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  1. Jeep!

    Should white performers who appear in racist, anti-White productions be boycotted?

    Hey, BioDefenseGrad, answer my fucking question you spineless worm.
  2. Jeep!

    Bad Mothers

    Re: And The Mother Of The Year Award Goes Too...... *to
  3. Jeep!

    Coming of the "won't do it on principle" thread...what is the grossest thing you've eaten?

    Re: Coming of the "won't do it on principle" thread...what is the grossest thing you've eaten? It was a chop (like a pork chop) so I prepared it basically the same as I would with a pork chop. It had this terrible mildly fishy taste (like a processed fish finger) and was gristly as all fuck...
  4. Jeep!

    Coming of the "won't do it on principle" thread...what is the grossest thing you've eaten?

    Re: Coming of the "won't do it on principle" thread...what is the grossest thing you've eaten? Alligator. Wasn't gross in principle, but the actual flavour and mouthfeel of it made it the most disgusting thing I've ever put in my mouth.
  5. Jeep!

    Should white performers who appear in racist, anti-White productions be boycotted?

    Hey, BioDefenseGrad, answer my fucking question you spineless worm.
  6. Jeep!

    Maryland Death Penalty: Lawmakers Approve Measure To Ban Capital Punishment

    I dunno, douchebag implies he's been near a vagina before.
  7. Jeep!

    Want to see the winner of the 2013 Miss FreeOnes? Look inside!

    I always liked "backpfeifengesicht".
  8. Jeep!

    Want to see the winner of the 2013 Miss FreeOnes? Look inside!

    Lucy, don't take this the wrong way or anything, but every time I watch one of those vids there is something else unusual in the room that I fixate on and it's kind of taken up like an hour of my life now. I mean, is that a tailor's dummy in the mirror? And that duck. I am not sleeping. Not now...
  9. Jeep!

    The minimum wage

    If you can't afford to hire workers on a liveable wage, you can't afford to hire workers full stop.
  10. Jeep!

    The minimum wage

    The UK (all of the UK, not just Britain) has minimums at 21+, 18 to 20 and <18. To be honest I don't agree with the gradation simply because it's the chief reason a lot of young people struggle to find work during and after uni--until they enter a skilled position based on their qualifications...
  11. Jeep!

    penises touching, what can happen

    So that explains my black nephew.
  12. Jeep!

    The minimum wage

    Of course, why should it be lower? The whole point of it existing is to ensure workers are able to earn enough to live on. Anything less would defeat the purpose.
  13. Jeep!

    The minimum wage

    I don't know if that's acceptable because like I said I don't know what the cost of living and the rate of inflation is where you're at. If your state sets it at $9.19 that seems on par with the current UK rate which is £6.19 ($9.37 according to Google) an hour, but they might have different...
  14. Jeep!

    The minimum wage

    Yes, that would explain the phrase "minimum wage" (as in, it's not "sometimes the minimum, sometimes you make way less, fuck it them's the breaks wage").
  15. Jeep!

    The minimum wage

    Don't ask me for a raw figure because that's going to vary based on the price of living and the rate of inflation in different countries, but it should be enough to keep pace with both.
  16. Jeep!

    The minimum wage

    Of course. And it should be blanket regardless of job--this whole waiters-don't-make-minimum-wage-in-some-countries bullshit is fucking spiteful.
  17. Jeep!

    Don't worry, it's going nowhere until he responds to it. So it's going nowhere.

    Don't worry, it's going nowhere until he responds to it. So it's going nowhere.
  18. Jeep!

    Stereotypes pornstars really take offense to ...

    I think I just came. Wait, no. No maybe about it.
  19. Jeep!

    Stereotypes pornstars really take offense to ...

    I get the odd fleck of ginger in the ol' facewarmer, where do I stand on the whole soul thing?
  20. Jeep!

    Should white performers who appear in racist, anti-White productions be boycotted?

    Hey, BioDefenseGrad, answer the fucking question you snivelling little weasel.
  21. Jeep!

    To put it another way...

    For far too many people those two things are way too closely intertwined, unfortunately.
  22. Jeep!

    Maryland Death Penalty: Lawmakers Approve Measure To Ban Capital Punishment

    I think we only need to look a little south to see my take on the matter.
  23. Jeep!

    Why is it that if a pornstar doesn't want to get with black guys, it is a major issue?

    Ok, so disagree and let the discussion die a natural death instead of bumping it every couple of hours.
  24. Jeep!

    Why is it that if a pornstar doesn't want to get with black guys, it is a major issue?

    I saw one of those once. It went as should be expected.
  25. Jeep!

    American Manifest Destiny & the "American Indian"

    I do get history. I get that there are many more suitable figures in American history to stick on a prominent piece of currency--instead of offering apologetics for one, how about honouring another instead? Stick up a staunch abolitionist like Thaddeus Stevens, or a civil rights figure like...
  26. Jeep!

    Should white performers who appear in racist, anti-White productions be boycotted?

    Hey Biodefensegrad, why are you such a coward when it comes to directly defending your points? I've asked you several times over the course of this thread to defend an entirely inaccurate judgement you've made and you continue to avoid doing to. Is it because you know you're wrong, and without...
  27. Jeep!

    American Manifest Destiny & the "American Indian"

    In all fairness, I don't consider it any different to those who came before or after--the scramble for Africa two or three hundred years later was just as brutal, and the roughly contemporary dismemberment of Ireland by the New Model Army is still an open wound today. But just because something...
  28. Jeep!

    Becoming a Porn Talent Scout

    I think it's less about qualifications and more about being tactful enough to phrase "I think you'd be great at fucking for money" delicately enough to be convincing.
  29. Jeep!

    Stereotypes pornstars really take offense to ...

    Don't expect accuracy; you're not exactly dealing with the brains of the operation there.
  30. Jeep!

    WWE Raw & Smackdown Weekly Thread

    Fucking hell, I actually can't remember the last singles match I saw that didn't end as either a squash or with interference. Can we just get some wrasslin', plox?
  31. Jeep!

    American Manifest Destiny & the "American Indian"

    Genocide and ethnic cleansing, nothing less.
  32. Jeep!

    Total jackass: Islamic flag will one day fly over Finnish parliment, "proud" to be called terrorist

    Re: Total jackass: Islamic flag will one day fly over Finnish parliment, "proud" to be called terror I guess that explains why you Americans all speak Cherokee and the Canucks use fluent Ojibwe.
  33. Jeep!

    Should white performers who appear in racist, anti-White productions be boycotted?

    Since you're clearly responding to other posts but consistently ignoring a direct question you've been asked several times I'm going to assume you're a gutless coward incapable of defending his wild and blatantly false accusations until you prove otherwise.
  34. Jeep!

    Is Antonin Scalia the worst thing ever to happen to America.

    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  35. Jeep!

    Total jackass: Islamic flag will one day fly over Finnish parliment, "proud" to be called terrorist

    Re: Total jackass: Islamic flag will one day fly over Finnish parliment, "proud" to be called terror Eugh. Guys like this get to be as prominent because UK lawyers will twist every single possible piece of UK or EU legislation to keep high-profile radicals in the country, often because...
  36. Jeep!

    Supreme Court On Gay Marriage: Prop 8, DOMA To Receive Hearings

    I'd actually love him to take me to court. Then I could treat him as a hostile witness and finally get some fucking answers out of him for a change.
  37. Jeep!

    A serious question

    See this I don't get. Christy is gorgeous (even though she has gone blonde), and is a joy to watch. I'd have had no trouble casting votes for her based on that. Even though I don't like that she won after the trouble was exposed, I still have no issue putting on a video of her and wasting a few...
  38. Jeep!

    Want to see the winner of the 2013 Miss FreeOnes? Look inside!

    More to the point, how does a prominent company think that they can get away with stealing from a recognisable name (Siri was the most popular search here for quite a while, won Best Newcomer last year and placed 3rd overall this year, after all) without being caught?
  39. Jeep!

    Transgender Bathrooms in schools? Am I reading this correctly?

    That you're continuing to insist that being trans is somehow a choice or something that people decide to be, and they therefore deserve any discomfort that comes with it. That's the problem.
  40. Jeep!

    Favourite bank robbery/heist movies.

    Heat Reservoir Dogs Kelly's Heroes Kind of torn about Public Enemies too, it's good in its good parts but when it's bad it's bad. And a few that probably don't really count as "heist" movies but are still good--True Romance, Inception (the "reverse heist"), L'instinct de mort and L'ennemi public...
  41. Jeep!

    Transgender Bathrooms in schools? Am I reading this correctly?

    One of these things seems to contradict the other quite directly, but whatever keeps your ball rolling. The fact that you consider trans people to have "created their own problems" just underlines the fact that you really don't know what the problem is and likely never will, so trot along your...
  42. Jeep!

    Transgender Bathrooms in schools? Am I reading this correctly?

    You really must be an unhappy person, that you're so opposed to other people not being miserable you're willing to attack not only people who need a little extra help but also those willing to offer it.
  43. Jeep!

    Conservatives Freak Out After Google Honors Cesar Chavez on Easter

    Wait wait wait wait wait. Conservatives aren't happy that a labour unionist is being shown respect? BREAKING NEWS.
  44. Jeep!

    Should white performers who appear in racist, anti-White productions be boycotted?

    Since you're necroing this piece of ass, mind answering my question?
  45. Jeep!

    Why is it that if a pornstar doesn't want to get with black guys, it is a major issue?

    No, no, no. I'm you when you're drinking.
  46. Jeep!

    Why is it that if a pornstar doesn't want to get with black guys, it is a major issue?

    #1 was wanking to my drag shoot right? Right?
  47. Jeep!

    Do you fucking hate Daylight Savings time, too?

    Fuck it up its fucking fuck. The fuck. Fuck. Hate it.
  48. Jeep!

    what makes a girl want to lose her virginity to porn?

    Oh, tons. In unrelated news, I need to use commas more.