
From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered

WASHINGTON — Two weeks before his inauguration, Donald J. Trump was shown highly classified intelligence indicating that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had personally ordered complex cyberattacks to sway the 2016 American election.

The evidence included texts and emails from Russian military officers and information gleaned from a top-secret source close to Mr. Putin, who had described to the C.I.A. how the Kremlin decided to execute its campaign of hacking and disinformation.

Mr. Trump sounded grudgingly convinced, according to several people who attended the intelligence briefing. But ever since, Mr. Trump has tried to cloud the very clear findings that he received on Jan. 6, 2017, which his own intelligence leaders have unanimously endorsed.

The shifting narrative underscores the degree to which Mr. Trump regularly picks and chooses intelligence to suit his political purposes. That has never been more clear than this week.
On Monday, standing next to the Russian president in Helsinki, Finland, Mr. Trump said he accepted Mr. Putin’s denial of Russian election intrusions. By Tuesday, faced with a bipartisan political outcry, Mr. Trump sought to walk back his words and sided with his intelligence agencies.

On Wednesday, when a reporter asked, “Is Russia still targeting the U.S.?” Mr. Trump shot back, “No” — directly contradicting statements made only days earlier by his director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, who was sitting a few chairs away in the Cabinet Room. (The White House later said he was responding to a different question.)

Hours later, in a CBS News interview, Mr. Trump seemed to reverse course again. He blamed Mr. Putin personally, but only indirectly, for the election interference by Russia, “because he’s in charge of the country.”

In the run-up to this week’s ducking and weaving, Mr. Trump has done all he can to suggest other possible explanations for the hacks into the American political system. His fear, according to one of his closest aides who spoke on the condition of anonymity, is that any admission of even an unsuccessful Russian attempt to influence the 2016 vote raises questions about the legitimacy of his presidency.
Wait, so the Russians did attack us? You're convinced by the IC that it was in fact the Russians? I just want to to get this clarified

I think that they did and I am convinced by it. If not the Russians did it, then who did it? Tell me then why your Dealer at the time being told to his cybersecurity chief to stand down???? I wanted that clarified as well.
Intelligence disseminated by Brenner and Clapper. :rolleyes:
The New York Times: All the news fit to wipe your ass with.
I think that they did and I am convinced by it. If not the Russians did it, then who did it? Tell me then why your Dealer at the time being told to his cybersecurity chief to stand down???? I wanted that clarified as well.

Do you disagree with Dan Coats' statement and the statements from Trump's own IC chiefs?

In a remarkable response, Coats sent a statement not long after, standing by his findings. "We have been clear in our assessments of Russian meddling in the 2016 election and their ongoing, pervasive efforts to undermine our democracy, and we will continue to provide unvarnished and objective intelligence in support of our national security." The statement reasserting the intelligence community's assessment was unprecedented because it was not cleared through official White House channels and reveals a widening chasm between Trump and his intelligence chief.

Tell me then why your Dealer at the time being told to his cybersecurity chief to stand down???? I wanted that clarified as well.

This will answer your question as to why he ordered his national security officials to stand down. Let me know what you think.

"Why the Hell Are We Standing Down?"
Do you disagree with Dan Coats' statement and the statements from Trump's own IC chiefs?

In a remarkable response, Coats sent a statement not long after, standing by his findings. "We have been clear in our assessments of Russian meddling in the 2016 election and their ongoing, pervasive efforts to undermine our democracy, and we will continue to provide unvarnished and objective intelligence in support of our national security." The statement reasserting the intelligence community's assessment was unprecedented because it was not cleared through official White House channels and reveals a widening chasm between Trump and his intelligence chief.

This will answer your question as to why he ordered his national security officials to stand down. Let me know what you think.

"Why the Hell Are We Standing Down?"
Well about the first link here are two others regarding Coats that corroborate the facts

About the motherjones link, I don't have much trust in it but if it was this true then why did John Brennan out an American spy in Russia to hurt Trump? Then why does he say agencies can ‘withhold vital intelligence’ from POTUS in retaliation? Because their poor Hillary lost and so the dems and any former Obama associates/devotees want to impeach Trump. However there is no revolt when it comes about Hillary's 30000 missing emails and the missing servers. Talk about bias and double standards.
That Mother Jones link is one of the greatest pieces of fiction ever offered for consumption. Essentially it has created a story around incompetence to play cover your ass.
His fear, according to one of his closest aides who spoke on the condition of anonymity, is that any admission of even an unsuccessful Russian attempt to influence the 2016 vote raises questions about the legitimacy of his presidency.

Thank you anonymous captain obvious. That's only been glaringly apparent from the git go.


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His fear, according to one of his closest aides who spoke on the condition of anonymity, is that any admission of even an unsuccessful Russian attempt to influence the 2016 vote raises questions about the legitimacy of his presidency.

Thank you anonymous captain obvious. That's only been glaringly apparent from the git go.

It is a tad bit futile argueing with the Trump fans here and elsewhere. Even as the situatiuon has been and still is crystal clear from the start, they will never accept. At best, they will say, others did it, too
Well about the first link here are two others regarding Coats that corroborate the facts

About the motherjones link, I don't have much trust in it but if it was this true then why did John Brennan out an American spy in Russia to hurt Trump? Then why does he say agencies can ‘withhold vital intelligence’ from POTUS in retaliation? Because their poor Hillary lost and so the dems and any former Obama associates/devotees want to impeach Trump. However there is no revolt when it comes about Hillary's 30000 missing emails and the missing servers. Talk about bias and double standards.

What missing servers are you talking about? I can tell you got this from Dear Leader because he also was ranting like a lunatic about "missing servers"? There are no missing servers. Are you under the belief that to investigate the DNC hacks the FBI has to have the physical servers in their possession? If so you have absolutely no idea how virtual crime investigations are handled. The Russians didn't break in Watergate style and get their prints all over the DNC server racks. Therefore you don't need to have the actual servers in your possession so to run it for prints and DNA.

I swear Trump could come out and say the moon is made of cheese and the sheep would go right along with it

Trump and his allies are capitalizing on a basic misapprehension of how computer intrusion investigations work. Investigating a virtual crime isn’t a like investigating a murder. The Russians didn’t leave DNA evidence on the server racks and fingerprints on the keyboards. All the evidence of their comings and goings was on the computer hard drives, and in memory, and in the ephemeral network transmissions to and from the GRU’s command-and-control servers.

When cyber investigators respond to an incident, they capture that evidence in a process called “imaging.” They make an exact byte-for-byte copy of the hard drives. They do the same for the machine’s memory, capturing evidence that would otherwise be lost at the next reboot, and they monitor and store the traffic passing through the victim’s network. This has been standard procedure in computer intrusion investigations for decades. The images, not the computer’s hardware, provide the evidence.

Both the DNC and the security firm Crowdstrike, hired to respond to the breach, have said repeatedly over the years that they gave the FBI a copy of all the DNC images back in 2016. The DNC reiterated that Monday in a statement to the Daily Beast.
What missing servers are you talking about? I can tell you got this from Dear Leader because he also was ranting like a lunatic about "missing servers"? There are no missing servers. Are you under the belief that to investigate the DNC hacks the FBI has to have the physical servers in their possession? If so you have absolutely no idea how virtual crime investigations are handled. The Russians didn't break in Watergate style and get their prints all over the DNC server racks. Therefore you don't need to have the actual servers in your possession so to run it for prints and DNA.

I swear Trump could come out and say the moon is made of cheese and the sheep would go right along with it

That only applies to hacking and intrusions dipshit. It does not apply to illegal activities conducted on an electronic device nor does it apply to computer to computer or networking crimes. This equipment would and should be physically confiscated and examined by forensic experts.

No wonder you put your tail between your legs and pretend you can’t read my posts. I would too if I got my ass kicked constantly.