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  1. Trident1

    Why did Obama won ?

    ...............and Obama isn't?
  2. Trident1

    Why did Romney lost ?

    The GOP will change itself and adapt to the new realities in this country. This election taught them that fact. There is already a younger group of Republican leaders white, hispanic and black who are taking the threshold.
  3. Trident1

    Bill Maher "Black People Will Come After You"

    When it comes from Maher's mouth that's quite debatable.
  4. Trident1

    Bill O’Reilly: People Support Obama Because ‘They Want Things'

    I assume you're joking. If not.............
  5. Trident1

    Obama wins!

    Ah the gloating from the Left. Too bad you don't have the panache to abstain from that kind of behavior. I trust you'll still be gloating when the honeymoon ends. Second terms never quite go over very well. While I sincerely hope both sides come together and work for the people, however I have...
  6. Trident1

    Proves less educated people vote GOP

    How do you figure many PhD's voted for Romney? Obviously they know something about economics.
  7. Trident1

    Bill Maher "Black People Will Come After You"

    "I would like to make this one plea: black people know who you are and they will come after you" Plenty of people including myself would've told douchebag Maher, "Bring it on we've got plenty of ammo."
  8. Trident1

    Bill O’Reilly: People Support Obama Because ‘They Want Things'

    People do want things..............they want entitlements but are unwilling to pay for them themselves rather they'd rather have someone else pay. To say that people don't want free things is ignorant, of course they do. O'Reilly is correct.
  9. Trident1

    Madonna to strip naked if Obama gets re-elected!!!

    Who the fuck even wants to see Madonna naked. That washed up crusty ass has-been is desperate to remain relevant in a world of who cares.
  10. Trident1

    Netanyahu : If the US would attack Iran "a feeling of relief would spread across the region"

    Re: Netanyahu : If the US would attack Iran "a feeling of relief would spread across the region" We're involved whether anyone likes it or not. The minute the first bomb strikes their bunkers, they'll block the Hormuz and we'll be there to clear it. The Venezuelans.
  11. Trident1

    Netanyahu : If the US would attack Iran "a feeling of relief would spread across the region"

    Re: Netanyahu : If the US would attack Iran "a feeling of relief would spread across the region" We're involved whether anyone likes it or not. The minute the first bomb strikes their bunkers, they'll block the Hormuz and we'll be there to clear it.
  12. Trident1

    Netanyahu : If the US would attack Iran "a feeling of relief would spread across the region"

    Re: Netanyahu : If the US would attack Iran "a feeling of relief would spread across the region" Now that the election is thankfully over, Israel will most likely attack Iran very soon.
  13. Trident1

    Obama wins!

    While my vote went for Romney, I take my hat off for Obama and say congats to a hard won victory. Now I won't have to listen to any more dumb political ads on TV or Youtube, just thankful it's all over.
  14. Trident1

    VP Debate.....

    Biden needs to led back to his cage.
  15. Trident1

    Joe Biden Invented A New Way to Debate Liars

    Biden looked creepy. Scary to think that a choad like him is only one step away from being President. His manner was not becoming from a supposed senior statesman. He looked more like a cheap used car salesman.
  16. Trident1

    Latest GOP Conspiracy Theory: Bureau of Labor Statistics cooked the jobs report to benefit Obama

    Several states including California didn't report all their data thus the lower unemployment number. Once the 7.8% goes through a correction which it will we'll the see the unemployment figure go well past 8%. It's believed to be anywhere from 14-19%, this includes those who have simply given...
  17. Trident1

    Libya: White House Lied, Obama Lied, Clinton Lied, Susan Rice Lied

    Obama, Hillary screwed the pooch on this one. There isn't an excuse that can possibly make up for this fuck up. Saying the the cause was from budget cutting it lame especially when there are ready military assets capable of helping the Benghazi station before the attacks which they knew were...
  18. Trident1

    VP Debate.....

    Pretty much. Hardly the attitude of a senior statesman which he claims to be.
  19. Trident1

    Romney and Ryan will reinstate slavery.

    Special Joe stubbed his wittle toe......uh oh spaghetti-oh's!
  20. Trident1

    Joe Biden

    I want "Plugs" to stay with Barry King, he's a riot.
  21. Trident1

    "The Medieval Warm Period was just as warm"---NOT!

    I never have. I was collecting fossils over 400 million years old going back to 1983.
  22. Trident1

    Breaking: Holy Shit Batman!!! 14 Dead at Batman Masacre

    Having some poster on a forum make a pro-gun statement can't be compared to a reporter pushing an anti-gun agenda on a national news program or newspaper.
  23. Trident1

    Breaking: Holy Shit Batman!!! 14 Dead at Batman Masacre

    The FBI already has a program to watch for anyone who buys ammo in bulk or in unusual amounts like that which Holmes had (6,000 rounds). Where the fuck were they?
  24. Trident1

    Breaking: Holy Shit Batman!!! 14 Dead at Batman Masacre

    When the miscreants are talking about "gun laws and restrictions" less than a day after the tragedy and they all happen to be liberal yes they are pushing an agenda.
  25. Trident1

    "The Medieval Warm Period was just as warm"---NOT!

    MMGW is bullcrap. I'd like to see the entire geological weather history of our little blue planet and view the highs and lows of our global temperature going back say 500 million years. We'd find average temperatures that are well above and well below what has been recorded.
  26. Trident1

    Breaking: Holy Shit Batman!!! 14 Dead at Batman Masacre

    I'm not pushing any agenda pal. I am outing the liberal media for pushing theirs. It took Piers Morgan less than 16 hours after the massacre to start blathering about gun control. I'm sure it took the media big wigs less than 6 hours after the attack to begin salivating at the thought of using...
  27. Trident1

    Breaking: Holy Shit Batman!!! 14 Dead at Batman Masacre

    Please explain. I have not. I've merely pointed out where they in fact have.
  28. Trident1

    Breaking: Holy Shit Batman!!! 14 Dead at Batman Masacre

    RiP to the victims, my prayers to the victim's families and speedy recovery to the injured. I see the liberal media has already begun Blood Dancing and quick to act not wanting to waste a minute to exploit the tragedy by pushing an agenda. Quite sick and pitiful.
  29. Trident1

    Barry Halts Deportation of Illegals

    http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/report-white-house-halt-deportation-young-illegal-immigrants-133800284.html Nice one Barry King. Trying to go all out to get re-elected. What an arrogant prick.:clap:
  30. Trident1

    Scott Walker retains governorship in Wisconsin recall race

    Either you agree or you don't. Nice to see some of you people on the left think death threats are a bit recherche.
  31. Trident1

    Political Insights: Obama Restarts Culture Wars on Offense

    Wow a nice biased report from the Washington Compost. Well done.
  32. Trident1

    Miss Me Yet? No, not really.

    I'd rather vote for Carter or Hillary than Barry. Another term with the neighborhood community organizer and this country is finished.
  33. Trident1

    Egyp to fall in the end of Salafists ?

    Libya, Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Syria all have/had one thing in common..........secular gov'ts. Now that secularism has failed those Arabs they are turning to the Koran.
  34. Trident1

    Scott Walker retains governorship in Wisconsin recall race

    It's more than a dozen tweets, that site only covered a few. The tweets from those sore losers are simply abominable. The Police btw are looking into the tweets, I hope they make a few arrests. The unions can now go away and think about the stunning loss. Organized labor countrywide looked at...
  35. Trident1

    Scott Walker retains governorship in Wisconsin recall race

    Still quite a shameful display from the Left. With such a display of vile hate they deserved to lose.
  36. Trident1

    Egyp to fall in the end of Salafists ?

    Egypt is already on it's way to ruin either by way of a military defeat by Israel/US or economic collapse from tourists staying away. The Arab secularists were the only ones who could navigate their countries. Were they perfect? No but they're a lot better than a bunch of beardies running around...
  37. Trident1

    Scott Walker retains governorship in Wisconsin recall race

    Dear Leader will be shown the door in November. Look at all the hate displayed by the leftists and unionistas over their defeat: http://twitchy.com/2012/06/06/kill-scott-walker-angry-libs-flood-twitter-with-death-threats-after-wisconsin-recall-defeat/ Stay classy Leftists.
  38. Trident1

    Mandy Flores

    Re: Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin! Wow you're a real firecracker!
  39. Trident1

    Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin!

    Wow you're a real firecracker!
  40. Trident1

    Egyp to fall in the end of Salafists ?

    They cannot afford to be, not when their state is threatened. The Israelis simply kick ass and don't take names.:thumbsup: The Egyptians, Tunisians, Libyans, and Syrians will turn to the Koran for their Constitutions and guidance. They'll do so because secularism has failed them time and time...
  41. Trident1

    Torture Doesn't Work

    I don't see any Christian "Jihadists" that have been captured. So far they all belong to to the Islamic faith.
  42. Trident1

    Obama Myths

    You should've been there.
  43. Trident1

    Media hastily erase articles about Malia Obama

    You need a 'lude dude. Your hate is getting the best of you.
  44. Trident1

    Torture Doesn't Work

    Does it work? Yes and we should keep doing it against any Islamist we capture who may have info we need. I'm sure we're still doing it against high value targets.
  45. Trident1

    New York Senate bill seeks to end anonymous internet posting

    Banning idiots posing behind Gay Fawlkes masks? Absolutely.
  46. Trident1

    Obama Myths

    I wish Otrauma was as real as the Boolly Wooger monster from Maclay Gym 1976.
  47. Trident1

    Biden To Honor Fallen Soldiers By Jumping Motorcycle Over Vietnam Memorial

    I would watch knowing Biden would fuck up and crash in an epic disaster that Michael Bay would find fap worthy.
  48. Trident1

    "Click it or ticket"

    Should it be enforced? No. If some dildo wants to drive without a seatbelt let him/her do so. If they want to die so be it.