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  1. calpoon

    No more anal!

    Interracial is a "circus act"? Many porn stars perform with their interracial husbands and boyfriends. Besides that, and despite the controversy on the subject, I think that comment goes too far.
  2. calpoon

    The do most US of A citizens drive cars with 4L engines thread

    What the fuck is a liter? In America we drive cars with 1.06 gallon engines.
  3. calpoon

    No more anal!

    No, more anal!
  4. calpoon


    Tonight's Hurley episode was silly. That's all that really describes it, however it was not unsatisfying. While it was nice to see Libby and Hurley on their date, they still never explained why she was in the mental institute in the first place and why they didn't seem to know that they both...
  5. calpoon

    Ron Paul's Full Speech at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihCP3cfS88E "I haven't accepted the 9/11 investigation." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZl6202HJGQ "Do you sympathize with the one million Americans that don't pay their taxes? Paul: Yeah, I do." http://board.freeones.com/showpost.php?p=4056202&postcount=1...
  6. calpoon

    Whats the difference?

    There are two candidates. One of them is a Republican who says that he always tells the truth. The other one of them is a Democrat who says that his opponent always lies. You can ask one question to figure out who to vote for.
  7. calpoon

    Brazilians aren't considered Latinos, why?

    Just for fun here's the fractional breakdown to determine race based on the usual census categorization in that scenario: Man = 1/2 white, 1/4 Other, 1/4 Hispanic Woman = 1/2 White 1/2 Other Child = 1/2 White, 1/8 Hispanic, and 3/8 Other The kid will probably just go with White, even though...
  8. calpoon

    Brazilians aren't considered Latinos, why?

    Also White or Black as a racial classifier is not scientific at all. If a man has a half European half Indigenous American mother, and a half Asian half Hispanic father, and he marries a girl that is half Asian Indian and half Pacific Islander, than what scientific basis will be used to...
  9. calpoon

    Brazilians aren't considered Latinos, why?

    Of course it's not. Did you read anything that I said? You really think that my argument is based on the assumption that I don't know that they are the same thing? I'm not even going to repeat it again, if my one sentence summary of the point was too hard to understand then there's no getting...
  10. calpoon

    Ron Paul's Full Speech at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference

    fixed. Could the Tea Baggers/ Libertarians/ Ron Paulluters be any more irrelevant? Their solution to the nation's health care: "Obamacare is bad!" Their solution to the budget crisis:"Bail outs are bad!" No, seriously, what is their solution to the budget crisis? "Don't pay taxes, don't...
  11. calpoon

    Brazilians aren't considered Latinos, why?

    Really? Then it's probably because you aren't one. What's wrong with it is that it is a term invented by "white" people and not what "black" people call(ed) themselves. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want the people that enslaved my people to tell me who I was. There's nothing...
  12. calpoon


    I disagree on that one. I felt that both seasons three and four were stronger than five, which was the worst one (and season six is shaping up to match it.) but that's just my :2 cents:. I think in the very begging JJ Abrams said, "I want to film a plane crash." Which bloomed into, "How do I do...
  13. calpoon

    Growing Number of Americans Distrust Census

    Good. I encourage them not fill out the census. Then the national survey will just reflect that there aren't any Tea Baggers, and the only people who filled it out are poor and the government will give them more money.
  14. calpoon


    Trans-dimensional Desmond is awesome! I couldn't agree more with Bella, this was the first episode this season that I really liked. Along with last weeks, I'm getting more hopeful after the Ben and Richard episodes left a thoroughly bad taste in my mouth. Character drama has always been the...
  15. calpoon

    Day Jobs?

    I've always wondered about this phrase. Emphasizing that someone has a job where they work during the day implies that they could have some other job where they don't work during the day. Does this refer to alternative sources of income such as investments or peddling drugs to kids? Or is it a...
  16. calpoon

    Hero who helped subdue shoe bomber becomes citizen

    First they steal our jobs, then they steal our heroic deeds. They should have shot him and sent his body back to Mexico, damn no good illegal.
  17. calpoon

    Movies You Have Seen Lately That Really Suck

    Repo Men It had good actors and decent production, but that couldn't save it from bad writing, bad editing, and bad dialogue.
  18. calpoon

    What are you reading now?

    sweet. One of his best.
  19. calpoon

    Young Elian Gonzales ten years later -- as a COMMUNIST!

    I was making a joke about Will E's comment to suggest that the same criticisms could be said against Capitalism.
  20. calpoon

    25 Killed in Mine Blast - 4 Still Missing

    You didn't say it per se`, but you did imply that I shouldn't criticize hydroelectricty on account of all the people that died in dam construction... which would imply that you don't think that their is a problem with people dying in unsafe work conditions or that they are otherwise justified by...
  21. calpoon

    Killed by US gunships

    How can you say that there should be no ethical imperative in warfare? Warfare is a strategic attack against a target for achieving a goal- it's not just the indiscriminate killing of anyone that happens to be in the area or might be a threat. And it's not the justification for any action taken...
  22. calpoon

    Killed by US gunships

    I didn't read the article. Frankly, I have no taste for journalism written in a narrative form. I'm not joking.
  23. calpoon

    25 Killed in Mine Blast - 4 Still Missing

    :confused: Wait, so you are saying that you are in favor of people dying in unsafe work conditions?
  24. calpoon

    Young Elian Gonzales ten years later -- as a COMMUNIST!

    OT, but isn't the presidential vote based on the electoral college... so it's only 27 votes that matter for Florida.
  25. calpoon

    Concerning relationships, has this happened to you?

    I think that you should stand outside her window holding up a stereo playing Peter Gabriel.
  26. calpoon

    Young Elian Gonzales ten years later -- as a COMMUNIST!

    All of the leaders that are anti-communism are hypocrites. They say they want what is best for their people, yet they live in poverty and are not free. While the people of their country live in poverty the dictators sit on thrones wealthy beyond belief. Hypocrites everyone of them...
  27. calpoon

    Young Elian Gonzales ten years later -- as a COMMUNIST!

    Didn't you say that he was the most important person of the 20th century? Oh, you. I think that the most influential person during the 2000 election was Chad. I'm not really sure who he was since they never said his last name, but I remember hearing them talk about him a lot.
  28. calpoon

    25 Killed in Mine Blast - 4 Still Missing

    Another reason why fossil fuels are so fucked up.
  29. calpoon

    Fuck you, George Lucas! Fuck you!

    That sucks that they replaced the lead charter with some German guy.
  30. calpoon

    OK, seriously, it's time to get the F out of Afghanistan

    So you want to change it to Aghanistan?
  31. calpoon

    Fuck you, George Lucas! Fuck you!

    Lucas can eat an Ewok dick. But I disagree about the expanded universe sucking. The Thrawn books were lightyears better than anything that has been put out in the Prequels/Clone Wars. Even at it's worst NJO is still better. I think that it took guts to reinvent a loved franchise and break the...
  32. calpoon

    When you are drinking.......

    Hope that obamacare will cover me for a new liver.
  33. calpoon

    Obama to allow oil drilling off Virginia coast

    What does this have to do with liberals or conservatives? Where I live in Arizona and in much of the southwestern US it's sunny about 300 days out of the year. You could cover every building in solar panels and the price of that initial investment would give your free energy forever. Sounds...
  34. calpoon

    Once Again, 545 vs 300 million

    Yeah, it's this little thing where we elect leaders to make decisions for us instead of everyone voting on everything. It's called a Republic. The idea's been around for a few thousand years or so, no biggie.
  35. calpoon

    Would you get a tattoo of a girl?

    I want to get a tattoo of a butt with a butt-shaped tattoo on it...and I want to get it on my butt.
  36. calpoon

    Obama to allow oil drilling off Virginia coast

    And it's sad, really, isn't it? To me the problem with America in the last 40 years or so is not a single or even multi political ideological platform, but just all around poor decision making by both the government and the public and a disregard for long term planning. I think it's the idea of...
  37. calpoon

    Obama to allow oil drilling off Virginia coast

    Bullshit. That Market spurs technological innovations is a myth. The light bulb, telephone, radio and airplane were all invented by people with no economic backing. In fact, no market for these products even existed at the time because they were sheer imaginative design application, not...
  38. calpoon

    Univeristy Muslims pray on road because don't want to share room

    Guess you haven't been to Northern Ireland lately. Really what is this debate about? They had a problem, instead of making a big deal about it, they just went somewhere else and did what they wanted to and didn't bother anyone...and people are still pissed off about it. What more do you want...
  39. calpoon

    What are you reading now?

    Utopia Or Oblivion by R. Buckminster Fuller Just finished Ring by Koji Suzuki. As almost always, much better than the movie(s).
  40. calpoon

    This is the type of story that pisses me off

    Wow. I'm surprised that I'm one of the few people who is not outraged by this. I thought everyone on here was a Libertarian/Conservative "constitutionalist?", that believed in fighting for Freedom, and all that jazz. What a bunch of hypocrisy. Just proves that people only stick to their beliefs...
  41. calpoon


    PS. Yes, nothing happened, but I liked last weeks episode. As opposed to asshole Ben, I actually care about Jin and Sun so their flash-sideways was interesting. Although it was totally predictable, I'm also stoked that Desi is back. He's my favorite.
  42. calpoon


    Some theories: Jacob is evil and the purpose of the Island is to keep him from escaping. The only way that he can do that is by finding someone else to replace him and be held prisoner on the island instead. It's the job of the smoke monster to make sure that he doesn't escape, and that's why he...
  43. calpoon

    The man behind the Russian terrorist attacks

    That analogy would only apply if the secessionist movements in America were being carried out by Native Indians. Chechya was never voluntarily a part of Russia and they have been trying to gain independence from it since before the formation of the Soviet Union.
  44. calpoon

    PETA Terrifies Children at McDonalds

    That's kind of funny you should say that. Originally there was a group of environmentalists that decided to take a more aggressive stance (IE: destroying shit) in wilderness conservation. They called themselves the Earth Liberation Front- ELF. Which was apt because elves are naturalistic...
  45. calpoon

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Sherlock Holmes A film that actually had set design and a minimum of unnecessary CGI! I'm amazed! Although the end fight sequence was really bad and it had a lot of ridiculous "fancy" camera work and too much slow mo, the good script and acting easily made up for it.
  46. calpoon

    My new shitlist.

    Everyone is on baconsalts shitlist. Get it? Because he wants to shit on people.
  47. calpoon

    PETA Terrifies Children at McDonalds

    As opposed to McDonalds using clowns, toys, playgrounds and "happy meals" to sell their products to children? It's not a one way street when it comes to propagandizing and taking advantage.
  48. calpoon

    "Clash of the Titans" Boom or Bust?

    looks like another typical Hollywood attempt to replace CGI and 3D with acting, plot, setting,etc. And not only that, they couldn't even come up with an original premise. It's not even the summer blockbusters and already there's a bombardment of flicks lacking any kind of intellectual or...
  49. calpoon

    PETA Terrifies Children at McDonalds

    Can you let me in on your secret for traveling to parallel universes? That would be really cool. I don't want to waste my time and effort trying to change people's minds. I don't want to waste my time and effort trying to not change people's minds. I do however want to waste my time and effort...
  50. calpoon

    Is the tea party the 21st century KKK?

    As far as I know the Libertarian Party and the Tea Bag Party are not affiliated. But I appreciate your post. It showed some thought on the issues, instead of a bunch of stupid things that people have been shouting out on here, and elsewhere. That is my major debate here. I have no problem with...