you mean paying as in monetarily?
if so damn right I'm paying you freaky bastard!
To add all those new bathrooms in every GOV. building would cost 100's of million dollars at least.
That kind of work ain't cheap by no stretch.
We're talking 10's of thousands if not more Latrines here soldier.
Then every damn private business and office will have to make another urination station too.
Now we might be getting into the millions of shitters.
To add a new crapper in each would cost about 10 grand each for that kind of renovation.
Now we're talking Billions of dollars because some humanoids choose to be different and gotta bitch about where they wanna blast a dookie or drain the lizard.
You think the businesses are going eat that cost? No way Hose A. theyre gonna pass it off to the consumer. Raise prices.
I know you leftys don't think about who's paying the bill much, mostly because it ain't you babe, just gimme gimme gimme.
But hate to break the news to you, things cost money - money that someone worked for .....and they shouldnt be forced to have to spend it on somebody with a sexual identity problem who can't decide where they want to defecate!
BTW, I'm still trying to locate this person.
Can anybody help me out?
You really must be an unhappy person, that you're so opposed to other people not being miserable you're willing to attack not only people who need a little extra help but also those willing to offer it.