If you believe anything from that low life mobster you are truly a fool.
Because believing in Mueller isn't a sign of being a fool? Yes it is and same thing if you think that Obama Notrauma is irreproachable.
If you believe anything from that low life mobster you are truly a fool.
Because believing in Mueller isn't a sign of being a fool? Yes it is and same thing if you think that Obama Notrauma is irreproachable.
If you believe anything from that low life mobster you are truly a fool.
Rolbert Mueller : former FBI director
Vladimir Putin : former KGB officer
Now, if you think that, on the topic of russian hackers trying to influence US elections, a former KGB officer is more trustworthy than a former FBI director, you're either incredibly stupid or incredibly dishonest
For fuck sake, 12 russian agents indicted + Manafort, Papadopoulos, Gates, etc.
What do you need to finally think it could be real ? A document written and signed by Putin himself in which he admits trying to influence the election ? Trump admitting it's true ?
We might as well abandon reasoning with these guys. This picture sums the problems up nicely
Trump raised the ante to 3-4 percent and he got commitments to raise spending and accelerate it. Reasonable people would infer that some countries have committed to meeting that since without the United States, NATO ceases to exist.
But then again, no one has ever accused you of being reasonable.
Ah, so it doesn't actually say any of the things you claimed it says, you just inferred what you wanted, because you're reasonable. And anyone who doesn't infer the same is unreasonable.
Maybe that's why I got bored of posting here, you're too easy to take apart and too dense to realize when it's happened.
Why would he bring evidences of collusion in a trial in which Manafort is indicted for Bank fraud, False tax return, etc. ?Do you think after that Mueller is that credible when not even presenting the evidence regarding Trump campaign collusion with Russia ?
So who is dishonest, naive and stupid? Certainly not me
True. But again, not even the Republican congress trusts Trump to do the right thing about Russia, and after this episode it becomes all the more apparent why.