15 Things You Should Know About Marijuana


Yea, but it can't be legal since we hate mexicans, makes you violent, and companies like dupont and medical companies don't like it. Reason it should stay banned.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
America can't legalize it. Iran legalized it and we hate them.


someone tell me how to do 13

You can buy them at head shops. Normal tobacco stores and they got like hookah ones to that work fine.

How they work. Vaporizors.
It heats up the Cannabis to the melting point of THC + CBN. It turns it into a vapor (this mist) which then allows you to smoke it. Your not burning the leaves your just bringing it hot enough to melt the THC+CBN. It basically just activates the chemicals.

If you want an awesome trip your balls experience then try this.
If your vaporizor is dirty and needs to be cleaned pour some alcohol into the vaporizor to clean it. Pour this alcohol into a glass and drink it straight. You'll be flying on a unicorn in no time.

You won't trip as in acid/mushrooms. I mean it more as it's an awesome experience. You can't trip off weed as it's a stimulant.

Edit - you can trip off weed somehow, but I've never had this happen. It's something to do with being related to cannabis. Not sure what it is, but it takes a ton of weed to even feel like You Might trip.

I love smoking then drinking a few beers, but sadly I can't anymore.
Can we get folks in sandwich boards and get this out to the mainstream public? I know cannabis is very popular and easy to come by, but all the hatred against it should stop. Honestly don't knock it till you've tried it. I much prefer smoking (or soon vaporizing (that sounds so cool:D)) to drinking. I've been writing to my government leaders and signing petitions to get this stuff legalized.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Beware the sly dope peddelar who slips marijuana into your tea!