sex is pretty naive IMO.:2 cents:
Josef Mengele was a doctor too. Your point?
Er, your point?!? Your comparing a doctor who legally performs abortions with a nazi war criminal?!? :dunno:

Yes, maybe so....but Ida is still just a lizard with a deformed foot :tongue:

No its not, its a transitional fossil between primitive lemur ancestors and monkeys. Has absolutely nothing to do with lizards, deformed or otherwise. But that's for another thread. Don't know why you raised it other than you couldn't come up with a proper rebuttal to my comment. :tongue:

Since its not that bad of a thing...isn't there anyone here that wouldn't have minded being aborted? Well, other than BlueBalls, he'd probably be cool with it lol. Anyway, I know I'm glad to be alive. To have gotten the chance to go to college, play video games, and maybe someday get married and have a family of my own. These are things none of those aborted babies will ever get to do mostly due to selfishness.

What a ludicrous statement. Of course none of us would have wanted to be aborted but that doesn't mean we think its not a viable option for a woman. & how on earth do you know its mostly due to selfishness?!? Where are you getting this 'fact' from? :dunno:

abort to their heart's content.
Women don't 'abort to their hearts content' I really don't know where you are getting this info from that its an easy procedure for a woman both physically & mentally, just like getting a tooth removed! :dunno:
Duh...ya think. Forget abortions for a second. If people were utterly responsible with sex the spread of STDs wouldn't be what it is today.

To think the majority of people will be utterly responsible with something like sex is pretty naive IMO.:2 cents:
I didn't say they will. Just because we're irresponsible doesn't mean we should be.
I didn't say they will. Just because we're irresponsible doesn't mean we should be.

Of course no one should be irresponsible but that doesn't mitigate the reality.

Again, that's why STDs spread, people go bankrupt, don't eat "right", and get pregos unexpectedly, etc.......because people are inherently irresponsible. It only matters with what and to what degree.


Torn & Frayed.
You honestly think it's rare for a woman to be impregnated by a man who has raped her? Look, if someone is sick enough, thoughtless enough, loveless enough and unsympathetic enough to rape a woman, chances are...he's not going to worry about putting on a condom or asking his victim if she's on the pill, because he's not going to give a shit if he impregnates her or not.

But he will put on a condom to try to avoid leaving um,"evidence"
Why do you automatically assume he's religious? I'm not a religious person, but I have my qualms about abortion. Granted I won't go around killing doctors in abortion clinics, but still. And on top of that, why are they stupid? Because they value a life you feel is insignificant simply because it isn't developed enough to be considered a human being in your eyes? I don't agree with the assailant's decision to take the law into their own hands like this as do I also see it as a huge contradiction to what they believe in, but what you're doing isn't that much better: writing off all people with a religion as extremist fundamentalists who force there opinions down people's mouths.

I am so sick of atheists and their elitism. Most atheists will be quick to come down on organized religion for forcing their beliefs down their throats, but many atheists I seen are no better than the religious fundamentalists they bash.

There are loud mouth's on both sides. Taken most people believe in some kind of higher power, a couple outspoken atheist's are of little worry.

The level of discourse has been raised to the level of 13 year olds using Daddy's password ...:rofl2:

I think, now that school is out, we'll see a lot more of this kind of intellectual development displayed in talk threads...deep thought from adolescent minds!:rofl:
(However old they may actually be...)

As for the claim that someone can disown a Medical Doctor for his directional bias, or for the specific area of his specialty is living in a 1940's Comic Book reality...hey, I hate to break the news, but Superman and Green Lantern aren't gonna show up and stop the Evil Doctor, who will then be stripped of his title for not being Noble!
Actually, it goes deeper than someone's choice to be "inconvenienced by pregnancy "... or not...; many believe that choice of life or death should be, ultimately, the choice of the living person.
Who are you to tell me I have to breathe if I no longer wish to?
Yet, without a written order to not resuscitate, I could end up brain-dead and breathing through the miracle of medical science...for years if someone wanted that to be so.
So, the choice to bring a fetus to birth...whenever that is...is the actual choice of the living mother.
A parents decision to not birth a severely deformed or damaged fetus early in the term is their decision alone, hers specifically.
I think the law requires a serious justification for a late term abortion...so if the Doc choose to provide the medical services for those who needed/wanted the late term procedure, it was better than an amateur med student doing the procedure for extra cash.
So...killing a Doctor for assuring sanitary conditions and medical expertise seems beyond arrogant and overly full of oneself, it goes all the way over to "really dumb".
There are many "deadly to the mother" situations at childbirth...blood pressure, internal infections and excessive bleeding can kill or severely damage a mother at birth, whether Cesarian or bc.
All women can't survive every operation equally...childbirth is so internal that a lot of harm can come to weaker or physically damaged birthmothers.
Anyway, the Doctor was not killing babies, ala Dr. Mengele...no place for a killing by a conscious person in a church of a respected member of the community, family man, and licensed Medical Doctor.
Whatever...I ain't never gonna give birth so it's not my business. Abortion, that is...murder is everybodies' business, unless it happened in another jurisdiction and you won't have to do jury duty.:thumbsup:

Oh yea, Im really a kid who stole my dad's password.. Are you fucking retarded? lol.. I have been a member on for over 2 years. And look at my post. No I rather fuck with neo-cons like you then waste my God-damn posting to you intellectual irrational fucks. Yea just look out how many posts you have and how many I have and that will tell you something.


Oh yea, Im really a kid who stole my dad's password.. Are you fucking retarded? lol.. I have been a member on for over 2 years. And look at my post. No I rather fuck with neo-cons like you then waste my God-damn posting to you intellectual irrational fucks. Yea just look out how many posts you have and how many I have and that will tell you something.
I've been a member for 3 years, and I've always made more intelligent and more coherent posts than any post you've ever made...so what? Thanks for making my point for me... 4000+ dumb, vacuous posts have no meaning in any sense of the word.
Keep on flaming, smart guy...you'll solve the problem of what to do about a silly, ill-mannered member who must post regardless of whether he has anything worth saying.
And in your case, not...!
You need to stick to rating tittie sizes and "left or right hand" discussions..."talk" is way beyond your limited abilities to form coherent sentence strings twice in a row.



That one of you got more posts than the other?!? :dunno:

That took all of 3 seconds to get, huh?:rofl:

I hope his next attempt at deep thinking produces a better result...like something less obvious and silly...maybe a riddle?:rofl2:
The majority of late-term abortion are inner-city black teenage girls.

Teen white girls who undergo late-term abortion are a very small percent (less than 5%).

There is just too much igorant here. I am talking about late-term abortion here in which the teen hided the pregnancy from her family (or no family to support in many cases and wait until after 12 weeks, and seek help.

I do support the right of abortion but we must reduce the abortion rate especially in the inner cities in which teen pregnancy is still very high.

Clearly when someone is raped and become pregnant, there is a support group there.

The issue is why we have late-term abortion because of ignorance, fear and lack of support for the teen.

I doubt any of you here truly understand the difference between abortion and late-term abortion. In late term abortion, the teen or woman actually expel the fetus and the placenta after 3 days of pitocin in the hospital unlike regular abortion in which D & C or suction is used. It is murder but we accept this kind of murder for the convenience of the woman.

I am not a conservative and I support women's right but the truth is late-term abortion is due to ignorance and lack of support largely by black teens hiding their pregnancy from their single mother living in the housing project in Wichita, Kansas or rual Upper Michigan or anywhere, America.
In some cases the woman who undergoes abortion does not even know who the father is.

And again and again, the same woman returns to the clinic 3 month later for another abortion.

Don't kid yourself. Late-term abortion among teens is like having a party in the hospital wing ,watching TV and wait for the delivery of the "dead" fetus.

It is sickening !
This comment proves that you know absolutely nothing about the harsh reality of rape statistics in the United States.

You honestly think it's rare for a woman to be impregnated by a man who has raped her? Look, if someone is sick enough, thoughtless enough, loveless enough and unsympathetic enough to rape a woman, chances are...he's not going to worry about putting on a condom or asking his victim if she's on the pill, because he's not going to give a shit if he impregnates her or not.

RESULT: Impregnated rape victims

:2 cents:

The majority of rape are "date rape" in America ! And the majority of women who seeks abortion are actually regular women in the Main Street and many are married women !

P.S. Slavery is legal in 1,700 but does it mean it is morally right ?