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  1. 2

    If none of you existed... I'd be happy.

    Like I have problems. You don't even know the difference between Jelly and Jam.
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    If none of you existed... I'd be happy.

    What is a bin laden? Why am I looking for a bin laden? Don't call me an AIR FORCE SLUT. I AM NOT A SLUT. You never listen anyways, so what's the point.
  3. 2

    If none of you existed... I'd be happy.

    I wouldn't have to deal with so much fighting anymore. JAJA I'm just mad I shouldn't say that. I'm sorry. I shouldn't of gotten so upset. Do you forgive me?
  4. 2

    What makes you fall in love guys?

    Hey, you are familiar? Did you get a name change from sexslave to nikki? You are probably going to hate this answer. Every guy is different and it takes time to learn how the guy works. Some guys are easier than other guys like how some women are easier than other women (no pun intended for...
  5. 2

    If a BlueBalls Exists.....

    I hate when my pet rock answers questions.
  6. 2

    If a God Exists.......

    How can you prove anything exists? What is your basis of existence? Does it have to be seen? Many things can't be seen and science just has theories for a bunch of shit. Your trying to figure out a dead end path to faith. Faith is just that it's Faith of believing. Also why would god intervene...
  7. 2

    If a BlueBalls Exists.....

    If blueballs has all the answers then why do we have an energy crisis currently? If blueballs has all the answers then why is the world filled with so much hatred? If blueballs has all the answers why can't he answer the most important question of all. Where does my water go when I pour it into...
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    I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S BEEN A YEAR ALREADY. I miss you, Billy Mays.

    HI billy mays here selling you anything under the sun and I know with a little excitement you'll buy it.
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    Bryce Harpers superfractor card -found- Holy fuck some guy just made 100k+ probably off this find.
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    Man, I got some nice free shit.

    Lol, worth trying for something. Who knows maybe you'll be a roadie.
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    Man, I got some nice free shit.

    Flip Video is a compact camcorder (720P) Dreamweaver is geek software.
  12. 2

    Man, I got some nice free shit.

    Flip Video - $209 DreamWeaver - $450 For free. JAJAJA Basement flooded and got them for free since I cleaned out the entire basement and removed all the carpet.
  13. 2

    Do you still pay for PORN?

    No just look at free stuff online.
  14. 2

    Sex domain gets official approval

    The internet is about to be regulated probably. Scares me just let it be.
  15. 2

    Shorts for men, ok or not ok?

    I am on the opposite side. You'd see me in shorts when it's -20F, not sure of that in Celcius what that would be, but pants are for scrubs. I hate pants for the most part and when I play sports like hockey I just wear socks and shorts no pants. Why do people worry about cloth attire? The less...
  16. 2

    Why American 'Football' fails to be popular outside of the US

    That's hand egg as I've been told.
  17. 2

    Porn industry people want to make you pay for porn AGAIN

    The shift of the internet is probably the problem. If you can't shift well your going no where. If the best team starts to throw the same plays over and over again after a while they will get decimated.
  18. 2

    The official "Talk shit to Andronicus Ry night" thread

    I'm reporting you for blackmail, fraud, and not enough rough sex.
  19. 2

    If you had to describe yourself. . . .
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    The official "Talk shit to Andronicus Ry night" thread

    I'm reporting all of you for acting like politicians.
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    Your teams BASEBALL Stadiums/Parks

    Who are the Marlins?
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    Your teams BASEBALL Stadiums/Parks

    I hear ya, we are close to that kind of variation between snow and rain. 30m + a year to the salary though made me very happy.
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    15 Things You Should Know About Marijuana

    You can buy them at head shops. Normal tobacco stores and they got like hookah ones to that work fine. How they work. Vaporizors. It heats up the Cannabis to the melting point of THC + CBN. It turns it into a vapor (this mist) which then allows you to smoke it. Your not burning the leaves...
  24. 2

    Your teams BASEBALL Stadiums/Parks

    LOL RAYS!!! COME JOIN US!!! I'm glad were back to outdoor baseball. The Rays are the only team with a dome now since we got rid of ours this year. New Twins Stadium is amazing, but not exactly high detail like that of kanses.
  25. 2

    Who Loathes the Other More: Brits or Americans?

    I was playing the sympathy card. Just messing with you guys and no I'm probably not going to be killing North Koreans. If I get shipped I'm going medic or staying with my tech job. You'd have to get past the marines and army more than likely to see me in a combat zone, but hearing one of my bad...
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    Who Loathes the Other More: Brits or Americans?

    I'm not an expert in soccer. This is why most American's don't like soccer. It's the mean fans around the world that don't give you a chance to like the sport. If you get something wrong they attack you. :(
  27. 2

    Miss Arroyo HIV Positive

    No he bumped a 6 year thread. The guy that previous bumped this thread after waiting so long bumped it 3 years ago.
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    Who Loathes the Other More: Brits or Americans?

    I will give it to them though. They did make a pretty nice site for the FIFA - World Cup. I hope I didn't say that wrong. Is it FIFA? North Korea won it all in the 60s I think. Only time they've won it then they left the sport and won't let the people watch it. I heard they even hired fake...
  29. 2

    What is the point of interracial porn?

    Maybe they are closet racists? I don't know if it has a market they're going to market it.
  30. 2

    Who Loathes the Other More: Brits or Americans?

    I was just wondering. I don't really watch soccer and I didn't know that was related that much to their country beside soccer. I only kind of knew what it was because I watch BBC sometimes before the show Top Gear is on and forget to change it after the show is over. I'm kind of rooting for...
  31. 2

    Happy Summer!

    Bloodshot scott. I swear you know me in real life. I had two scotts I worked with and one was gay I believed, but kept his sex life out of work which was nice. I respected him for that. I also had a good scott friend who worked the summers with me. I worked with this gay dude who was...
  32. 2

    15 Things You Should Know About Marijuana

    Yea, but it can't be legal since we hate mexicans, makes you violent, and companies like dupont and medical companies don't like it. Reason it should stay banned.
  33. 2

    Who Loathes the Other More: Brits or Americans?

    That's a pretty bomb signature dream sparrow and matching 3 dragon symbol thing? I forgot what that meant I remember seeing something on BBC about the 3 dragon symbol if I'm thinking of the right thing. What's wrong with English people? If English people don't like you or Americans don't like...
  34. 2

    Forbes releases list of most hated sports figures for 2010

    Tiger Woods - I bet many of you have cheated in a relationship, so don't hate on Tiger for that. It happens to the best of us and it's not exactly rare, but he was dumb for how he did it. Seriously he hit a fire hydrant and a tree or something like that? In like 300 feet of driving he hit what 5...
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    Happy Summer!

    I just thought I'd add that. She doesn't need to lose weight. I also am kind of an outside trainer, so I thought I'd throw in my opinion on that shit, but that when I start typing anything about health and fitness I'll type for a while. It's a bad habit, but I will stop as soon as I feel I'm...
  36. 2

    AT&T and Apple's marriage made in hell

    Apple's - 4th Commandment THOU SHALL NOT SAYING ANYTHING BAD ABOUT APPLE!!!! This thread has been reported and some kind folks that love Apple will be showing up at your door shortly. They are idiots because they'll buy anything Apple makes without looking at the differences between the...
  37. 2

    Dutch Jews Harassed and Attacked

    I would agree with this article. The Police should have one reason that is good to work undercover all the time or bait criminals and that's for hate crimes. I don't see it as a breach against human rights at all or the constitution in America. Even though it's not America. Why do people still...
  38. 2

    General McChrystal ousted

    Petra dude has an awesome name. Mcchrystal sounds like a mc donalds mixed with a chrystal. I think even his name gave him away that he was working for big business.
  39. 2

    Happy Summer!

    I'm going to break it down for you. Gym Pro - Weight room + cardio area Con - Inside boring as fuck look at the same thing or same tv for an hour. I hate running on a treadmill now or biking unless the game is on. They have those cool bikes with the TV's built in. Con/Pro - Inside air...
  40. 2

    Anyone know anything about cars?

    What's wrong with walking? Hatas gonna hate. 30k is more of my price range. I can't remember where I saw it but the debut of the more affordable car was going to be around 30k.
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    Is a man gay if he rejects my BJ offer???

    This is horrible advice. Don't tell other women this. Keep it to yourself. I haven't had sex in 27 years thanks to this kind of oppression. I reject women at times just to make it fun. It really pisses off women or makes them very defensive when you do this, but they need to understand...
  42. 2

    Canada's economy is suddenly the envy of the world

    ^ I got jealous of people doing this ^. Um, ashley Canadians are a very dirty people. They like to blow up things that are things. They are terrorists. That's Canada - sponsored by the govt.
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    Why is Obama so liked still?

    They knew the gear was damaged though. Wouldn't that be your first time to stop it? They didn't stop it because they were behind schedule. They fault this over with Trans. and bp won the argument.
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    Anyone know anything about cars? It's not the best thing on the market, but it's a start towards drivability for Americans.
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    Anyone know anything about cars?

    I want to get a tesla car as my first car.
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    Anyone know anything about cars? These look promising, but looks can be deceiving. Can anyone give me the scoop on Teslamotors? They also don't look like ugly energy cars?! What a great sign unless it's a flop.
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    Why is Obama so liked still?

    I think this is wrong in a sense. I believe the executives should be held at the highest level, but the people who rely on oil and complain about the high gas prices are probably what pushed them to make this dumbass decision. That doesn't mean they get off scott free though. I want to put my...
  48. 2

    Why is Obama so liked still?

    Your argument makes no sense either. Bp executives said keep drilling. I hope they get the executives of bp on murder. It's not first degree murder, but it's still murder nonetheless. Who would know more about drilling the guys who are doing it everyday including the engineers or the guy eating...
  49. 2

    Why is Obama so liked still?

    Middle Eastern people aren't all crazy. It's the governments much like ours. Always the same old shit. Were going back in time with the United States. The government is pushing for as much power as they can get currently. Just look at Net Nutreulity. I probably should say Obama's switch since I...
  50. 2

    More FCC, internet, government federal regulations talk

    The government isn't going after porn. They are going after people who believe in free speech. It's part of the illumanti's plan. I had a hard time believing it a while ago, but now I'm convinced and this just convinced another million+ people. Read this. And if the harm is caused by an...