Alligator. Wasn't gross in principle, but the actual flavour and mouthfeel of it made it the most disgusting thing I've ever put in my mouth.
Oh man, I love me some gator tail. Maybe it was the way yours was prepared? It's best in small fried chunks/nuggets.
Also, MrSStiffy, black pudding is incredible).
Probably a tequila (well, mescal actually) worm...?
Oh man! NEVER give me that shit...I will turn completely and uncontrollably psychotic. I beat up a cigarette machine in a bar, and after getting kicked out, proceeded to start knocking fence boards off with headbutts, after about a half a bottle of Monte Alban, and the worm. It was worse the time I ate it, and was tripping on acid.
I would say, a nasty pussy. I have eaten a couple I thought would eat me back...but I plowed through, because I wanted something, and I got it.