Aside from telling me that even someone on the right like Roberts can see it for what it is and that the government is not overstepping it's authority there, it tells me that the United States has a system that is lauded by people on the right when they "do what they are supposed to" and held up as an archtype liberal institution that is destroying America when they do not. The fact that you compare a constitutionally-valid initiative such as Obamacare with genocide shows your bias in this case. Please do everyone a favour and read the majority opinion on this case before you try and compare it to a joke like that.
The court is conservative; maybe by a small margin, but it is conservative.
Roberts might be 'right' and the court 'conservative' to you on the left, but to someone
on the right, he and it are not. Just like some on the left think Obama's too far to the right. (ha) That's a matter of perspective. And would you feel the same way if when Bush (a progressive) had both houses they had pushed through legislation that said you must own a gun? I wouldn't want that any more than I suspect you would, and I like guns. And when have I compared it to genocide?
Being conservative and progessive are not mutally exclusive, thankfully, and in this case it is good to see that the justices are not completely cemented in their ideological viewpoints that they allowed it to obscure the correct ruling. Face it: a conservative judge decided that Obamacare was constitutional. It could have been struck down, but Roberts made his decision.
You Might not like it, but you have very little grounds to say you know better than a Chief Justice, just like you have very little grounds to say you know how the Constitution was meant to be interpreted. That is not up to you to decide; that's the perogative of the Supreme Court, and this time they decided Obamacare was constitutional based upon hundred-year old interpretations made by previous courts. Even if you reject that the Constitution is an evolving document, the decision came about as the result of previous decisions, making your arguments against the Supreme Court even more pointless.
Actually, conservative and progressive
are mutually exclusive. One wants small government that intrudes as little in our lives as possible. The other wants to slowly make us communist Russia, or at least socialist Europe, with an all-controlling government. How can they be anything
but mutually exclusive? So, the four liberal justices
weren't cemented by their ideology? I have just as much grounds to say I know more than
any Justice on this or any matter as you or any one else on this, or any matter. Their, your, and my
opinion on a matter are all equally valid, no matter how much we may disagree. And now you're arguing that their opinion is based on the last 100 years, and not the Constitution. So which is it? Ruling based on 100 years of progressivism warping our country or the document as written? Choose carefully, because only one leads to constitutionality.
Please, keep saying you will not comply if it makes you feel better and that those who support health care are anti-Americans. I think America's political situation would be a lot better without idiots like you who, instead of treating fellow Americans are equals, paint them as inferior and anti-American if they belive something different than you. I'm sorry to pop your bubble here, but you WILL comply because, despite your patriotic ignorance, you won't be refusing to pay taxes anytime soon and you know it. You do not have the balls to do that, and as I am sure you have been told by Fox News, anyone who doesn't pay taxes is a Communist. Better pay up. comrade.
I will keep saying it because I mean it, and I have never called anyone who supported it 'anti-American,' nor have I treated anyone as 'inferior,' (if you're referring to my use of 'patriotic,' it's patriotic to stand up for what you believe is best for your country, no matter what that position is, meaning just because we don't like the law or choose not to follow it; and I thought the left was big on choice, but I guess that's only if you choose the option you want us to choose; doesn't make me any less patriotic or American than someone who likes it and follows it) or compared it to genocide, and if you truly believed in your position, you would not need false accusations to argue your side. You'd use reason and logic. Tactics of the right. Not the tactics of the left that cannot argue their point, so they must resort to calling people 'idiots' (I do believe you did do that, called me 'ignorant,' and made false accusations) merely because they have a different opinion than you. And finally we end with the left tactic of bullying. Saying I don't have what it takes to not pay taxes and calling me a commie. That's adorable. Who's to say I won't refuse to pay a tax because I choose not to have health insurance? Certainly not you or anyone else. And it doesn't really work to call someone on the right a commie, an ideology 180 degrees opposite of the right, especially for
not paying taxes. Communism is on the left, and they're all for paying
more and
higher taxes. So, in your chosen words, who's a communist for doing what?