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Election 2008

McBama or O' Cain?

  • Total voters
The final events will play out next week and we will then know what the heck is Hillary Clinton is going to do.

On May 31, DNC Rules Committee will meet to decide the fates of of outcome of MI and FL Primaries. This Saturday (May 31) will put the nails in her coffin and bury MI and FL once for all.

On June 1, (Sunday), it is PR Primary. Taxation without representation is illegal and the nation is borned of a revolution based on tax revolt. But PR chose NOT to pay federal tax, what right do they have to even vote in the Demoratic Primary with 55 delegates. PR has more delegates than Montana and Dakota together 31 delegates which hold their final Primary on June 3 Tuesday.

The issue is if any large group of American decide NOT to pay federal tax to the central government, they have no right to vote. If you say we want to court the PR Hispanic, then give them 6 or 8 delegates, just like the overseas American just got 6 delegates. NOT 55 delegates.

After next Tuesday, Clintons can drag this on to another DNC Credential Committee to plea her case, and we sure will see more "slip of the tongue" things.

But the truth is Ms. Hillary Clinton has actually mentioned "assasinated" five times before it catches on viral in the internet blogs and media.

She may merit state a historic fact but it is a very unfortunate and deliberate attempt to use fear, mishaps, and even assasination to justify her blind action these days.

The longer she stays in the race, the more polarized the Demoractic Party is. That's why in the workplace and schools, so many authority figures apply one rule to us and another rule to some argumentative woman (or women). I have the same situation at my workplace when a blond white woman got everything, 80 hours a work week, got all the inside company information, got the best job in the company, got the best office space, etc and make well over 75,000 dollars ALL BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMAN !


Is somewhere outhere.
Some old news.... :D

Bush Refuses to Read McClellan's Book
Puts Chances of Reading Book at Zero

On a day when Washington was abuzz with the news that former White House spokesperson Scott McClellan had published a tell-all memoir, President George W. Bush offered his personal reason for not reading it.

"I have no intention of reading Scott McClellan's book," Mr. Bush told reporters, "because it's a book."

Mr. Bush said he was "surprised" that Mr. McClellan had written a book to criticize him because "if you're trying to communicate some criticism to me, a book is pretty much the last place you'd put it."

The president said that he thought the chances of his someday reading Mr. McClellan's book were "zero," adding, "If I didn't read the Iraq Study Group's report, I really don't think I'm about to read Scott McClellan's little book."

Presidential historian Davis Logsdon of the University of Minnesota observed that if Mr. McClellan honestly expected his memoir to somehow reach Mr. Bush's nightstand, "that demonstrates just how little he knows George W. Bush."

"Scott McClellan would have had a much better shot if he had put his memoir in Xbox 360 format and then slipped it into a package labeled 'Grand Theft Auto 5,'" he said.

For his part, Mr. Bush said that there was in fact a book published this week that had caught his eye: the new James Bond thrilled entitled "Devil May Care."

"Now, that book looks like it could be good," he said. "Maybe I'll have Laura read it to me."
I am glad the Democratic Primary is finally over by tomorrow night.

The Clintons have packed their bags and go back home to NY.

They have actually suspended the campaign sending emails to all the field staffers "no more paychecks", "an airline ticket to NY or return home". Most of Clintons' staffers are looking for another jobs but I am guessing what will be the finale for Mrs. Clinton.

Will she continue to fight for superdelegates and make this a very ugly fight or she just say thanks and suspend her campaign.

I just have to wait and see her tomorrow night speech in NY.
MSNBC is reporting that Hillary will drop out of the presidential race on Saturday and endorse Obama.

Hillary only suspends her campaign and fight another day ! She opted to keep all her delegates, close to 1,900 plus !!

She keeps all her options including VP spot !
"Just How Stupid Are We?"
Americans are ill-prepared to guide the world's most powerful democracy. Only 2 of 5 voters can name the three branches of the federal government. And 49 percent of Americans think the president has the authority to suspend the Constitution. But, for Shenkman, the severity of the problem snapped into focus after Sept. 11, 2001, when polls showed that a large number of Americans knew little about the attacks and the Iraq war that followed.
"Just How Stupid Are We?"
Americans are ill-prepared to guide the world's most powerful democracy. Only 2 of 5 voters can name the three branches of the federal government. And 49 percent of Americans think the president has the authority to suspend the Constitution. But, for Shenkman, the severity of the problem snapped into focus after Sept. 11, 2001, when polls showed that a large number of Americans knew little about the attacks and the Iraq war that followed.

how stupid is that piece? The US is not a democracy its a Republic. :thefinger
I was laughing out loud because many in this thread and this forum think Obama is Black !

Obama gave the strongest support speech to the Jewish groups in Washington, D.C. Obama may be black on the outside, but he is 100% pro-Israel. Obama is not stupid to side with the Muslims and the people of Palestine ! Obama knew if he wants to leave a legacy in American history, he has to act like every American President for the American interests, not for the Afro-American interests !!!

Wake Up !


Hiliary 2020
That has yet to be seen, maybe we'll find out in a few years.
One concern I have is will the press really keep us informed on all he does if and when he's in office.
That has yet to be seen, maybe we'll find out in a few years.
One concern I have is will the press really keep us informed on all he does if and when he's in office.

Hopefully more than we have been informed by the current administration.I know the right wing thinks they can bash the new book by Bush's former spokesman and dismiss it but it is still very credible and a best seller to boot.Most of what he says about the twisting of intelligence and outright lying that has been done was already known, he is just an insider who is confirming it.He says he is sorry the so-called liberal media didn't live up to its rep and dig deeper about the nonsense Bush was pushing during the run up to the war.Bush even told him that Bush had authorized the campaign against Valerie Plame and her husband, that resulted in her CIA status being given to the press.And McClellan was not happy he had to go out and tell what he knows now were lies about how people like Rove and Libby were involved.And while the media did eventually get to the truth of some things,like the twisting of intelligence and warrantless wiretaps,torturing people, and whole other host of invasions of people's privacy ,those were for sure not things Bush wanted us to ever know about.Even McCain I think would not operate the way Bush does.That's another thing McClellan talks about, how Bush was suppose to come to DC and operate a nice clean above board ethical govt and not be riddled with scandles.And McClellan thinks like most of america that was not what happened.History will Judge Bush about as ethical as Richard Nixon I bet lol.
So while I never expect any president to divulge everything it is hard to beleive it will not be better than the recent past no matter who gets elected.
well with the democratic congress we have now they have not done shit! that is the reason why obama must win so we can withdraw from this unjust war in iraq and then turn our economy around..


Hiliary 2020
it will not be better than the recent past no matter who gets elected.

this post has very little if nothing to do with mine so why quote me?
I was talking about what the press considers news worthy depending on what party they belong to or if there fasionable at the moment, Not Bush consiracy theories.
the slightest critical statement your boy and some of you are ready to pounce....Don't know why that is.
"Just How Stupid Are We?"
Americans are ill-prepared to guide the world's most powerful democracy. Only 2 of 5 voters can name the three branches of the federal government. And 49 percent of Americans think the president has the authority to suspend the Constitution. But, for Shenkman, the severity of the problem snapped into focus after Sept. 11, 2001, when polls showed that a large number of Americans knew little about the attacks and the Iraq war that followed.

It's not just Americans. I've been to England, France, Germany, Russia, The Czech Republic, South Africa, Indonesia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico and Canada. There seems to be a substantial percentage of stupid people all over the world.
That has yet to be seen, maybe we'll find out in a few years.
One concern I have is will the press really keep us informed on all he does if and when he's in office.

this post has very little if nothing to do with mine so why quote me?
I was talking about what the press considers news worthy depending on what party they belong to or if there fasionable at the moment, Not Bush consiracy theories.
the slightest critical statement your boy and some of you are ready to pounce....Don't know why that is.

Your post shown above was about whether the press would keep us informed on what went on in the Obama white house if he was elected.My response was directly pointing out that they failed to do that with the current administration who you do defend quite a bit.I haven't seen you say like McClellan said you wish the press had done a better job exposing Bush.Just pointing out that you seem to only think dems need to be watched and are fine seemingly with all the under cover activities of Bush.Those activities by Bush I mentioned are not in the realm of "conspiracy theorys" at all.They are documented facts.Intelligence was twisted to make the case for war (ask Colin Powell about his presentation at the UN on Wmds),Bush and his administration outed Valerie Plame,Bush authorized torture and warantless wiretaps etc.All that has been documented.
But I know in your mind its all what party the press belongs to whether or not things get exposed.I don't beleive that at all they will take down anyone they think would make a good story and sell newspapers or get ratings.Dem's and pubs both get caught in sex scandles and reported on don't they?
One of the real groups at fault beyond the press with the Iraq issue not being explored adequetly before the invasion was actually the american people.They did not want to hear anything that was seen as opposing a war with arabs after 9/11 so the press not wanting to be branded "unpatriotic" did not do the job they should have.


Hiliary 2020
yeah yeah, torture prisoners , listening to our phone calls......oooooh.
If you think most of the news media isn't biased well then think it.
All I've seen from them is anti U.S. storys for the past 6 years.
And the American people don't want to hear anything against the war against religious nuts who come into Iraq for one purpose: To kill people.
They eat it up, they love it.....You and others like you are living proof.
And the news media knows it, it gets them rich.
Here I mention one little thing. I hope the press is un biased when reporting on the actions of Obama and right away you go off on Bushes illegal wire taps and The U.S. is torturing those poor prisoners and how bad the U.S. is. Its an automatic reaction I suppose. A mindset.
You just can't help it.

The U.S. is soo bad, at least we don't decapitate prisoners with sabers live on the internet or stone to death little girls.
Obviously we have different priorities.
And I don't really give a shit about sex scandals and media hype.
I care about The real stuff , the important stuff he may do.
Raising and creating new taxes for the rich ( in Democratic terms people with jobs), more socialistic programs at the expense of those same rich people.
New bullshit laws which take away our freedom little by little, destruction of the military and intelligence like the last Democrat did, bad foriegn policys, ect, ect, all of which will lead to the decay of our society as well as our security.
I'm out.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
yeah yeah, torture prisoners , listening to our phone calls......oooooh.

Oh, yes. Constitutional rights. Ooooh. Just as long as they don't take your gun, right?

If you think most of the news media isn't biased well then think it.
All I've seen from them is anti U.S. storys for the past 6 years.

Just what are "anti U.S. stor[ies]" (honest question, I don't know what you mean)? Stories saying America sucks, or saying what America is doing sucks (in much more concrete terms, of course)? If the latter, perhaps what America is doing sucks...?

And the American people don't want to hear anything against the war against religious nuts who come into Iraq for one purpose: To kill people.
They eat it up, they love it.....You and others like you are living proof.
And the news media knows it, it gets them rich.

Huh? "others like you"? Just what is that supposed to mean?

Here I mention one little thing. I hope the press is un biased when reporting on the actions of Obama and right away you go off on Bushes illegal wire taps and The U.S. is torturing those poor prisoners and how bad the U.S. is. Its an automatic reaction I suppose. A mindset.
You just can't help it.

Neither can you. Friday just pointed out the doubts to your hope, by describing the failures of the media with the current administration (just as Friday mentioned). His post had plenty to do with yours. You, MP, are the one that pounced (but don't get me wrong - now so am I!)

The U.S. is soo bad, at least we don't decapitate prisoners with sabers live on the internet or stone to death little girls.
Obviously we have different priorities.

At least, huh? Unfortunately, better by association doesn't make us "good". But if it makes you feel better (it certainly does for a lot of people)...
well with the democratic congress we have now they have not done shit! that is the reason why obama must win so we can withdraw from this unjust war in iraq and then turn our economy around..

obama will not withdraw our troops he has said that time and time again and he recently threatened Iran with war. He has also said he would send troops into Pakistan. I do not get where people think he is anti-war. :dunno: