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Election 2008

McBama or O' Cain?

  • Total voters
Friday...you disappoint me greatly....what have we been talking about here for the past 6 months! THE TROOPS! THE WAR! Once we end the occupation in Iraq...Oil will begin to decline rapidly. Mark my words. For one thing...there is a global recession (started in the US but it's spread) happening...are you telling me that "global demand" for oil is STILL the cause for the price runeup? Nope. Sorry. U.S. consumption is declining right now and will intensely decline as the summer progresses. Food riots are happening all over the world. We are standing at the precipice of global economic meltdown.

I more believe that Bush and Cheney are artificially manipulating the price of oil (as payback to our Saudi masters) so that all their Big Oil buddies in Texas reap billions now because change is coming....moreover than the price is still rising because of "global demand"...

Does the American consumer have any money right now to buy the cheap shit that floods our store shelves which is made in China through their consumption of oil?????


We are being bent over the pump from Dubya's last swan song F-U to this country....when Obama (or Hillabeast:thefinger) is elected and the troop withdrawal begins....oil will fall sharply.

There is fear and uncertainty built into the price. Probably $40/barrel fear factor right now...

Get used to being disapointed because I think you will be sorely in the future.I'm sorry I don't get the logic that says if we leave Iraq(which we should) the price of oil will drop.If anything the civil war that may occur which may not be avoidable would probably drive the price up.If you can find any analyst of such things that thinks a withdraw would mean a drop in price I would love to see the link.While demand in the US may be down marginally,demand worldwide is still very high,thats why people are asking the Saudis to increase production which they are not willing to do.Why should they pump it faster thus reducing the overall return they would see on it in the long run.Any politician who says they can really do anything to lower the price is lying and pandering.Being the next president is not going to be an enviable position as the nation faces many problems that are just not that easily solved.And the more they promise things they can't possibly deliver the more disapointed and angry people will be with them.The so-called terror premium on oil existed before Iraq and will exist after the election no matter if we are there in great numbers or not.The instability in the mid east is not going anywhere.Right now things are actually pretty good supply wise.Just think if there was a regional conflict or some other kind of problem there that caused production from one of the gulf states to be reduced.That would make the current price look cheap in comparison.As many prominent analysts have said the age of cheap oil is over and will never return.The realization and adaptation to that is for sure going to be very painfull,for politicians and for everyone else.
IMO we may be very disapointed in the results in Nov election and for sure we will be disapointed no matter who gets elected IMO afterwards in the economy,the price of oil and the corresponding rise in the price of everything else.While a dem with more progessive policys that try to ease the pain on the more vunerable to these bad times that seem to be looming would be a good thing the truth is that there is little they can do to change the fundamentals of high energy costs,job loss etc.
Oh and BTW,do you think the folks in Pa. who did not vote for Obama and choose Hillary would really choose Obama in the fall? He outspent her 3 to 1 in Pa and lost by 10 points.The way this is going I unfortuantely think it is true that McCain looks more likely to win all the time against eitheir Obama or Hillary.Obama because many whites will not pull the lever for him and for Hillary if she gets the nomination will be resented for the impression she was given the nomination unfairly by minorities and depress their turn-out.The only thing that may somewhat mitigate the resentment there is if even though Obama has more pledged delegates(but not enough to gain the nomination,which neithier will get) is if she has the lead in popular vote.
Last thing is did you hear Rev Wright is going on PBS tonight and will say that Obama distancing himself from him is just because that's the kind of thing a politician would do.Him being back in the news saying such is the last thing Obama needs and will not help in future primaries especially a place like Indiana which has a lot of voters similar to those in Pa.
I wish the future of many things looked different to me and respect your opinions, but I guess we just have to agree to disagree.:wave2:
I hope neither Obama nor the ball-busting bitch win. I don't care for McCain, but at least he seems like he can get over the bickering and backstabbing that American politics are. He did so even when Romney was flinging shit in his direction. I still think I'm gonna vote for myself in November.

for real. fuck all politicians, why the fuck should we vote for those sorry, pathetic pieces of shit! I hate them all!! fuck government!!! why should we pay these idiots' salaries!!!! i prefer anarchy than to pay taxes to these retarded losers like Obama or Clinton (i dont hate mccain but i still dont wanna giv him my $$$)
yea alot of people are thinking about becoming an activists. because of these sorry politivians?

We are not really all that different--politically. We want the same things and agree, basically, how to get there. We both wanted John Edwards at the beginning...but like his supporters, we both simply split off to the 2 other choices. I will pull a Hillabeast lever if she miraculously wins. I think you will pull an Obama lever too because whatever concerns you may have over Obama..should pale in comparison to the nightmare of another Dumbass Dubya Administration..which is what John McCain will bring.

You can certainly disagree with my "oil forecasts." But I want a giant one of these-->:bowdown: from you, and I want you to send me an "Emperor's Club" "Spitzer Special" to give me one of these:blowjob: and, in turn, I will buy you one of these:glugglug: when a Dem wins, the troops come home, and Oil retreats back to $60-$65 a barrel....

I believe Obama lost Pennsylvannia for the same reason he lost Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Phony, white, secret racists who told the pollsters one thing and did the exact opposite.

It is mind-numbing, to me, that any working class person/blue collar family would support Hillary. She is a $100Millionaire who has nothing in common with blue collar folks and certainly doesn't give a shit about them or their needs. Hillary is a servant to Corporate Masters...she has an incredible sense of "entitlement" to the presidency and with her latest tweaked message (We may need to Bomb Iran)...hmmm..it sounds like she wants to Fear and Smear Obama in order to win the White House. That does not sound like a great president to me...:dunno:


No matter whether Grandpappy McCain, Hillabeast, or Obama bin Lyin' wins the election, no significant domestic changes will occur. The 2-party system needs an overhaul - in this election it can't be any clearer. None of the candidates are addressing the real domestic issues...the huge underclass that relies on social welfare and refuses to work, those who do work and are still dirt poor, the cost of living vs. actual wages, etc.
These issues are all inter-connected. One solution--say Universal Healthcare--will begin to turn "all of those things." Repealing "No Child Left Behind" and actually investing in education...another turnaround. Drastically rewriting the home zones--to stop racial-based settling into barrios, ghettoes, white suburbs is a drastic idea who's time may have come...if for nothing else then to dispel the glaring chasm between education and opportunity between the various classes here in America...

Our dollar is basically worth a sheet of toilet paper. We need a macroeconomic turnaround in the value of the dollar.

We also need to get out of Iraq and stop spending $100-$200 bill annually in that quagmire.

The 2 party system is okay as long as Lobbying is removed from politics. We may need someone like Obama who might be willing to seek a Constitutional Amendment to remove Corporate Lobbying from politics.
Alright....let's call it. How do you see Indiana and North Carolina shaking out? The election is this Tuesday...

I see Al Gore endorsing Obama tomorrow, in a shock to the world...

Obama slam dunks a double win....Hillabeast tearfully withdraws from the race..the DOW races to 14,000 on Wednesday...and our country begins the march toward turnaround from the George W Bush Nightmare....
sounds great to me.. lets hope thats how it plays out.
Alright....let's call it. How do you see Indiana and North Carolina shaking out? The election is this Tuesday...

I see Al Gore endorsing Obama tomorrow, in a shock to the world...

Obama slam dunks a double win....Hillabeast tearfully withdraws from the race..the DOW races to 14,000 on Wednesday...and our country begins the march toward turnaround from the George W Bush Nightmare....

Wishfull thinking on your part :)

She will win Indiana and be very close in North Carolina.Obama's campaign is taking a real beating with the constant coverage of Rev Wright.Two weeks ago it was "I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community." But now because the reverand said the only reason Obama has denounced his comments is that he's a politician looking for white votes,the reverand is thrown overboard.So its not about the so-called incendiary comments the reverand made in the past, its that he is now hurting Obama that Obama is mad about and reacting too.Thats not acting out of principle,the reverand is right about that, he is acting like a politician doing what is politically necessary at this point to try to remain viable
And I don't see Gore endorsing anyone,he is better off just staying out of it for his own images sake.
Wishfull thinking on your part :)

She will win Indiana and be very close in North Carolina.Obama's campaign is taking a real beating with the constant coverage of Rev Wright.Two weeks ago it was "I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community." But now because the reverand said the only reason Obama has denounced his comments is that he's a politician looking for white votes,the reverand is thrown overboard.So its not about the so-called incendiary comments the reverand made in the past, its that he is now hurting Obama that Obama is mad about and reacting too.Thats not acting out of principle,the reverand is right about that, he is acting like a politician doing what is politically necessary at this point to try to remain viable
And I don't see Gore endorsing anyone,he is better off just staying out of it for his own images sake.




The northwest is so close to Chicago and the northern Indiana is for Obama.

Obama can win in Terre Heute, Indianapolis, Evansville, and my home town Vincennes, Indiana !

It is a very close fight and Indiana has many colleges and unviersities and I went to two of them. Obama mobilized Purdue university students and don't forget The University of N.Dame. Universities across Indiana are mobilized against the Clintons.

Illinois is next door and it is a FIGHT TO THE END. Indiana for Obama 08 !


Obama lost Pennsylvanna but actually won more superdelegates last week than the loss of pledged delegates in Pennsylvannia.

If Obama wins both, Clintons are finsihed !


Alright....let's call it. How do you see Indiana and North Carolina shaking out? The election is this Tuesday...

I see Al Gore endorsing Obama tomorrow, in a shock to the world...

Obama slam dunks a double win....Hillabeast tearfully withdraws from the race..the DOW races to 14,000 on Wednesday...and our country begins the march toward turnaround from the George W Bush Nightmare....

I hope so...I don't think Gore has the balls to disown Hillabeast, but I'd like to be there to see her reaction if he does. :D
In my home town Vincennes, Indiana, cowards broke into Obama's campaign's office early this morning and made bomb threats in his offices in Terre Heute, Vincennes, and Evansville.

This will not discourage the Trailblazers in Vincennes, Indiana to vote for change and the right to vote !

It is my right to vote and we are not afraid of the closet KKK !!!
ha ha.. and people say there is'nt any racism in America anymore. obama is going to shock the world 2night and end this crap.
Obama. btw he should do a rally trying to win the votes of porn fans he's winning in this poll by far.
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The Democratic nomination process finally ended tonight. Obama is the Democratic Nominee. Nothing can prevent that now. A blowout loss and a squeaker win are not "game-changing" stuff Hillabeast...:1orglaugh The only way she can "go nuclear" and try to sandbag Obama is if she dips into her personal $100mil family warchest, which she's already done before...but really..how smart is that at this point?

She cancelled all her public appearances and morning talk show appearances tomorrow. All that remains is running up the white flag and pledging support for Obama.

Obama now needs to focus on a runningmate and begin to build the case that America is ready for real CHANGE and we don't want to elect a George Bush 3rd Term Puppet...

A great night for Obama....:thumbsup:
Hillary wants to count the votes in Florida. OH NO, not fucking Florida again.