So far, I'm not enjoying hockey... pros in the Olympics is bullshit. Canada, Russia, USA are all stacked. Its not even Olympics any more, its just 2 weeks of an nhl all-star game.
I hear you. And, being a retro fan myself, I should agree.
But I do not. I prefer to look at it in a more
international way.
In those 'good old' cold war period, the USSR was almost impossible to beat. The competition wasn't fair. They weren't real amateurs, 'cause they got hugely paid by their government. The same with Czechoslowakia and all the other Warsaw Pact countries.
And even though the Ruskies played great hockey, it looked like computerized playing in many cases. And when that machine got stuck and the players were forced to use their own brains .... they failed. Hence their defeat in the OS 1980 against Team USA.
Since the nineties, the NHL is free-for-all-countries, AFAIK. Thus: the best pro players from all around the world can play there. And a lot of those
best players are now acting for their own country at the Olympics.
I like it!
Being from Europe, living in a non-hockey minded country, it finally gives me the chance to watch these guys on my tv screen.
Man, did I enjoy that whistling bullet of a one-timer by Iginla when he opened the score for Team Canada.
And what about his 2nd goal? Great passing action by Crosby and Nash.
Summarized: I do not have a problem at all with the NHL all-stars. And I also feel that they do a better job than the basketball players at the Summer Olympics.
Now there's mentioning a boring tournament!