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  1. Jeep!

    FHM (UK) 100 Sexiest Women In The World 2013

    I dunno, I'd much rather have Kristen Stewart (who is attractive but lifeless and talentless) than the #2 pick Rihanna (who... well I guess she seems lively but one out of three doesn't cut it).
  2. Jeep!

    FDA allowing 15-year-olds with ID to buy morning-after pill over the counter.

    You answered it in such a manner as to suggest I had said something to you that you had taken umbrage at. I understand your position about how the girl needing the pill is going to feel. I've been there, both with friends and with partners who needed it, and I've never felt anything but support...
  3. Jeep!

    FDA allowing 15-year-olds with ID to buy morning-after pill over the counter.

    I don't know what you care about liability, I wasn't addressing you; I was addressing a post which specifically mentioned that this situation might leave a parent in a position of being responsible for something they knew nothing about, which I pointed out wasn't the case. If you want to be...
  4. Jeep!

    What if he had used an AR-15?

    I've heard this story several times, and I live on a different continent. It was national news.
  5. Jeep!

    FDA allowing 15-year-olds with ID to buy morning-after pill over the counter.

    The state aren't actually permitting or denying anyone the ability to go have sex whenever they please; and given your opinions on the limits of state controls, surely they shouldn't be trying to prevent people from exercising a fundamental freedom (unless, of course, you're a moron and a...
  6. Jeep!

    FDA allowing 15-year-olds with ID to buy morning-after pill over the counter.

    Yeah, but that line of logic only holds if the same child had gotten that medication from your cabinets--if they go out and buy a gun without you knowing and shoot someone, you're not liable, same as if they go out and buy medicine without you knowing. A private transaction conducted by an...
  7. Jeep!

    Man turns tables on shotgun-wielding attacker

    So is the NRA's new line of advertising going to be "the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with solid reflexes"?
  8. Jeep!

    Former British prime minister Baroness Thatcher dies at the age of 87 following a stroke

    I'll tell you my opinion, he's probably the only one of your prime minsters who I've ever respected.
  9. Jeep!


    And Martians shot Spencer Perceval.
  10. Jeep!

    Over 4.5 Billion people could die from Global Warming-related causes by 2012

    I'd lecture you about how climate change has absolutely zero to do with the lifespan of sun itself but I'd rather just tell you to go fuck an oncoming train while your ma watches.
  11. Jeep!

    Over 4.5 Billion people could die from Global Warming-related causes by 2012

    Use it to power something homemade?
  12. Jeep!

    Over 4.5 Billion people could die from Global Warming-related causes by 2012

    I could be wrong but I think it's about the amount received, not the total reached--so the starting point doesn't affect it, so long as the required amount is received.
  13. Jeep!

    Politicial news

    I trust a publically-owned news service who, ~80% of the time, are unbiased about things, which is a lot more than can be said about basically any newspaper in the world.
  14. Jeep!

    Politicial news

    As far as politics are concerned, I usually use The Irish News for local stuff and the BBC for worldwide stuff.
  15. Jeep!

    Pornstars Without Makeup

    Re: Pornstars without makeup
  16. Jeep!

    Abrams Tank Pushed By Congress Despite Army's Protests

    Meh. If it ends up producing more money for the economy as a keynesian move, rather than as one that benefits the military directly, then it's worth the hassle. To be frank, the strength of modern western armies these days has nothing to do with tank divisions (I'd bet you anything that good...
  17. Jeep!

    Harrison Ford’s Chest Waxing Revisited. This is for all you liberal, global warming weenies in here

    It's worth noting that the article shows its sources at each turn and they're all fairly reputable, so dismissing it for being Cracked would be entirely baseless.
  18. Jeep!

    Over 4.5 Billion people could die from Global Warming-related causes by 2012

    How about you back up any of the assertions you made in here?
  19. Jeep!

    Why is it that if a pornstar doesn't want to get with black guys, it is a major issue?

    Eurgh, this piece of shit thread again. But since we're here, hey, BioDefenseGrad, ever consider manning up and answering a question for a change?
  20. Jeep!

    Over 4.5 Billion people could die from Global Warming-related causes by 2012

    When you said you could name ten facts, none of us would have considered copy-pasta images to be "facts". How about some actual proof that nothing's happening, rather than just dumping the contents of your photobucket on us?
  21. Jeep!

    What is the fascination with 18 year old females?

    On the sauce? That's generally what does it for me.
  22. Jeep!

    Over 4.5 Billion people could die from Global Warming-related causes by 2012

    Hey Willy, how about you finally answer me and tell me why you think we have infinite supplies of fossil fuels before you wander into yet another discussion you're barely literate enough for.
  23. Jeep!

    Anyone feel that European pornstars could probably be models in the usa?

    Someone buy lizardblizzard a ticket to Ljubljana and get this obsession over with.
  24. Jeep!

    Over 4.5 Billion people could die from Global Warming-related causes by 2012

    Except I can look at basic facts such as arctic sea ice loss or the slowing of the gulf stream, and also the fact that I'm not a retard, and see that the only hoax is in the perception of people like you that if something isn't a dramatic overnight change then it can't exist. And for the record...
  25. Jeep!

    Russian Gymnast Has the World's Strongest Vagina

    Damn, I'd rather it could crush as opposed to lift. That I'd love to see.
  26. Jeep!

    Over 4.5 Billion people could die from Global Warming-related causes by 2012

    Is there some way you could maybe crawl back inside your mother and not come back until you're ready?
  27. Jeep!

    Does anyone actually find Kate Upton Attractive?

    Didn't we already have this exact thread a week or two ago?
  28. Jeep!

    National Rifle Association (NRA) was created to protect the newly freed slaves.

    And Nintendo used to make playing cards. Who cares? Its current function is a lobby organisation for manufacturing industries, and there's no point judging it by anything other than its current actions.
  29. Jeep!

    Australia's Gun Controls A Template For The U.S

    I visited Australia for a while, stayed in some pretty skeevy hostels in what I assumed to be the rough end of town (certainly was rougher than the rough end of Belfast anyway); wasn't robbed/raped/mugged/stabbed/shot once. I'd be very surprised if any high crime figures weren't found by taking...
  30. Jeep!

    Age Racism

    It's a less ridiculous topic than the one at hand, though.
  31. Jeep!

    Fuck every one of you fucking fuckers in here who support abortion.

    I'm pro-choice. What this man has done is not abortion. It's murder, it's medical malpractice of the worst kind. I support modern medicine but I hardly fucking support Harold Shipman. You're being a simplistic child to assume that this is the norm, that this is something that people who are...
  32. Jeep!

    Brian Sims, Pennsylvania Democrat, On Abortion: We Did Not 'Swear To Uphold The Bible'

    A bundle of cells that can't exist without a host is not a "child", there is a reason there are term limits on abortions. Even the ancient romans understood this, but I guess that's still beyond you Will.
  33. Jeep!

    Brian Sims, Pennsylvania Democrat, On Abortion: We Did Not 'Swear To Uphold The Bible'

    Good for him, wish there were more like him when it comes to these issues.
  34. Jeep!

    Breathtaking shots taken around the world by photographers vying for the 2013 Traveler Photo Contest

    That kangaroo is totally coming on to me (understandable, really).
  35. Jeep!

    France Legalizes Gay Marriage After Harsh Debate, Violent Protests

    I'm not changing the subject. The history of marriage as a religious rite has included everything I've mentioned, which are clearly outlined in the bible, the torah and the quran. You can't invent a new image of what marriage is out of whole cloth and ignore its history, while at the same time...
  36. Jeep!

    France Legalizes Gay Marriage After Harsh Debate, Violent Protests

    Also, as I've already stated, marriage already is an institution with no morals, no values and zero discipline. Is a union between a rapist and a rape victim a moral thing? Is the union between an old man and a pre-pubescent child one full of integrity? Stop defending something that does not...
  37. Jeep!

    France Legalizes Gay Marriage After Harsh Debate, Violent Protests

    Less than Bush overall, however. It's inaccurate to project until the end of his current term so to say he's likely to pass more or less than the norm is simply speculation, but it is evident that he's passing a lot less than most.
  38. Jeep!

    WTF is going on here ?

    Snake Plissken? In my cab?
  39. Jeep!

    France Legalizes Gay Marriage After Harsh Debate, Violent Protests

    Historically, marriages have consisted of unions between multiple people at once, between adults and children, between rapists and victims, or between soldiers and hostages. Marriage is not something with a tradition of "honour" or "piety". Stop pretending there's any erosion of moral values...
  40. Jeep!

    WTF is going on here ?

    So, suddenly four years isn't "before 2 or 3 years ago" because someone is challenging you to stop being so petulant and childish? The reason I--and everyone else--have no reason what you're referring to is because you've yet to actually specify anything, preferring to storm about in a huff and...
  41. Jeep!

    WTF is going on here ?

    So you're still not going to actually clarify what you're doing? Just gonna continue acting like you have some legitimate reason for being a condescending dick? Fair enough.
  42. Jeep!

    WTF is going on here ?

    It doesn't take a distant join-date to see that your original post was a vague dump of uselessness though, so your condescension is entirely needless. Actually state your problem or you'll likely see a raft more posts questioning what you're up to.
  43. Jeep!

    If you were Naked in a Fight with another Naked guy and his dick was 4 times bigger

    If I was naked in a fight with a guy whose cock was that big, I'd stop the fight long enough to get on here and show you it.
  44. Jeep!

    Fuck all of you fucking fuckers in here who REFUSE TO BELIEVE that Islam is out to kill us all.

    You say this, but muslim extremists are on the far right, so I fail to see how the CNN and MSNBC pundits in your mindlessly reproduced photo are wrong here.
  45. Jeep!


    I've always been partial to that whole Native Tongues scene--De La Soul's Three Feet High and Rising was the album that got me into rap in the first place, and it's hard to beat A Tribe Called Quest. I don't really care for much else though.
  46. Jeep!

    France Legalizes Gay Marriage After Harsh Debate, Violent Protests

    Explain to me how this law will make anything worse (and I will categorically not accept right-wing violence as an answer, as any stone-age reaction is solely the fault of those responsible, not of the cause they react to).
  47. Jeep!

    France Legalizes Gay Marriage After Harsh Debate, Violent Protests

    A welcome change. I knew Hollande was a good choice, even if his old missus was better-looking.
  48. Jeep!

    Boston Bombing Suspects Motivated By Afghanistan, Iraq Wars: Report

    When I saw the news I thought immediately of Oklahoma City, and this just reinforces that for me--these guys, just like McVeigh, decided in their infinite wisdom that murdering civilians was the best way to react to something entirely unconnected to the people they slaughtered. There's no jihad...