I don't think it was a double-standard ...
As a white man, first off let me congratulate Americans on electing the right man for the job. I am very proud of white America for voting for a candidate based on his credentials rather than skin color. However, I am equally disappointed in my black brothers and sisters for voting irresponsibly. 97% of black Americans voted for President elect Obama.
Are we trying to make things equal in this country? Or are we trying to have a double standard?
Actually, that's historical.
Since several elections after 1964**, the Republicans typically get less than 10% of the African American vote for the Executive.
Although the African American vote had closed in 10%, up from closer to 5%, the last few elections for Dole and then even more for W., it swung well back down to under 3% for this election.
But can you really blame half to 2/3rds of African Americans note voting Obama?
Even Colin Powell, a Republican, gave his support to Obama, and it was very calculated, not just racially based.
**NOTE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964#Political_repercussions
Before 1964, Republicans actually enjoyed a lot of African American support -- especially since the "Dixiecrats" were a sizeable portion of the Democrats for several decades.
But after 1964, the Democrats alienated a lot of their support southern base, so they swing Republican, which correspondingly caused a lot of African Americans to swing the other way.
Especially when Democrats recognized the southern vote was only a minority overall (this was before Florida massively grew in population, among lesser states in the south).