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:dunno: So what do you contend is the endgame?

I don't know but my gut feeling is that it will end in another war however this one will end Islam's aggressive expansionism and violence much in the way Nazi Germany and Japan were cleansed of offensive hate and war.
I don't know but my gut feeling is that it will end in another war however this one will end Islam's aggressive expansionism and violence much in the way Nazi Germany and Japan were cleansed of offensive hate and war.

YOU want to go to war with Islam - YOU are advocating that its the Muslims that are the problem and where we should focus our attention on to "solve" this problem.
(The question was) What is YOUR endgame toward this end?

Extermination of Islam? Ethnic cleansing?

Warm up the ovens, huh? Persecution of members of a particular 'faith'?

Ironic you're advocating this while at the same time in another thread advocating for the unconditional subsidizing of Israel due to Holocaust guilt


Like I said, he's from the Balkans- the land of prehistoric tribalism and people who don't have the smarts to know better. Let's not be surprised about his 'solutions'.

He's obviously hasn't gotten over the whole Bosnia and Kosovo thing and is projecting his tribal bloodlust onto all muslims now.


Hiliary 2020
man you two.
he made a prediction of a possible major war in the future so you use that as an excuse to accuse him of wanting "ethnic cleansing'?
its obvious this topic can't be discussed rationally with either one of you.

I believe also that one day its very possible when the US troops are at a lower level in Iraq or if they leave that Iran will go in and just take it, possibly leading to a major war......I hope not but its possible and if it happens I want my side to win.
So what does that make me? A racist? A nazi? a fascist ? what?
man you two.
he made a prediction of a possible major war in the future so you use that as an excuse to accuse him of wanting "ethnic cleansing'?
its obvious this topic can't be discussed rationally with either one of you.

I believe also that one day its very possible when the US troops are at a lower level in Iraq or if they leave that Iran will go in and just take it, possibly leading to a major war......I hope not but its possible and if it happens I want my side to win.
So what does that make me? A racist? A nazi? a fascist ? what?

Iran won't need to take Iraq, once the US troops have left they'll join voluntarily as they are both Shia run now. It was only Sunni Saddam and his Baath party keeping them apart and we've effectively handed Iraq to Iran. Radical Shia cleric al-sadr and his Mahdi army who hate America pretty much pull all the strings now, they've already begun clensing the country of all the Christians and once US troops leave they'll try to seize control.
man you two.
he made a prediction of a possible major war in the future so you use that as an excuse to accuse him of wanting "ethnic cleansing'?
its obvious this topic can't be discussed rationally with either one of you

I am not asserting anything. Trident suggested that all of this conflict is the result of islam and that is what should be addressed. I asked what was his desired outcome was if he choosws to view the world in this perspective. Hyperbole much?


Hiliary 2020
Iran won't need to take Iraq, once the US troops have left they'll join voluntarily as they are both Shia run now. It was only Sunni Saddam and his Baath party keeping them apart and we've effectively handed Iraq to Iran. Radical Shia cleric al-sadr and his Mahdi army who hate America pretty much pull all the strings now, they've already begun clensing the country of all the Christians and once US troops leave they'll try to seize control.

ok then, you agree, just change the word take to join.


I am not asserting anything. Trident suggested that all of this conflict is the result of islam and that is what should be addressed. I asked what was his desired outcome was if he choosws to view the world in this perspective. Hyperbole much?

oh no?

Extermination of Islam? Ethnic cleansing?

Warm up the ovens, huh? Persecution of members of a particular 'faith'?

that looked like an assertion to me, my bad.

oh look, theyre still going nuts over the burnt book

and an article finally that doesn't focus on the burnt book but the murders.

United States President Barack Obama said in a statement that "I condemn in the strongest possible terms the attack on the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan [...] I offer my deepest condolences to those injured and killed, as well as to their loved ones."[11] U.S. legislators, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, also condemned both the burning and the violence in reaction to it.[12]

nice to see that about is being so tough about it.
"my condolences"........wow, don't wanna mess with him.
and reid condemning the burning of a book..I wonder if he would condemn the burning of a US flag? Nahhhhhhhhh!
People drag up any sort of info from the past to make comparisons in these race/religious threads. In the last topic that got locked, rappers were even brought into the equation. It's diverting this topic away from the barbaric muslim atrocities. Why does a religion synonymous with global terrorism deserve to be defended?

The pastor was a complete tool. He should apologize for his part in this, as the instigator. However, all he did was burn one copy of a book, not riot, murder and behead innocent people.

Latest Headlines: 'Afghans protest for 5th straight day' etc. Even the media are afraid to denounce them as murderers.

This is a better one:

Muslims Must Be Taught That Violence to Koran-Burning Solves Nothing

Last Friday, at least seven U.N. workers were killed, including two who were beheaded, and several injured after officials said a protest in Afghanistan against a Florida pastor's burning of the Koran turned violent.

On Saturday, the deadly attacks extended to Kandahar. Nine have been killed and several were also injured.

Violent reaction over such perceptions has occurred on several other occasions, such as the publishing of cartoons of Prophet Muhammad by a Danish newspaper and the comments of one of the participants in a beauty queen competition about Prophet Muhammad in Nigeria.

Preventing Islamist reaction in the future won't be accomplished by preventing people from insulting Islam, which is both unconstitutional and impossible.

Reaction to the Koran burning demonstrates basic facts:

* Zero toleration. In some parts of the Muslim world the use of violence when it empowers religious values gives justification to many Muslims and prepares some of them psychologically to use violence or resort to its use to express their religious views and opinions.
* Undervalue of life. Non-Muslims are simply not valued. Shariah books teach that the compensation money for killing a non-Muslim is half of that of a Muslim — a root cause for disrespecting human life and justifying attacks on non-Muslims.
* Failure to educate. There are Koranic values that can prevent such violent reaction. These include not punishing someone for the mistakes of others(Koran 35:18} and respecting human life (Koran 5:32).
* Failure to encourage individual thinking. In violent reactions, the mob rules.
* Failure of legal systems to make the Mullahs who incite hatred and violence responsible for the outcome of their teaching.
* Failure of the Islamic scholars to denounce terrorists. Using expressions to describe these acts as being “un-Islamic” or “no religion will justify such acts” are too weak to deter Muslims who are driven by religious zeal to participate in such violent acts.

Islamic scholars MUST issue a fatwa to call those Muslims who contributed to the violent attacks that result in killing as “apostates” and “killers” who will end in hell — if they did not repent.

Unfortunately, such expressions are needed to decrease participation of Muslims in such violent acts in the future.

Negative reinforcement psychological tactics MUST be used to decrease the possibility of similar barbaric attacks in the future. These tactics include clarifying to radical Muslims that such an attack on the U.N. is likely to create more hatred to Islam and thus can cause more Korans to be burned.

The Koranic verse 6:108 ("Revile not ye those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest they out of spite revile Allah in their ignorance") can be used as a model to teach Muslims that merely insulting others is a major sin as these acts can bring more insults to the religion.

Source - http://www.newsmax.com/TawfikHamid/koran-burning-muslims-u-n-/2011/04/05/id/391801
People drag up any sort of info from the past to make comparisons in these race/religious threads. In the last topic that got locked, rappers were even brought into the equation. It's diverting this topic away from the barbaric muslim atrocities. Why does a religion synonymous with global terrorism deserve to be defended?

The pastor was a complete tool. He should apologize for his part in this, as the instigator. However, all he did was burn one copy of a book, not riot, murder and behead innocent people.

Latest Headlines: 'Afghans protest for 5th straight day' etc. Even the media are afraid to denounce them as murderers.

This is a better one:

Muslims Must Be Taught That Violence to Koran-Burning Solves Nothing

Source - http://www.newsmax.com/TawfikHamid/koran-burning-muslims-u-n-/2011/04/05/id/391801

Considering the implications of one's actions, even actions one has every right to engage in.

A very rich individual has every right to go any place he or she has the legal right to be.

Does that mean they bear no responsibility for an attack on them when they go to a place where there's a known likelihood for robbery and/or worse?

That doesn't mean the criminals who perpetrated the act are absolved. It just illustrates the need for people to understand the realistic implications of their actions.

Knowing there was a likelihood this act would incite a visceral, violent reaction...shouldn't the pastor be looked upon as blameworthy too?
Considering the implications of one's actions, even actions one has every right to engage in.

A very rich individual has every right to go any place he or she has the legal right to be.

Does that mean they bear no responsibility for an attack on them when they go to a place where there's a known likelihood for robbery and/or worse?

Thats not even like comparing apples and oranges, more like apples and tomatoes.

With common sense those people would avoid a dodgy area. Anyway that comparison is a totally different scenario. It would be a robbery for money or valuables, not a brutal mob riot killing spree on innocent people, over a trivial offence somebody else performed.

That doesn't mean the criminals who perpetrated the act are absolved. It just illustrates the need for people to understand the realistic implications of their actions.

Knowing there was a likelihood this act would incite a visceral, violent reaction...shouldn't the pastor be looked upon as blameworthy too?

Yes, the pastor should carry some blame for provoking the muslims. Not nearly the same level of blame as the islamic mobs who commited the murderous crimes though.
Thats not even like comparing apples and oranges, more like apples and tomatoes.

With common sense those people would avoid a dodgy area. Anyway that comparison is a totally different scenario. It would be a robbery for money or valuables, not a brutal mob riot on innocent people, over a trivial offence somebody else performed.
It wasn't a comparison. It was an example of a principle or concept. That being, some actions which we may take.. even those we have rights to don't occur in a vacuum.:2 cents:
Yes, the pastor should carry some blame for provoking the muslims. Not nearly the same level of blame as the islamic mobs who commited the murderous crimes though.

Same level of blame? I don't know...maybe not. However, I know that if there were an individual on the ground inciting a mob to violence. This Pastor's action would be comparable to that.
Dude, he's from the Balkans. Obviously he won't be happy until we start going house to house exterminating anyone that has a Koran in their bookshelf.

Oh Dent's from the Balkans and he's a centrist. :1orglaugh I think I get it now. :2 cents:

Zolf, youre right about the good ol boy.
thats because sometimes stereotypes fit, otherwise they never would have been stereotypes in the first place.

I feel this could be the start of a beautiful relationship between us...................NAHHHHH!

I agree NAHHH! Stick with ur friends dyntine, georges, and bloodshott. :tinhat:
Maybe it's just the backwardness of Afghanistan that brings out the worst in people :dunno:


sadly they believe it is the forwardness of america that does the same. there is a cultural rift here that clearly stems from deep seeded chronological differences. they are caught in a world that is blatently different than ours, trapped by lack of any forward progress of any kind because of countries like ours.

the way of countries over there is simple and warlike, much like their ancestors had to deal with, they see the world the same. much how our way is to invade and try to control things the way we believe they should be done, like our ancestors.

when england and france were racing to take over the world, in the eleventh through eighteenth century, this deep behavioral pattern of violence was already imbedded in the very essence of the land over there; after the persian, ottoman, and roman invasions (not to mention hundreds of other invaders). it has been the most turmoiled place on earth, so it is no wonder the view the world the way they do. that's the only way it's been for them since almost the dawn of civilization.

would you be much different if all you saw was a warzone when you woke up in america for the next two thousand years because of them? i'm not condolling their attack, i think it was terrible, like any murder, but that's how it is over there. death is as common to them as celebrity rehab bullshit is to us. that's why they will never see eye to eye with us, until we are willing to bend our proud neck down to the dirt and view the world through their eyes.

to put it shortly, there is no easy resolution, but a good first step would be to stop poking the bear
sadly they believe it is the forwardness of america that does the same. there is a cultural rift here that clearly stems from deep seeded chronological differences. they are caught in a world that is blatently different than ours, trapped by lack of any forward progress of any kind because of countries like ours.

the way of countries over there is simple and warlike, much like their ancestors had to deal with, they see the world the same. much how our way is to invade and try to control things the way we believe they should be done, like our ancestors.

when england and france were racing to take over the world, in the eleventh through eighteenth century, this deep behavioral pattern of violence was already imbedded in the very essence of the land over there; after the persian, ottoman, and roman invasions (not to mention hundreds of other invaders). it has been the most turmoiled place on earth, so it is no wonder the view the world the way they do. that's the only way it's been for them since almost the dawn of civilization.

would you be much different if all you saw was a warzone when you woke up in america for the next two thousand years because of them? i'm not condolling their attack, i think it was terrible, like any murder, but that's how it is over there. death is as common to them as celebrity rehab bullshit is to us. that's why they will never see eye to eye with us, until we are willing to bend our proud neck down to the dirt and view the world through their eyes.

to put it shortly, there is no easy resolution, but a good first step would be to stop poking the bear

I wouldn't put the middle east as the victim for the last few centures. They had a vast empire that rivaled that of Europe's they also had their Saladin's that gave the "invaders" a serious run for their money.

They are no different than any other land. Your argument could be made the same for most of the globe I'm afraid.

The problem is their religion and the interpretation of its' perception. They kill each other for speaking out against their religion and they naturally extend that "courtesy" to those outside of it.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

Until Muslims realize this, they'll never get beyond where they are right now.

As far as the pastor getting blame. I think it's funny how he gets so much more than the murderers beheading people.

I hardly think it was obvious that there would be such a ridiculous reaction to such a small display of angst towards Islam. Especially in a land that burns things in effigy all the damn time. Where bodies of American soldiers were burned and drug through the streets in front of kids.....

They're dogmatic hypocrites nothing more.

If you blame the pastor for not "predicting" the "obvious" violent reaction that would occur; than you need to blame yourself and everyone in the whole country for not stopping him. As it was so "obvious" yet no one could stop one man for burning one book? Gimmie a break.
So I heard today SOME people want to ban burning the Koran in the US now...

That will show those bastards what freedom is all about! :facepalm:
So I heard today SOME people want to ban burning the Koran in the US now...

That will show those bastards what freedom is all about! :facepalm:

lmao! People are nuts.

I think:

We will move forward as a country and as a species by placing more limitations on ourselves and our thought while protecting the dogmatic laws of our ancestors; with our children's lives if need be.

but forget all that.
