Trump trusts Russia over US intelligence

If you believe anything from that low life mobster you are truly a fool.

Because believing in Mueller isn't a sign of being a fool? Yes it is and same thing if you think that Obama Notrauma is irreproachable.
Because believing in Mueller isn't a sign of being a fool? Yes it is and same thing if you think that Obama Notrauma is irreproachable.

Rolbert Mueller : former FBI director
Vladimir Putin : former KGB officer

Now, if you think that, on the topic of russian hackers trying to influence US elections, a former KGB officer is more trustworthy than a former FBI director, you're either incredibly stupid or incredibly dishonest

For fuck sake, 12 russian agents indicted + Manafort, Papadopoulos, Gates, etc.
What do you need to finally think it could be real ? A document written and signed by Putin himself in which he admits trying to influence the election ? Trump admitting it's true ?
Hey democrats, you want to do your part to protect against Russian hackers?

Next time you get an email from "Google" directing you to a site to change your password, don't type your password (see John Podesta and other democrat staffers). Idiots.
Rolbert Mueller : former FBI director
Vladimir Putin : former KGB officer

Now, if you think that, on the topic of russian hackers trying to influence US elections, a former KGB officer is more trustworthy than a former FBI director, you're either incredibly stupid or incredibly dishonest

For fuck sake, 12 russian agents indicted + Manafort, Papadopoulos, Gates, etc.
What do you need to finally think it could be real ? A document written and signed by Putin himself in which he admits trying to influence the election ? Trump admitting it's true ?

You seem to have forgotten or perhaps did you do it voluntarily. The FBI raided Manafort's storage unit based on a tip from the associated liberal press
Also Mueller said in a court filing Friday 6th July that his prosecutors will not present evidence regarding Trump campaign collusion with Russia at an upcoming trial for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
And a fair Trial for Manafort is impossible in DC as Di Genova pointed out
Mueller has revealed why he believes the Manafort prosecution is related to the 2016 Trump campaign. It's a small part, a very small part, of the overall charges against Manafort. And it has nothing to do with any actions by the candidate – now the president – himself. Mueller's revelation came in an argument he is having with the Manafort defense over what subjects can and cannot be discussed in front of jurors in Manafort's upcoming trial. (Manafort is charged in both Virginia and the District of Columbia with various counts of bank fraud, tax evasion, and failure to register as a representative of foreign interests; the Virginia trial is scheduled to begin later this month.).
Do you think after that Mueller is that credible when not even presenting the evidence regarding Trump campaign collusion with Russia ?
So who is dishonest, naive and stupid? Certainly not me
We might as well abandon reasoning with these guys. This picture sums the problems up nicely


Laughable and childish argument from the ones who rooted up and backed up Obama twice as well as who voted for Killary.
Trump raised the ante to 3-4 percent and he got commitments to raise spending and accelerate it. Reasonable people would infer that some countries have committed to meeting that since without the United States, NATO ceases to exist.
But then again, no one has ever accused you of being reasonable.

Ah, so it doesn't actually say any of the things you claimed it says, you just inferred what you wanted, because you're reasonable. And anyone who doesn't infer the same is unreasonable.

Maybe that's why I got bored of posting here, you're too easy to take apart and too dense to realize when it's happened.
Ah, so it doesn't actually say any of the things you claimed it says, you just inferred what you wanted, because you're reasonable. And anyone who doesn't infer the same is unreasonable.

Maybe that's why I got bored of posting here, you're too easy to take apart and too dense to realize when it's happened.

You said that Trump accomplished “ jack shit” when in fact his meeting with NATO member countries produced commitments to raise spending and I even posted a link to where the NATO Secretary General confirmed it. It was about 2 a.m. in the morning when I first responded but still I pointed out that Trump’s meeting with NATO countries was highly productive. My inference is a hell of a lot more spot on than your claim that he didn’t get jack done.

You’re not bored, you’re just tired of embarrassing yourself constantly.
Do you think after that Mueller is that credible when not even presenting the evidence regarding Trump campaign collusion with Russia ?
So who is dishonest, naive and stupid? Certainly not me
Why would he bring evidences of collusion in a trial in which Manafort is indicted for Bank fraud, False tax return, etc. ?
If you want to tria someone for murder, you don't need to bring evidences of robbery.
True. But again, not even the Republican congress trusts Trump to do the right thing about Russia, and after this episode it becomes all the more apparent why.

do the right thing vs. say? Again, President Trump's policies have been harsher towards Russia than his predecessors. I seem to remember a Russian consulate in Seattle being shut down and expelled recently. His rhetoric hasn't matched his actions but which is more important? I'm not President Trump, but it seems he thinks he can persuade Putin through his sheer force of personality. To a former KGB intelligence officer who dreams of restoring the Soviet Union, that's likely a fool's errand but he's trying, as have the last two administrations. The alternative is another Cold War between the world's most prolific nuclear powers with tensions higher than they've been since Kennedy.

Whatever blunder President Trump has made, the hyenas in congress and the media are only exacerbating when it comes to the Kremlin smiling over this.

This is pointless and we're going in circles. You attributed President Trump allowing Ukraine to receive anti-tank weapons which is a great equalizer against Russian armor as a "publicity stunt." Whereas Obama was too worried of antagonizing Russia to do the same.

But carry on. I'm not going throw my hands up and declare my departure over it.
and nevermind Papa Doc nixing those anti-missile defense systems in Poland and the Czech Republic to placate Putin.

but focus on the optics of a press conference. as much as I hate that word.


How predictable. :rolleyes::facepalm:
Meanwhile you seem to have forgotten that Russia had dirt on Obama

Engagement with Putin? Trump is hardly the first

Rand Paul defends Trump’s Russia comments against combative Wolf Blitzer
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