Election 2008

McBama or O' Cain?

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Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

I voted "neither" since I have never heard of Barack McCain or John Obama. Their names do sound strangely familiar though.

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Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

I understand wanting to vote for a "third" party candidate. The problem with that is there is no third party candidate that really has a chance. You got two choices. Anything else is a wasted vote. I wish things were different. But they're not.

I have another choice. I can choose not to vote. I don't see anything wrong with not voting out of principles instead of apathy. I could also choose to vote for another person, but I don't like any of them either. I refuse to vote for anybody that I don't find qualified, and as long as everybody believes they have no choice and they must vote for the lesser of two evils or waste their vote then all they are doing is creating a self fulfilling prophecy for themselves. Until people start changing then nothing is going to be change, and I figure if it has to start somewhere it might as well be with me.

Independents = People that have principles they won’t violate, are able to think for themselves, and don’t do things just because that is the way it‘s always been done.
Re: obama and hillary as vp

Like I said before, I have no interest in seeing any of the candidates winning the presidential election. I'm gonna vote for George Carlin for president. At least the ball busting bitch is finally gone.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

I have another choice. I can choose not to vote. I don't see anything wrong with not voting out of principles instead of apathy. I could also choose to vote for another person, but I don't like any of them either. I refuse to vote for anybody that I don't find qualified, and as long as everybody believes they have no choice and they must vote for the lesser of two evils or waste their vote then all they are doing is creating a self fulfilling prophecy for themselves. Until people start changing then nothing is going to be change, and I figure if it has to start somewhere it might as well be with me.

Independents = People that have principles they won’t violate, are able to think for themselves, and don’t do things just because that is the way it‘s always been done.

Fair enough. I didn't vote in 2004 because of the Electoral College. I was living in a state that always goes republican in the Presidential election so my vote for Kerry wouldv'e just been cast aside anyway. So I figured, why show up?
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

Neither. I'm casting my vote for George Carlin. He's a cynic who hates politics and believes that regardless of who's in office the country will be fucked. I like his honesty. ;)
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

unfortunately i have to go with obama because i do not think the repubs have a chance. but ill vote for mccain anyways
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

I will most likely vote for McCain. Either that or just not VOTE for president, because I WILL NOT and CAN NOT vote for the socialist that IS obama.

most likely it will be John Mccain just so when this country is so screwed up within a year, you won't be able to blame ME for this crap!!!!

MAN O MAN I wish the conservatives could actually have a candidate to get behind.

Unfortunately the alphabet media can't let that happen. And they are FIRMLY in the pockets of the damn liberals like George Soros. I REALLY wish that SOB would stay the hell out of MY Country.

If obama wins and you are paying more taxes than you take home and try to LIVE off of, you can blame these two lowlife bastards!
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

I will vote for McCain simply because I can NOT with a clear conscience vote for a socialist. I MUST vote AGAINST that bitch!

I truly wish that CONSERVATIVES (you know, mind our own business, smaller government, lower taxes, THOSE CONSERVATIVES) had a candidate that we can actually get behind.

McCain is certainly NOT my favorite by far, he panders too damn much.

obama is being backed by George Soros, who is a greedy speculator that has bankrupted the monetary system of entire COUNTRIES! This Bastard should keep his sorry good for nothing ass out of my country.

When you are paying MORE in taxes than you actually take home, you can blame these two twits, who absolutely want to make sure you have to depend on the government for EVERYTHING!

You won't be able to blame that clusterf#%k on me!!!!!
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

I will vote for McCain simply because I can NOT with a clear conscience vote for a socialist. I MUST vote AGAINST that bitch!

I truly wish that CONSERVATIVES (you know, mind our own business, smaller government, lower taxes, THOSE CONSERVATIVES) had a candidate that we can actually get behind.

McCain is certainly NOT my favorite by far, he panders too damn much.

obama is being backed by George Soros, who is a greedy speculator that has bankrupted the monetary system of entire COUNTRIES! This Bastard should keep his sorry good for nothing ass out of my country.

When you are paying MORE in taxes than you actually take home, you can blame these two twits, who absolutely want to make sure you have to depend on the government for EVERYTHING!

You won't be able to blame that clusterf#%k on me!!!!!

I agree with you 100%. If there was such a candidate I would vote for him without thinking about it twice. Since there is no such candidate running, though, I will vote for the next best quality in a presidential candidate, honesty, and vote for George Carlin.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

I have personal experience to actually watch McCain spoke.

There is a big age difference between Obama and McCain. Obama is 46 and McCain is 70. McCain is a very poor speaker and his hand movement made me wondered if McCain having Parkinson's disease and Alzhemeier's Disease, a mental dementia illness.

How can you vote a mentally senile man in his 70's into Oval Office. McCain would be the oldest President but McCain really is senile and fragile and may die soon due to his past heavy alcoholism !
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

I have personal experience to actually watch McCain spoke.

There is a big age difference between Obama and McCain. Obama is 46 and McCain is 70. McCain is a very poor speaker and his hand movement made me wondered if McCain having Parkinson's disease and Alzhemeier's Disease, a mental dementia illness.

How can you vote a mentally senile man in his 70's into Oval Office. McCain would be the oldest President but McCain really is senile and fragile and may die soon due to his past heavy alcoholism !

HOW can YOU vote for a socialist who has one bill pending RIGHT NOW in congress that will cost EACH AND EVERY person 9500 (YEAH NEARLY TEN GRAND) EVER YEAR to help "world Poverty"?

How can YOU vote for a racist, ONE TERM senator that has proven OVER AND OVER again that he has NO CLUE how the world actually WORKS?

How can YOU vote for someone who has ALREADY SAID they WILL raise your taxes?

How can you vote for a certifiable IDIOT that wants to pass ANOTHER bill that will cost EVERYBODY and extra 53 cents a GALLON of gas?

I am not voting FOR McCain so much as AGAINST a worthless socialist (Obama) and his sugar daddy (George Soros) who personally WANTS to destroy this country!!!!!


Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

If McCain had done what he was supposed to do (name, rank, serial #), he wouldn't even be alive, much less running for President.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

As I Said, NOT SO MUCH a vote FOR McCain as a vote AGAINST Obama and SOCIALISM!!!!
Re: obama and hillary as vp

Will he pick her? Can the Democratic party unify unless he does?

I know one thing: Hillary Clinton goes from totally non-conceading to unequivocally for Obama in less than a week. Did she get an agreement?

Politically, Clinton is the only current candidate on Obama's level. Obama's public speaking ability is currently unparalleled, but his political skill might be second to hers.


Hiliary 2020
Re: obama and hillary as vp

If he picks her I'll eat my hat ,
She can't help him, and I don't think he really likes her very much.
So no, he'll probably go with The Oprah.
Re: obama and hillary as vp

^ I have to disagree. I think she can help him very much. Strategy wise, he might just pick up the votes of many former Hillary supporters who would otherwise not have voted. I don't think that everyone who voted for Hillary are going to automatically vote for Obama. People who believe all that Muslim crap about Obama, or are put off by his association with Rev. Wright, might take a second look at backing Obama should Hillary be his running mate.
Re: obama and hillary as vp

I'm actually wondering if she'll be asked to take a Supreme Court vacancy.

I doubt she'll do it, even though it'll let her wield significant power for the rest of her life. It won't replace being President in 2012. But, should she not get tapped for VP, her supporters could be appeased with her in the judicial branch.