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SCOTUS Upholds Obamacare!!! Suck It Conservatives!!!


If anything, it'll make it a bigger issue because now the only way out is at the ballot box. And Obama can't run saying "Vote for me, because I signed an unpopular and controversial (and unconstitutional) bill that was shoved through Congress with lies and broken promises at Christmas and that 60% of Americans want repealed before they've even had a taste of its horrors in bureaucracy and lack of care."

If it had gone the other way, he could have run with "Four white, rich men and an uncle tom just took your 'free' health care away. Vote for me so I can replace them. Or just ignore that pesky old document written by dead, rich white guys that owned slaves I'm a scholar of, and do what I want. Just like La Raza (I think it was them) were chanting for me to do during a speech I made where I commented that I wished I could just do what I wanted like a dictator, even though I told them I know I can't, as a scholar of that dusty old document that's a 'charter of negative rights,' that says what the government can't do to you, not what it must do to you, just that any power not given expressly to the federal government is reserved for the states so that people can move if they don't like something." Can't now.


It is NOT unconstitutional. Some of the finest legal minds in the nation, the ones charged with upholding the highest challenges to the law in our nation, determined that. Didn't you read the news? Or do you think that your opinion is more legally sound than that of the supreme court?

This is what they do. And this is why I treat them with the unrestrained contempt that they deserve.
No, it showed no guts whatsoever. What this means is that every once in a while, even a Conservative finds himself not being able to run from the truth. What do you want, a fucking parade?

No. I want a little class. Saying "Suck it, bitches" is pretty fucking classless.

Let's not run from another truth: If Obamacare had been Bushcare or McCainCare, you guys would be squirting yoursef silly over it and your boy Sam would be calling everyone who dared to challenge it a socialist Commu-Nazi.

You guys? Who the fuck are you calling "you guys"? What category are you filing me in there Mr. Mayhem??? Am I one of the bitches who should "suck it"?

You don't know me or what my beliefs are so engage your brain before you hit the keyboard in a response to me next time, OK pal???
No. I want a little class. Saying "Suck it, bitches" is pretty fucking classless.

Let's not run from another truth: If Obamacare had been Bushcare or McCainCare, you guys would be squirting yoursef silly over it and your boy Sam would be calling everyone who dared to challenge it a socialist Commu-Nazi.

Class? Nigg* please, you're on a fucking porn board. :facepalm:


I said "Suck it Conservatives". Go to the corner, take the dunce-cap from PlumpRump and tell him he's free to go. Typical circumstance from "you guys" though. See what you want to see rather than what's there. That is the category you just showed that you fit in, so keep whining. Uncle Newt would be proud.

BTW, your first clue as to what I actually said: It's in THE FUCKING THREAD TITLE. Try engaging your brain....OK pal???

Will E Worm

Let the death panels commence!


I have four words for obamacare: I WILL NOT COMPLY

Kennedy said the whole thing's unconstitutional. Kennedy. What's that tell you?

Oh, and by the way. You people on the left think it's unpopular now? Just you wait until people actually start having to deal with it. This is the best thing to happen to conservatism in years. People getting to see up close and personal exactly what big government means. You're sunk in the long run. This is gonna turn out like Prohibition and be a huge wake up call to everyone as to just how dangerous progressives on the left and right are. Prepare to try to go back into hiding for another 100 years. Emphasis on the try, because we're on to you now.

:goodpost: No one that's not a liberal better not comply. :nono:

This could be the start of civil war. :D

Why are you so happy Obamacare was upheld by the Supreme Court? It doesn't mean better healthcare for you, or cheaper healthcare. It just means you have to pay more in taxes.

Just more taxes. Worse care.


Obama is not intelligent enough to be a nazi. ;)
Class? Nigg* please, you're on a fucking porn board. :facepalm:

I guess you're a shining example then? :dunno:

Keep up the racial slurs too. Bolsters your image.

I said "Suck it Conservatives". Go to the corner, take the dunce-cap from PlumpRump and tell him he's free to go. Typical circumstance from "you guys" though. See what you want to see rather than what's there. That is the category you just showed that you fit in, so keep whining. Uncle Newt would be proud.

BTW, your first clue as to what I actually said: It's in THE FUCKING THREAD TITLE. Try engaging your brain....OK pal???

:rofl: Wow. You really are easy prey there pal. Took the bait hook, line and sinker. You didn't even bother to read between the lines there, did you Einstein? You're going to end up making "us guys" think you're really intellectually-challenged you communist pinko liberal socialist!!!

Take your prejudiced head out of your ass and wake up.
Yes it does mean better healthcare. I am a contract worker with a pre-existing condition in my right foot and a pinched nerve in my shoulder that makes my job....very interesting. The foot problem alone is at least $6000 with a month of down time (or so the doctors tell me). Health insurance was fucking impossible. And where was the help from you know-it-all Conservatives? "We want to make healthcare more affordable." No you don't, you lying sacks of shit. You are tools of the pharmaceutical industry and not a single one of you has done anything to help people like me. Especially not your 8-year Messiah. But the good news is all the drug commercials us and our kids get to watch. You guys are really on the job. :thefinger:

Nice classless post. You do realize all Obama had to do was open up free competition of healthcare across state borders and you would have received coverage, at a competing (lower) cost, for your pre-existing condition. It's called the free market and competition amongst companies drives prices down. It happened to car insurance so it would have inevitably occurred within health insurance. Now, this albatross of a tax will cost us upwards of over $15 Trillion dollars. AND, we still don't know what's in it ("We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it" Nancy Pelosi).


:rofl: Wow. You really are easy prey there pal. Took the bait hook, line and sinker. You didn't even bother to read between the lines there, did you Einstein? You're going to end up making "us guys" think you're really intellectually-challenged you communist pinko liberal socialist!!!

Take your prejudiced head out of your ass and wake up.

I was going to say "nice try", but it wasn't. Face it, just like my side won, and your side lost today; I win, you lose right now. Obamacare is still the law, Roberts provided the swing vote, you have shit comprehension skills, and you're a typical reactionary right-wing douche that is too busy being a douche to read what's on the screen in front of you. You took the "pre-judging" out of any prejudice I might have had, and you did it all on your own. There are no lines to read between. Swing and a miss.

Will E Worm

Nice classless post. You do realize all Obama had to do was open up free competition of healthcare across state borders and you would have received coverage, at a competing (lower) cost, for your pre-existing condition. It's called the free market and competition amongst companies drives prices down. It happened to car insurance so it would have inevitably occurred within health insurance. Now, this albatross of a tax will cost us upwards of over $15 Trillion dollars. AND, we still don't know what's in it ("We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it" Nancy Pelosi).

I agree, classless post by him. ;)

Competition? They hate that. They hate freedom and the middle class.

Pelosi :facepalm:


Works for panties
For those of you who are afraid of going to jail for not complying with this load of crap, let us consider the situation:

Millions of patriotic Americans standing up to their over-bearing government (which some people might wanna take a look at history to see how that turns out), and there isn't the room to jail them all in conventional prisons.


See Andrew Jackson (Indians), Woodrow Wilson (Germans and political enemies), and FDR (Japanese, Germans, and Italians).

Concentration/internment camps.

Little cities filled with like-minded rebels.

From SERE training (with my emphasis):

"I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense. I will never surrender of my own free will. If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy. If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information nor take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I will evade answering questions to the utmost of my ability. I will never forget that I am an American, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America."

Let the death panels commence!


Death panels is so correct. X amount of dollars will be allocated for, let's say, heart surgeries. After that quota is met, no more heart surgeries until that allocation fund is replenished (say the next fiscal year). So, these "Death panels" will decide who is selected for heart surgery and who isn't. The scary part about these so called "Death panels" is that they will be made up of uneducated, high-school dropouts sitting in cubicles picking their noses and waiting for their next obligatory raise and mandated government holiday.


Yes it does mean better healthcare. I am a contract worker with a pre-existing condition in my right foot and a pinched nerve in my shoulder that makes my job....very interesting. The foot problem alone is at least $6000 with a month of down time (or so the doctors tell me). Health insurance was fucking impossible. And where was the help from you know-it-all Conservatives? "We want to make healthcare more affordable." No you don't, you lying sacks of shit. You are tools of the pharmaceutical industry and not a single one of you has done anything to help people like me. Especially not your 8-year Messiah. But the good news is all the drug commercials us and our kids get to watch. You guys are really on the job. :thefinger:

Nice classless post. You do realize all Obama had to do was open up free competition of healthcare across state borders and you would have received coverage, at a competing (lower) cost, for your pre-existing condition. It's called the free market and competition amongst companies drives prices down. It happened to car insurance so it would have inevitably occurred within health insurance. Now, this albatross of a tax will cost us upwards of over $15 Trillion dollars. AND, we still don't know what's in it ("We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it" Nancy Pelosi).

OK, so where was your boy, Georgy II on all of this? Where was your party? 8 years to make everything you just said happen. Got a know-it-all answer for that? I do. I went to a chiropracter in 2003, was told my insurance was hunky-dory, spent several weeks in treatment, then was told that my insurance isn't covering the visits I already had made! Where were you guys and your "we know better than the Liberals"? Tell me, where the fuck were you while I was being fucked in the ass by a POS spine bender and the insurance industry? If you want class, then give me my motherfuckin' money back. And I still want to know, where the fuck were you then?


Works for panties
It is NOT unconstitutional. Some of the finest legal minds in the nation, the ones charged with upholding the highest challenges to the law in our nation, determined that. Didn't you read the news? Or do you think that your opinion is more legally sound than that of the supreme court?

Actually, I do think my opinion is more sound given the ruling. And hell, 4 of them agree with me, so it was hardly decisive. And you can pick 9 random people and get all kinds of opinions on things.

And I'd debate 'finest.' That's a matter of opinion. And mine says 'nope, not so fine.'

I was going to say "nice try", but it wasn't. Face it, just like my side won, and your side lost today; I win, you lose right now. Obamacare is still the law, Roberts provided the swing vote, you have shit comprehension skills, and you're a typical reactionary right-wing douche that is too busy being a douche to read what's on the screen in front of you. You took the "pre-judging" out of any prejudice I might have had, and you did it all on your own. There are no lines to read between. Swing and a miss.

Wow. I'm beginning to understand why "us guys" despise you lefties.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Let the death panels commence!


Blue Cross/Blue Shield and all the others have had "death panels" for years. But until they get sick, most Americans don't realize that they're nothing but numbers and loss statistics to the insurance companies. I know... they killed my aunt when she had cancer and they wouldn't pay for a bone marrow transplant. Fuck them!

What this means to me is that I now don't have to worry about going fully independent, giving up my employer sponsored plan and having to beg some shit bag insurance company for a 60/40, $700 a month junk policy, just because I now have pre-existing conditions. Yeah baby! These middle fingers are for you, big insurance. :thefinger

And now, all you people who want to roll the dice and not have insurance, but you sure as hell don't mind running to the ER as soon as you get sick, run up a big bill that you can't/won't pay and then cause people like me to have to pay higher bills, now you dead beats have to have insurance too! I say, good! :thumbsup:

Will E Worm

Death panels is so correct. X amount of dollars will be allocated for, let's say, heart surgeries. After that quota is met, no more heart surgeries until that allocation fund is replenished (say the next fiscal year). So, these "Death panels" will decide who is selected for heart surgery and who isn't. The scary part about these so called "Death panels" is that they will be made up of uneducated, high-school dropouts sitting in cubicles picking their noses and waiting for their next obligatory raise and mandated government holiday.

Sounds like we need a new Boston Tea party.

Death panels have been around for sometime. Obamacare will just make it worse.

OK, so where was your boy, Georgy II on all of this? Where was your party? 8 years to make everything you just said happen. Got a know-it-all answer for that? I do. I went to a chiropracter in 2003, was told my insurance was hunky-dory, spent several weeks in treatment, then was told that my insurance isn't covering the visits I already had made! Where were you guys and your "we know better than the Liberals"? Tell me, where the fuck were you while I was being fucked in the ass by a POS spine bender and the insurance industry? If you want class, then give me my motherfuckin' money back. And I still want to know, where the fuck were you then?

Your post proves what a stupid FUCK you are. If you had a medical condition, you should have seen a MEDICAL DOCTOR, not some chiropractic quack! Your fault, not my party's fault. But, what the hell, blame Bush.