Shouldn't you like the cold?
I was wondering what the game might be like when I have been listening to the weather forecast the past few days. That should make it interesting.
you would think the Pack would, but after the game in Chicago, they seemed like a team that plays indoors. they were bitching and moaning about it for quite a while afterwards!
That probably was a big help to help them get acclimated for their last snow game. Have to admit, that looked awesome!
As long as it's not too windy or snows so heavily that it affects visibility, I don't think it will hurt that badly. There is not much you can do with the passing game in high wind. Cold is different because some people are more comfortable in it than others and there performance doesn't drop off as much as other people.
Okay've got me re-thinking things....I'm going to be pulling for the Giants. Why, I'm sure you're asking...what have your boys in blue done to earn the Great TR's bandwagonning? Well, it all comes down to basically being sick to death of idiotic ESPN announcers actually asking NY Giants players if they would be rooting for Brett Favre..if they were fans...
This is completely asinine pom pom rah rahing from ESPN. It's actually sickening behavior from them, imo.
I want one OR BOTH of the underdogs to win if, for nothing else, to make the ESPN Rah Rahs like Trey Wingo, Salibury, Berman, Tom Jackson...cry..
Besides...the Giants played the Pats close and might be the only team that can pose a challenge to the PATRIOT/BRADY EMPIRE...
Okay've got me re-thinking things....I'm going to be pulling for the Giants. Why, I'm sure you're asking...what have your boys in blue done to earn the Great TR's bandwagonning? Well, it all comes down to basically being sick to death of idiotic ESPN announcers actually asking NY Giants players if they would be rooting for Brett Favre..if they were fans...
This is completely asinine pom pom rah rahing from ESPN. It's actually sickening behavior from them, imo.
I want one OR BOTH of the underdogs to win if, for nothing else, to make the ESPN Rah Rahs like Trey Wingo, Salibury, Berman, Tom Jackson...cry..
Besides...the Giants played the Pats close and might be the only team that can pose a challenge to the PATRIOT/BRADY EMPIRE...
WHAT?! Am I actually reading this correctly?You actually want the Patriots to lose after talking them up for so long? Now you finally understand why I want the Pats to lose so bad,and as for the Packers,I really hope they lose too,and I'm in no way,shape,or form a Giants fan.But alas,there is no way,NO WAY!!!,that the NFL will let to underdog visiting teams wins and go the the "Big Game".After all of the talking and building up of the Patriots and Brett Favre,I just can't see both of those teams losing their conference championships.
The media coverage on the Pats hasn't sickened me as the Pro-Favre coverage has. That is the difference.
I see a close game between the Packers/Giants...maybe New York can get the job done.
Score predictions....everyone post there predictions...
New England Empire -- 30
San Diego Trash Talkers -- 13
Green Bay Freezeheads -- 19
New York Elinvincibles? -- 23
But the AFC, now that's a different story! Being injured doesn't help, and the cold weather tends to make those aches and pains a little more noticable!