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Election 2008

McBama or O' Cain?

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Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

"Ike's Granddaughter Calls Obama "Future of America"

"Does Susan Eisenhower's support suggest a political realignment?"

"You'll have to forgive me for being an Eisenhower Republican," joked Susan Eisenhower, granddaughter of the former five-star general and two-term Republican president. The man who had helped lead America to victory over the forces of Axis darkness during World War II, then oversaw a period of unprecedented prosperity and suburban satisfaction during the 1950s.

Speaking on the telephone on Aug. 7 from her Washington office at The Eisenhower Institute, a think tank where she serves as president emeritus, the journalist-turned-foreign policy wonk explained her decision to publicly support Barack Obama after a lifetime in the Republican Party.

"I don't know how much you know about my grandfather's administration," Eisenhower said. "But that administration stood for multilateral engagement, balancing the budget. They were the party of civil rights, they were the party of environmental progress. That was the Republican Party of the 1950s. I think you can make the case that doesn't sound like the Republican Party we know today. If you look at the way Obama's run his campaign, to how Hillary Clinton ran her campaign, or even how John McCain's campaign is shaping up - you can definitely say that Obama's running his campaign in a way an Eisenhower Republican would have run his campaign."

She represents what used to be what we would call moderate republicanism(yes there was such people once lol) who stood for fiscal responsibility which she says Obama is already showing by raising more than he spends in his campaign while McCain is running up debt to fund his.

There is also reports coming from Bill Crystal (former chief of staff for Dan Quayle) who is now a journalist that he is being told by people supposedly in the know that Colin Powell will soon come out and endorse Obama and will be speaking at the democratic convention.This should really blunt a lot of the criticisms that Obama is somehow too far left or an extremist with such people being willing to endorse him.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

There is also reports coming from Bill Crystal (former chief of staff for Dan Quayle) who is now a journalist that he is being told by people supposedly in the know that Colin Powell will soon come out and endorse Obama and will be speaking at the democratic convention.This should really blunt a lot of the criticisms that Obama is somehow too far left or an extremist with such people being willing to endorse him.

Just to be clear, I think you're talking about Bill Kristol, the right-wing columnist for the NYTimes, not Bill(y) Crystal, the actor and comedian.

The idea that Obama is too far left is completely laughable.

Interesting thread...
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

Just to be clear, I think you're talking about Bill Kristol, the right-wing columnist for the NYTimes, not Bill(y) Crystal, the actor and comedian.

The idea that Obama is too far left is completely laughable.

Interesting thread...

Your right wrong spelling on the name lol.:o
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

dont know wtf neither is actually a choice??
Even the Libertarians put up a Republican ...

Vote Libertarian :hatsoff:
Even the Libertarians put up a Republican.
I rather dislike his voting record.
Sorry, Bednarik was the first and last I've voted for so far.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

For god's sake America, do you hate the country enough to even consider voting for McCain?
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

I guess some people do.. america isso stupid that they voted for bush for a full term. dont worry I dont think mccain will win. lets hope not anyway.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

For god's sake America, do you hate the country enough to even consider voting for McCain?
I guess some people do.. america isso stupid that they voted for bush for a full term. dont worry I dont think mccain will win. lets hope not anyway.
I think you guys are under the false assumption that there is much difference between Obama and McCain, like Bush and Kerry or Bush and Gore before that? Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions.

The only thing I wish that would have happened is that the Democrats would have taken back the Congress in 2002, instead of 2006. That would have prevented a lot of things from happening, probably Iraq included.

I also think people forget Clinton's first 2 years before the Republicans took Congress in 1994. Had they not, I don't think everything would have been the same.

I don't put much faith in the two parties here in the US. Although I do prefer it 10x over when they don't control both the Legislative and Executive.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

The only thing I wish that would have happened is that the Democrats would have taken back the Congress in 2002, instead of 2006. That would have prevented a lot of things from happening, probably Iraq included.
They certainly could've stopped the Iraqi Occupation in 2007 and they didn't. Why do you think they would've stopped the Iraqi Conflict in the first place? Everyone was caught up in warmongering fervor in 2002. Bush/Cheney/NeoCons dummied up the evidence and started intertwining Saddam and Osama. Don't you remember all of this? Remember Bush's State of the Union speech when he basically said if we didn't "stop Saddam" we could face a mushroom cloud in Manhattan?

With respect to a lot of issues, this present Dem Congress has let me down. I've never seen the American People give Congress a clearer mandate before(except for 1994)--STOP THE OCCUPATION--like they did for the 2006 Dems and they fumbled the fucking ball. I guess they are in "clog the government" mode to ensure Dubya's lame duck status remains...but they better not fuck with the goodwill of the American people. The Repubs are headed for a beating this November but if the Dems don't unite behind Obama and turn this country around..who's to say 2010 isn't another Congressional Repub revolution....
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

All i know is that I am so fucking tired of that muderer bush In the white house and It is time for change in america.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

The only thing I wish that would have happened is that the Democrats would have taken back the Congress in 2002, instead of 2006. That would have prevented a lot of things from happening, probably Iraq included.
That is an interesting thought.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

"McCain unsure how many houses he owns"


"Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said in an interview Wednesday that he was uncertain how many houses he and his wife, Cindy, own.

"I think — I'll have my staff get to you," McCain told Politico in Las Cruces, N.M. "It's condominiums where — I'll have them get to you."

The correct answer is at least four, located in Arizona, California and Virginia, according to his staff. Newsweek estimated this summer that the couple owns at least seven properties.

In recent weeks, Democrats have stepped up their effort to caricature McCain as living an outlandishly rich lifestyle — a bit of payback to the GOP for portraying Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) as an elitist, and for turning the spotlight in 2004 on the five homes owned by Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) and his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry.

Pro-Obama labor groups have sent out mailers highlighting McCain’s wealth, and prominent Democrats have included references to it in comments to reporters.

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) told Politico’s Ben Smith that it was McCain “who wears $500 shoes, has six houses and comes from one of the richest families in his state."

And David Axelrod, Obama’s chief strategist, referred in an interview with Adam Nagourney of The New York Times to an imagined meeting of McCain strategists “on the portico of the McCain estate in Sedona — or maybe in one of his six other houses.”

McCain’s comments came four days after he initially told Pastor Rick Warren during a faith forum on Sunday his threshold for considering someone rich is $5 million — a careless comment he quickly corrected.

In the interview, McCain did not offer an alternate number, but had a new answer ready.

“I define rich in other ways besides income,” he said. “Some people are wealthy and rich in their lives and their children and their ability to educate them. Others are poor if they’re billionaires.”

McCain, by anyone's measure, is well-off, if you account for his wife's fortune. Cindy McCain inherited control of her father’s beer distributorship, the largest in Arizona, and has an estimated worth of more than $100 million."

That is a question he needs his staff to answer??????:rofl:
And his definition of rich is 5 million or more! I guess all those middle income people with only a million or two need some tax cuts to help them move up to being rich.John you need to be better prepared for such questions and stop giving silly answers.People are not going to relate to someone who can't recall how many houses they own or think only people with over 5 million are rich.If you somehow win John ,won't be because you ran a good campaign!:1orglaugh
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

"McCain unsure how many houses he owns"


"Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said in an interview Wednesday that he was uncertain how many houses he and his wife, Cindy, own.

"I think — I'll have my staff get to you," McCain told Politico in Las Cruces, N.M. "It's condominiums where — I'll have them get to you."

The correct answer is at least four, located in Arizona, California and Virginia, according to his staff. Newsweek estimated this summer that the couple owns at least seven properties.

In recent weeks, Democrats have stepped up their effort to caricature McCain as living an outlandishly rich lifestyle — a bit of payback to the GOP for portraying Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) as an elitist, and for turning the spotlight in 2004 on the five homes owned by Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) and his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry.

Pro-Obama labor groups have sent out mailers highlighting McCain’s wealth, and prominent Democrats have included references to it in comments to reporters.

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) told Politico’s Ben Smith that it was McCain “who wears $500 shoes, has six houses and comes from one of the richest families in his state."

And David Axelrod, Obama’s chief strategist, referred in an interview with Adam Nagourney of The New York Times to an imagined meeting of McCain strategists “on the portico of the McCain estate in Sedona — or maybe in one of his six other houses.”

McCain’s comments came four days after he initially told Pastor Rick Warren during a faith forum on Sunday his threshold for considering someone rich is $5 million — a careless comment he quickly corrected.

In the interview, McCain did not offer an alternate number, but had a new answer ready.

“I define rich in other ways besides income,” he said. “Some people are wealthy and rich in their lives and their children and their ability to educate them. Others are poor if they’re billionaires.”

McCain, by anyone's measure, is well-off, if you account for his wife's fortune. Cindy McCain inherited control of her father’s beer distributorship, the largest in Arizona, and has an estimated worth of more than $100 million."

That is a question he needs his staff to answer??????:rofl:
And his definition of rich is 5 million or more! I guess all those middle income people with only a million or two need some tax cuts to help them move up to being rich.John you need to be better prepared for such questions and stop giving silly answers.People are not going to relate to someone who can't recall how many houses they own or think only people with over 5 million are rich.If you somehow win John ,won't be because you ran a good campaign!:1orglaugh

I watched that special on him on CNN and FOX (both had their own) and it was a little bizare the way he met his second wife and how the ink barely dried on his divorce before he married her, in addition to her being a Budweiser heir worth hundreds of mills'. But what was even more troubling about him, was the fact that he was 5th from the bottom of his Academy class in college; the fact that he had no ambition to be a politician until he returned from his stint at Hanoi and realized that stint was going to carry a lot of weight in him representing America. Moreover, he had lived in AZ for no more than 2 years before he ran for congress and that a large part of his win was his (second) wife's fortune. That, IMO, disgusts me.

Obama's special (Fox and CNN also did one on him) is equally as troubling. I won't go into to all the details, but I still think he is a plant. He isn't a native Chicago'an. US Senator for a month or two and they give him keynote at the DNC? The circumstances surrounding Jack Ryan and him withdrawing from the seat withing 2 months of a vote and the two media outlets that sued to have his divorce records public. It's all fishy.

I will not be voting for either of these posers.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

I want Ron Paul's foreign policy exactly as he says, McCain's relative pragmatism on most economic areas and Obama's apparent intelligence and social conscious on all other issues.

But Paul is too obsessed with the Constitution. McCain is too mentally unstable and too obsessed with power. And Obama is too impractical and far more politically obsessed then most people think.

Frankly, I'm completely sick of the campaign.