third parties are excluded, shunned, scoffed, snickered at, derided, ridiculed, marginalized, fucked in the ass, prohibitively fined, economically over-burdened, rounded-up at 4AM and sent to 'political readjustment camps', told to "come back in two weeks", added to "lists", told not to "waste their vote", made to jump through hoops, forced to surrender, mocked, jeered, parodied, disrespected, poo-pood, made to wait in the hall, disenfranchised, blocked, frustrated, denied, castrated, discarded, buried on page 4, hushed, shushed, libeled, slandered, defamed, maligned, treated unfairly, advised to go elsewhere, and generally treated as seriously misguided and possibly dangerous fringe types who should just sit down and shut up.
apart from that, the system is totally fair and above-board.
apart from that, the system is totally fair and above-board.